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Dear Sir, I wanted to konw about the industrial standing order 1946, whether it has any separate form, and do we need to submit it to regional Labour office of the state.
From India, Pune
Hi jagannath

What I understand is you want to frame standing orders under the Industrial Employment (Standing orders) Act 1946. The Act has a Schedule which spells out the matters/subjects of employment.Under the Act, the appropriate government - whether central or state government frames the rules for industrial establishments falling under their respective control. These rules have schedules which provide for model standing orders. These modelstanding orders are nothing but rules or service conditions in respective of the matters specified in the Schedule to the Act. For example, the schedule contains a matter on 'attendance and late coming'. The model standing orders describe in detail about the 'attendance and late coming'. As an establishment, you have to frame your standing orders on the lines of these model standing orders and submit for certification.Thus the model standing orders serve a s format as the very name suggests it.


HR & Labour Law consultant

Chipinbiz Consultancy. Pvt.Ltd


Tel: 022-28324234/Mob : 09930532927

From India, Mumbai
Thanks Sir,
for elaborating the on standing order 1946, i also wanted to know about how to found the works committee & safety committes in the factory and what is the benefit of both committees.
Jaganath H. L.

From India, Pune
Hi jagannath

Every State frames it's own rules under the Factories Act 1948 with regard to constitution of Safety committes.For example, as per Maharastra Rules, a factory employing 250 or more workers or which carries on any process or operation declared to be dangerous under Sec.87 of the Factories Act 1948 and employes more than 50 workers or which carries a hazardous process as defined under Sec. 2(cb) of the Factories Act 1948 and employs more than 50 workers, shall constitute a safety committee, consisting of the representatives of the management and workers. Therefore you need to refer to the Factory Rules of your state(in which the factory is located).

A safety Committeee will assist the managmment in achieving the aims of the Health and safety policy, creating safety awareness and dealing with all matters concerning health and safety and provide solutions to related problems.

So far as workers' committee is concerned, the State Government may pass an order directing an industrial establishment( which includes factories) or class of establishments employing one hundred or more workmen to constitute a workers' committe under Sec.3 of the Industrial Disputes Act 1947. The State Government concerned will frame rules as to how the workers' comittee will have to b econstitutes.You need to verify whether any such order ishas been passed by your state government and then refer to ypor state ruels about the procedure to constitute the committee.

The objective of workes committee to promote harmony and good relations between the employer and the workemen. the mangement can seek it's suggesstions in framing various policies concerning the interest sof the workmen.

Trust this will give you abroad idea to launch yourself on the specifics as per your state rules.


HR & labour Law Consultant

Chipinbiz Consultancy


Mob: 09930532927

From India, Mumbai
Sub: Submission of draft Industrial Standing Orders
In the Industrial Standing orders Act, model Standing orders are also available in the book . You have frame by following the model contents to your co. requirements.
You can also collect copies from similar cos to frame the Standing Orders. Reference copies are also
available in the office of Standing Orders certification Officer (Normally Dy.Commissioner of
Labour) of your co. region.
LL.HR & IR Consultant.

From India, Hyderabad
Dear Sir,
Please clarify whether Industrial Employment(Standing Orders) Act-1946 and Bonus Act-1965 is applicable to Medical Teaching College & Hospital in Andhra Pradesh.
With regards
General Manager-HR

From India, Madras
Dear sir , I want freedom of association which is mentioned in standing orders urgently. Nagaraja.R HR Executive
From India, Bangalore
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