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Hi Senior, Always general Administration and HR administration is overlapping, kindly give your thought about this? Regards Lalitha
From India, Coimbatore
You may bifurcate the activities based on nature like General Administration may include Civil Maintenance, Transportation and Landscaping , fumigation/pest control administration, whereas HR Administration may include Canteen, Guest House, Travel arrangements, hotels & ticketing and housekeeping , security of company. Rest other activities may be defined based of core nature.

From India
Dear Lalitha Ji,
These are the Following Role Function of Personnel Management-
1. Human Resource:
- Manpower Planning
- Organizational Structure
- Compensation Package
- Training
- Appraisal
- Organizational Development
- Personal Records (Database Management)
- Management Development
2. Industrial Relation/ Employee Relation
- Statutory Compliance
- Relationship with Union,Employee,Government and Local bodies
- Negotiation
- Labour Laws Implementation
- Court proceeds
- Discipline
- Time office Worker
I.R plays a role as a Firefighter .
3. Welfare
- Canteen
- Hospital/First Aid
- Schemes
- School
- Functions of Organization
It's plays a role as a Care taker.
4. Administration
- Transport
- Establishment ( when new project awarded)
-Housing Colony
- Security
- Miscellaneous (Telephone,Electricity etc.)
Based on above you can define General Administration and HR Administration as we know that all are comes under Personnel Management concept.

From India, Surat
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