I have recently joined a pharmaceutical company. I am asked to prepare job description of quality controll offcer, Manager, production manager, admin supervisor, account manager etc. Can anyone send me the same? Also I have to make performance appraisal of all the staffs in pharmaceutical company? Is there anybody to help me?
From Nepal, Kathmandu
Dear Parash,

Job Description: - Formats are available in this forum. Please check this forum. Above all, you need to sit with the individual and understand the various job requirements. JD can be designed then only.

Performance Appraisal: - Rather than concentrating on just Performance Appraisal (PA), I recommend you instituting comprehensive Performance Management System (PMS). PA is part of PMS.

Setting up Performance Management System (PMS) is far more serious activity. It has to be handled with due sensitivity. To institute PMS it requires great exposure across the spectrum of industries. If mishandled it may do more harm than good.

To know more about instituting PMS in the company, you click here to refer my past post.

There is lot of misconception on the concept of KPI and KRA. To remove this misconception, I have uploaded my presentation on Youtube. To refer that video, you may click here.

I have been giving my replies on the subject time and again. If you wish to refer my past replies, then you may click the following links to refer those:

Subjectivity in Performance Appraisal


I handle consulting on PMS. To know more about my services, you may click here. Talk to your management and if they are ready then we may work together. If you hire my services, I will do deep study of each department and design new measures which hitherto you had never thought of.


Dinesh Divekar

Management Training Consultant

Bangalore - 560092


From India, Bangalore
Hi Parash,
Job Description is a broad, general, written statement of a specific job. It generally includes
scope, and working conditions of a job along with the job's title, and
the name or designation of the person to whom the employee reports.
Job description usually forms the basis of job specification.
Job Specification is a statement of employee characteristics and qualifications required for satisfactory performance of defined duties and tasks comprising a specific job or function.
Hope with these you can frame things as per your requirement.

From India, Chennai
Dear Parash,
You may get lots of samples, if you "Google".Almost all the Job description would be similar for particular post except a few, (differs with the industry).
I am sending a few that I have collected."Go through and Prepare" one as per your requirement(pharma industry).
Kindly,Don't just copy paste!! Take out what can be used for your industry as well as company.
Regarding the performance appraisal you may find a lots of models in citehr.
All the best!!

From India, Chennai
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