I joined an organization that is 1 year old and i am selected as an hr here then what steps should I follow for a newly established business as an hr?
From India, Delhi
From India, Delhi
Interesting stage of the career and certainly an interesting question!
Before I say something, it would have been nicer and appropriate if you had also stated your background-particularly experience in the profession and the academic qualification in HR! That would elicit appropriate responses!
Having said that, kindly look at the following questions.
1) Are you into a manufacturing industry or some other (state nature of the industry please)?
2) Total category wise strength of the organization.
3) Status on statutory compliances.
4) Is there an "org. chart" showing "levels of responsibilities" and "reporting relationships" in tune with functional arrangement?
5) Are Terms and conditions of employment in place?
6) Is every employee issued an "Appointment Letter"?
7) Are codified "rules and procedures" of conduct established?
I am afraid I could go on and on but it will be good if you collect and compile the above information before focusing your approach to handle your HR responsibilities? Incidentally, have you been given a "job profile" by the organization?
You are free to respond on the message board itself or send a private message because this could run to a long dialogue. Decide for yourself as how you wish to better equip yourself for the responsibility you have been loaded with with and how you wish to handle these!
Nothing to get discouraged about but apparently there is a lot of hard work in store for you to find your feet in the profession and then to excel!
November 26, 2014
From India, Pune
Interesting stage of the career and certainly an interesting question!
Before I say something, it would have been nicer and appropriate if you had also stated your background-particularly experience in the profession and the academic qualification in HR! That would elicit appropriate responses!
Having said that, kindly look at the following questions.
1) Are you into a manufacturing industry or some other (state nature of the industry please)?
2) Total category wise strength of the organization.
3) Status on statutory compliances.
4) Is there an "org. chart" showing "levels of responsibilities" and "reporting relationships" in tune with functional arrangement?
5) Are Terms and conditions of employment in place?
6) Is every employee issued an "Appointment Letter"?
7) Are codified "rules and procedures" of conduct established?
I am afraid I could go on and on but it will be good if you collect and compile the above information before focusing your approach to handle your HR responsibilities? Incidentally, have you been given a "job profile" by the organization?
You are free to respond on the message board itself or send a private message because this could run to a long dialogue. Decide for yourself as how you wish to better equip yourself for the responsibility you have been loaded with with and how you wish to handle these!
Nothing to get discouraged about but apparently there is a lot of hard work in store for you to find your feet in the profession and then to excel!
November 26, 2014
From India, Pune
Dear Tanuja,
You could have given little more information about your future job. What is the nature of industry, what is your finished product or service, how many persons are employed etc.
The main job of HR department is to improve the productivity or maintain the productivity at certain level of each person or department in order to optimise the various costs associated with the business. We need to optimise the costs as while reducing one cost, we should not increase some other cost.
Secondly, your organisation is new. Therefore, the standards that you maintain now will decide the standards of future. For this, you need concentrate on measures of performance. Measures of performance for not just people but for organisation also. To do this you need to identity the direct and indirect costs associated with each department. For this it is highly recommended to introduce Performance Management System (PMS) in your company.
Introduction of performance-centric culture will surely bring sea change the organisation's thinking. You may convince your MD on introduction PMS. Possibly you may meet resistance from him too. However, your real test lies in convincing him. This is because there is great misconception that this HR jargon like PMS is reserved for big organisation and not for "small" organisation like us.
Let me draw analogy with a person who is homeless. He has some money to build a house. Should he go for building foundation or structure with roof? Few think roof over the head is important. Others think, once I raise the structure, digging for foundation is not wise. Therefore, let us go as per sequence.
Management science is applicable to all, whether small or big. In fact when you are at small, it is at this stage culture of the company shaped. PMS fosters culture of measurement. What you are going to do after five years depends on what you do today. Therefore, never defer introduction of PMS. As such stabilisation of PMS takes 2-5 years. Therefore, by the time you grow, PMS will have stabilised. To know more about PMS, you may click the following link:
In the above link, you will go further hyperlinks. Go through entire thread of discussion. It will educate you about PMS. If your MD is convinced, then you may approach for the consulting services.
Dinesh Divekar
From India, Bangalore
You could have given little more information about your future job. What is the nature of industry, what is your finished product or service, how many persons are employed etc.
The main job of HR department is to improve the productivity or maintain the productivity at certain level of each person or department in order to optimise the various costs associated with the business. We need to optimise the costs as while reducing one cost, we should not increase some other cost.
Secondly, your organisation is new. Therefore, the standards that you maintain now will decide the standards of future. For this, you need concentrate on measures of performance. Measures of performance for not just people but for organisation also. To do this you need to identity the direct and indirect costs associated with each department. For this it is highly recommended to introduce Performance Management System (PMS) in your company.
Introduction of performance-centric culture will surely bring sea change the organisation's thinking. You may convince your MD on introduction PMS. Possibly you may meet resistance from him too. However, your real test lies in convincing him. This is because there is great misconception that this HR jargon like PMS is reserved for big organisation and not for "small" organisation like us.
Let me draw analogy with a person who is homeless. He has some money to build a house. Should he go for building foundation or structure with roof? Few think roof over the head is important. Others think, once I raise the structure, digging for foundation is not wise. Therefore, let us go as per sequence.
Management science is applicable to all, whether small or big. In fact when you are at small, it is at this stage culture of the company shaped. PMS fosters culture of measurement. What you are going to do after five years depends on what you do today. Therefore, never defer introduction of PMS. As such stabilisation of PMS takes 2-5 years. Therefore, by the time you grow, PMS will have stabilised. To know more about PMS, you may click the following link:
In the above link, you will go further hyperlinks. Go through entire thread of discussion. It will educate you about PMS. If your MD is convinced, then you may approach for the consulting services.
Dinesh Divekar
From India, Bangalore
Hi Tanujaji,
When I joined my last two Organisations (1 Steel Plant & 2 Power Plant-both labour intensive Mfg.Cos., I have followed/developed following Policies/Steps to Manage/Set up HR Dept., Hope; it may be useful to u/ur Co.,
I am based near Bangaluru and will be happy to clarify all details. Please contact on 9535470460.
================================================== ==
(Some of the Below Points are to elicit information to develop Policies. You may please skip / ignore if not applicable).
1. What are the HR Policies currently introduced /
Implemented ?.
2. Which are the Policies Management wants to introduce ?
3. (Some of the Policies are furnished below for Ready Reference)
All POLICIES for Recruitment, T&D, Framing of Standing Orders, HR Manual, Leave Rules, Service Rules, Leave Encashment, MB Rules, C.A., LTA, Medical Reimbursement, Medical Treatment, Performance Appraisal, Performance Incentive, Production Incentive, Benevolent / Death /Accident Relief Fund / Adarshanidhi, Bonus, Gratuity, Superannuation Scheme, Advances for Medical Treatment, Marriage, Education, Purchase of House, Vehicles etc.,
M.P./HRIS Reports, Man-power Planning, Succession Planning, Salary Admn., EPF,ESI, all Statutory Licence, Returns, Compliances, Contractors & Contract Labourers, Transport, Canteen, Security, Insurance, WC, Wage Settlement, Disciplinary Procedures for Absenteeism, Issue Show Cause Notice, Conduct Enquiry for various Misconducts as per Certified Standing Orders & Service Rules, Lay-Off, Retrenchment, Strike, Dismissal, all types of Terminations, V.R.S., Superannuation, Exit Formalities, etc.,
4. Attendance/Punching System, Out/OOD/Visitor Pass
5. Absent Reporting Form/Monitoring/Disciplinary Measures to control
Absenteeism- Memo, SC Notice, Enquiry, Termination under A.O.S.
6. Do you have a Standing Orders ? / Certified ?
Compliance with Certified STANDING ORDERS,
Do’s & don’ts / Duties, Obligations of employees,
. What employees Supposed to do & what NOT to do-140 Points.
Mis-conducts for which employees
Effect of Non-Compliance with S.O.,
7. Do you have Leave Rules framed for the employees ?
8. Details of SL/CL/PL+PL Encashment,Leave Card/Register+MB
9. Recruitment / Appointment Procedures / Policies
10. Man Power Indent Form
11. Company Application / Bio Data Form to collect full details.
12. Screening Applications for Interview / Selection Form
13. Check-list for Interview- Form
14. Interview Assessment & Approval for Recruitment Form
15. Check-list for Appointment - Form
16. Offer Letter / Appointment Advice
17. Medical Examination for Fitness
18. Joining Report, Induction Process
19. Personal Files with all Certificates - Contents Form.
20. Rules & Regulations relating to Appointment.
21. Terms and Conditions, Salary Fixing in Appointment Orders
22. Service Rules -All Circular, Office Orders, Rules,
Systems, Procedures, Practices etc. framed for Compliance.
23. O.T., Extra Work - Co-Off Application/Register
24. MP Monthly Reports, MIS
25. Statutory Reports / Returns / Compliance
26. RIGHTS of Employer on Employees
Employees are appointed & paid not only to be present but also
to do assigned job, Actions for Negligence / Neglect of work,
27. Work Execution, Job Description, Daily Duty Chart
28. Disciplinary Procedures for Mis-Conduct
29. Constitution of various Committees
30. Welfare Activities/Policies for the Benefit of employees
31. Transport, Canteen & Medical Provision
32. EPF & ESI, All ACTS, LAWS, Welfare Schemes/Measures.
33. ISO Certification, T&D
34. Employees Turnover per month,
35. Resignation/Terminations/Exiting Procedures, Notice Period etc.,
36. Exit Interview Form to get feedback from Leaving employees.
37. Whether Company has a Salary/Pay Scale/Grading/Categorising
of employees based on Qlfcn. Exp.,Designation, Salary etc.,
38. Performance Appraisal/Assessment for Regularisation of Trainees,
Confirmation, Promotion, Special Increment, T&D etc.,
39. Contract Labour Registration with LO, Registers, Licences
40. Factories Act/Shops & Estt.Act, Records, Registers
In addition to the above 40 Points, the Steps mentioned in the Main Letter i.e., STEPS FOLLOWED TO SET UP H.R. Dept. for Mfg.Cos. / Estt., together will give full inputs required to setup a HR Dept.
(I have 150+ Policies on all HR Matters in Soft-Copy. The List with Rules, Procedures & Formats will be provided as per your needs).
All these POLICIES are made with supporting Formats, Rules, in simple terms with my long years of exp. in various Mfg.Cos. in Soft Copy (in Pendrive) for easy adoption and implementation.
I request you kindly to Identify your Specific Subjects/ Policies to frame HR Rules and inform me; for further needful action.
I am grateful to you for sparing your valuable time to look into our Proposal and I now request you to give me an opportunity to train & implement HR Policies in your Organisation.
Thanks and Regards.
H.R. Consultant & Advocate,
AGM (HR&A), #.FS 478, Dr.Ambedkar High School, CM Lay Out , Hiriyur, Chitradurga /
# Rahaman Bldg., Chikkamaranahalli, Devasandra, Bangalore, Karnataka, S.India. /
Mobile No. 9535470460 Email:
, Qualification: BA,LLB, PGDPM, (MBA-HR),
Ex-Member, NIPM, Calcutta, Ex- Trainee-Member, Indian Institute of Management, B;lore.
Languages Known: All South Indian Languages + English & Hindi
From India, Bangalore
When I joined my last two Organisations (1 Steel Plant & 2 Power Plant-both labour intensive Mfg.Cos., I have followed/developed following Policies/Steps to Manage/Set up HR Dept., Hope; it may be useful to u/ur Co.,
I am based near Bangaluru and will be happy to clarify all details. Please contact on 9535470460.
================================================== ==
(Some of the Below Points are to elicit information to develop Policies. You may please skip / ignore if not applicable).
1. What are the HR Policies currently introduced /
Implemented ?.
2. Which are the Policies Management wants to introduce ?
3. (Some of the Policies are furnished below for Ready Reference)
All POLICIES for Recruitment, T&D, Framing of Standing Orders, HR Manual, Leave Rules, Service Rules, Leave Encashment, MB Rules, C.A., LTA, Medical Reimbursement, Medical Treatment, Performance Appraisal, Performance Incentive, Production Incentive, Benevolent / Death /Accident Relief Fund / Adarshanidhi, Bonus, Gratuity, Superannuation Scheme, Advances for Medical Treatment, Marriage, Education, Purchase of House, Vehicles etc.,
M.P./HRIS Reports, Man-power Planning, Succession Planning, Salary Admn., EPF,ESI, all Statutory Licence, Returns, Compliances, Contractors & Contract Labourers, Transport, Canteen, Security, Insurance, WC, Wage Settlement, Disciplinary Procedures for Absenteeism, Issue Show Cause Notice, Conduct Enquiry for various Misconducts as per Certified Standing Orders & Service Rules, Lay-Off, Retrenchment, Strike, Dismissal, all types of Terminations, V.R.S., Superannuation, Exit Formalities, etc.,
4. Attendance/Punching System, Out/OOD/Visitor Pass
5. Absent Reporting Form/Monitoring/Disciplinary Measures to control
Absenteeism- Memo, SC Notice, Enquiry, Termination under A.O.S.
6. Do you have a Standing Orders ? / Certified ?
Compliance with Certified STANDING ORDERS,
Do’s & don’ts / Duties, Obligations of employees,
. What employees Supposed to do & what NOT to do-140 Points.
Mis-conducts for which employees
Effect of Non-Compliance with S.O.,
7. Do you have Leave Rules framed for the employees ?
8. Details of SL/CL/PL+PL Encashment,Leave Card/Register+MB
9. Recruitment / Appointment Procedures / Policies
10. Man Power Indent Form
11. Company Application / Bio Data Form to collect full details.
12. Screening Applications for Interview / Selection Form
13. Check-list for Interview- Form
14. Interview Assessment & Approval for Recruitment Form
15. Check-list for Appointment - Form
16. Offer Letter / Appointment Advice
17. Medical Examination for Fitness
18. Joining Report, Induction Process
19. Personal Files with all Certificates - Contents Form.
20. Rules & Regulations relating to Appointment.
21. Terms and Conditions, Salary Fixing in Appointment Orders
22. Service Rules -All Circular, Office Orders, Rules,
Systems, Procedures, Practices etc. framed for Compliance.
23. O.T., Extra Work - Co-Off Application/Register
24. MP Monthly Reports, MIS
25. Statutory Reports / Returns / Compliance
26. RIGHTS of Employer on Employees
Employees are appointed & paid not only to be present but also
to do assigned job, Actions for Negligence / Neglect of work,
27. Work Execution, Job Description, Daily Duty Chart
28. Disciplinary Procedures for Mis-Conduct
29. Constitution of various Committees
30. Welfare Activities/Policies for the Benefit of employees
31. Transport, Canteen & Medical Provision
32. EPF & ESI, All ACTS, LAWS, Welfare Schemes/Measures.
33. ISO Certification, T&D
34. Employees Turnover per month,
35. Resignation/Terminations/Exiting Procedures, Notice Period etc.,
36. Exit Interview Form to get feedback from Leaving employees.
37. Whether Company has a Salary/Pay Scale/Grading/Categorising
of employees based on Qlfcn. Exp.,Designation, Salary etc.,
38. Performance Appraisal/Assessment for Regularisation of Trainees,
Confirmation, Promotion, Special Increment, T&D etc.,
39. Contract Labour Registration with LO, Registers, Licences
40. Factories Act/Shops & Estt.Act, Records, Registers
In addition to the above 40 Points, the Steps mentioned in the Main Letter i.e., STEPS FOLLOWED TO SET UP H.R. Dept. for Mfg.Cos. / Estt., together will give full inputs required to setup a HR Dept.
(I have 150+ Policies on all HR Matters in Soft-Copy. The List with Rules, Procedures & Formats will be provided as per your needs).
All these POLICIES are made with supporting Formats, Rules, in simple terms with my long years of exp. in various Mfg.Cos. in Soft Copy (in Pendrive) for easy adoption and implementation.
I request you kindly to Identify your Specific Subjects/ Policies to frame HR Rules and inform me; for further needful action.
I am grateful to you for sparing your valuable time to look into our Proposal and I now request you to give me an opportunity to train & implement HR Policies in your Organisation.
Thanks and Regards.
H.R. Consultant & Advocate,
AGM (HR&A), #.FS 478, Dr.Ambedkar High School, CM Lay Out , Hiriyur, Chitradurga /
# Rahaman Bldg., Chikkamaranahalli, Devasandra, Bangalore, Karnataka, S.India. /
Mobile No. 9535470460 Email:
Ex-Member, NIPM, Calcutta, Ex- Trainee-Member, Indian Institute of Management, B;lore.
Languages Known: All South Indian Languages + English & Hindi
From India, Bangalore
OMG you are just in a similiar position like my friend last year.Infact he joined a company that started with 3 employees and grew to 43 employees.I am not sure what is the present condition of paper works etc etc.
Samvedan and C.Neyimkhan has given a good list of work details above.
The best solution is start from scratch.
1) determine the head count.
2) put the employee payroll role first.ensure all deduction (ppf ectc)as per law were done if not start from this month.
3)take charge of all old attendance registers/resumes/etc etc.and then start putting everything in place.
a little more reference to your standing and we would be in a better position to help you.
Jeff Davy
From India, Mumbai
Samvedan and C.Neyimkhan has given a good list of work details above.
The best solution is start from scratch.
1) determine the head count.
2) put the employee payroll role first.ensure all deduction (ppf ectc)as per law were done if not start from this month.
3)take charge of all old attendance registers/resumes/etc etc.and then start putting everything in place.
a little more reference to your standing and we would be in a better position to help you.
Jeff Davy
From India, Mumbai
Dear Jeff,
There are 20 employees in my organization, most of the employees are working in sales team... m the new one and only in hr dept, i really need a guidence how to set up and grow the hr department because i want to grow myself in hr and build a career in the same, this is a good oppurtunity for me to do this and prove myself.
please guide me and help me.
From India, Gurgaon
There are 20 employees in my organization, most of the employees are working in sales team... m the new one and only in hr dept, i really need a guidence how to set up and grow the hr department because i want to grow myself in hr and build a career in the same, this is a good oppurtunity for me to do this and prove myself.
please guide me and help me.
From India, Gurgaon
hi Jyoti,
Its very tricky since i do not know the qualification you have but since you want to build your career in HR. I would definitely advise you to do a certification in HR.
HR job comes with great responsibility and compliance if not followed to the core can get the company into legal trouble.
Certification will take time so to start thing running the correct way follow my prior answers.
Since it is a small setup it is easy to start.I have some good excel sheets for calculating payroll.do send your email id to davyjeff@gmail.com
From India, Mumbai
Its very tricky since i do not know the qualification you have but since you want to build your career in HR. I would definitely advise you to do a certification in HR.
HR job comes with great responsibility and compliance if not followed to the core can get the company into legal trouble.
Certification will take time so to start thing running the correct way follow my prior answers.
Since it is a small setup it is easy to start.I have some good excel sheets for calculating payroll.do send your email id to davyjeff@gmail.com
From India, Mumbai
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