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Hello All,
I 've this situation where in my manager is not accepting my resignation in the portal . My last working day is tomorrow , and i have sent him several reminders to accept it so that i can start my clerence process kicked in.
My notice period was 3 months , but there was an issue for which i had taken HR suggestion and 5th august was confirmed as my last working day oficially .
He has sent me an official mail that 5th august will be my last working day , but the same is pending in portal. I complained this to the Head HR and they said they will look into the matter and infor the Manager.
My manager behaviour is outrageous , and he hasn't been talking proffesionally with with after I tendered my resignation.
Can a reputed company make any obe stay beyond notice period ? I am afraid , he 'll . I need to take this to legally fight if nedded , please help me

From India
Thank PON for the response
The HR is aware of this , as i was releasing early in one month, My Manager officially sent me a mail saying 5th is my last working day . The same should be approved in the portal , but he's not doing it in my case .

From India
My worry is - can this person plot somethign and ask me to stay beyond 5th august . The Head HR has agreed to look into it
From India
Thanks , so how can I ask the HR to help me on this. My Manager is not there and he 's not responding . How can i personally ask HR to help me so that the managers approves.
tomorrow i have to get all the clearnce

From India
I need your advice on what needs to be done. I have been officialy intimated 5th August as my last working day . However, this has not be accepted in the portal by my manager till now . My HR said she had written a mail to him.Still no response. how can i legally proceed. I am here for some opinions .please help me as i feel helpless
From India
Legally you are on the right foot and your manager knows it. He is either indecisive or wants to put you under some tension or whatever reason.

My suggestion is do not over-react. Remember, you have been abiding by your service conditions and finally he will have to relent else you can take recourse of law in which you could put a charge of harassment as well as mental agony too.

Keep your documents properly, remain cool and wait till 5th... as a worst case you might take some time for clearances. To overcome that, Tell the HR to circulate a memo to all departments that you have put in your resignation and might be leaving by 5th, subject to approval and that they should intimate if anything is outstanding. In case she doesn't do, you write directly. Make sure it is in written form, not email.

In addition, write a normal mail VERY POLITELY to your boss that as per the conditions of egagement and earlier intimations to that effect, you MAY be leaving on 5th Aug, and that he should

From India
Thank you very very much for the clear explanation. This has put me as ease. I 'll meet the HR first thing tomorrow ( @ 9 AM ) . But some one not approving till the last day is not acceptable for any one.
I have been polite evry time , but becuase of this i really got worried and wanted legal advice from you .
Thank you very much . Hope he doesn't ask me to stay beyond 5, other wise i don't know whom to approach on this.

From India
cpinindia - I am waiting here in the office, Have done exactly the way you asked me to.
1)Send a mail to my manager again to approve
2)Send a mail to my HR business Partner - to look into the matter legally( i Had informed her yesterday , but there was no response)
3)sent a mail to HR department to circulate a memo to help clear my outstanding if any .
It's been two hours , and no one is responding . What should i DO?
Any one, please suggest for this matter. I am tensed whether this can create a problem for me or something.
Please help

From India
Hi hammerfall !
I will advise you to meet up with your HR personally and tell him/her that as per HR' reply to you to relieve you by 5th you will consider that your resignation is being accepted as there is no reply from your boss. Relax!
HR will take care of your exit formalities as per his commitment. Keep your documents as proof of acceptance of resignation. As you have added that Hr has circulated the memo, they will take care of your severance.

From India, Mumbai
Check your contract of employment. comply with the required notice- your boss does not have to sign acceptance. send a copy of resignation to HR hand over material or keep it with you.... someone in the company will come looking for it at some point. ... leave. If they continue to pay you then keep all monies aside and return it whe requested or enter into a repayment arrangement
From Australia, Darlinghurst
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