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What exactly BOCW central rule 56 focusing on periodic inspection of lifting equipment?
From India, Bhatinda
Before commissioning the crane we have done inspection , load test and certify by authorised person. Is it requird to do 3rd party (authorised person) inspection certification every time we change the boom configaration. What the BOCW rule 56 says.
From India, Bhatinda

Dear Mr. Ilango

All the Acts and Rules are mainly made for giving us guidance to us. Whatever lifting appliances, lifting tools, tackles, wire ropes, it will be having its specific life period i.e., life while in use and shell life. For Hired Vehicles RTO is having the control over it, to take the Fitness Certificate. (For Owners Vehicles it is not required as it will be maintained by the owner to keep him safe). Like that in Construction Industries, majority workforce are unskilled and to safeguard their life, the Government has made BOCW Act and enacted in parliament in 1996, which is mainly taking care of the workers involved in construction activities. The contractors may not concentrate on the safety aspect of the lifting appliances. that's the reason the Act insists the contractors to ensure that all the lifting appliances are required to be inspected by the authorised Third Party duly identified/authorised by the appropriate Government.

Whenever there is a change in the configuaration of Lifting appliances and if there is no change took place then every year, the lifting appliances must be inspected by third party and a certificate to that effect must be obtained and maintained by the contractors.

The following stuff have been reproduced from the BOCW Rules for your information I have not mentioned the Rule Nos because it may vary from state to state.

Construction and maintenance of lifting appliances

Every employer shall ensure at a construction site that-

(a) All lifting appliances, including their parts and working gear, whether fixed or movable and any plant or gear used in anchoring authoring or fixing of such appliances, are-

(i) of sound construction, sound material, and of adequate strength to serve the purpose for which these are to be used and all such appliances shall be free from patent defects; and

(ii) maintained in good repair and working condition;

(b) (i) every pulley around which the rope of any lifting appliance is carried, is of adequate diameter and sound construction in relation to such rope;

(ii) any rope which terminates at the winding drum of a lifting appliance is securely attached to such drum and at least 3 dead turns of such rope remain on such drum in every operating position of such lifting appliance;

(iv) the flange of a drum projects twice the rope diameter beyond the last layer of such rope and if such projection is not available, other measures like anti-slackness guards shall be provided to prevent such rope from coming off such drum;

(c) Every lifting appliance is provided with adequate and efficient brakes, which -

(i) are capable of preventing fall of a suspended load (including any test load) and of effectively controlling such load while it is being lowered;

(ii) act without shock;

(iii) have shoes that can be easily removed for running; and

(iv) are provided with simple and easily accessible means of adjustment:

(d) Controls of every lifting appliance,-

(i) are so situated that the driver of such appliance at his stand or seat has ample room for operating and has an unrestricted view of construction work as far as practicable, and that he remains clear of the load and ropes and that no load passes over him;

(ii) are positioned with due regard to ergonometric considerations for proper operation of such appliance;

(iii) are so located that the driver of such appliance remains above the height of the heel block during the whole operation of such appliance;

(iv) have upon them or adjacent to them clear markings to indicated their purposes and mode of operations;

(v) are provided, where necessary, with a suitable locking device to prevent accidental movement or displacement;

(vi) move, as far as practicable, in the direction of the resultant load movement; and

(vii) Wherever automatic brakes are provided, automatically come to the neutral position in case of power failure.

Test and periodical examination of lifting appliances.-

The employer shall ensure at construction site that,-

(a) all lifting appliances are tested and examined by a competent person before being taken into use for the first time or after it has undergone any alterations or repairs liable to affect its strength or stability or after erection on a construction site and also once at least in every 5 years, in the manner specified in Schedule - I;

(b) all lifting appliances are thoroughly examined by a competent person once at least in every 12 months.

Automatic safe load indicators:

(1) Every employer shall ensure at a construction site of a building or other construction work that,-

(i) every crane, if so constructed that the safe working load may be varied by raising or lowering of the jib or otherwise, is attached with an automatic indicator of safe working loads which gives a warning to the operator wherever the load exceeds the safe working load;

(ii) cut-out is provided which automatically arrests the movements of the lifting parts of every crane if the load exceeds the safe working load, wherever possible;

(2) the provisions of sub-clause (i) of sub-rule (1) apply, except where it is not possible to install an automatic safe load indicator, in which case, provision of a table showing the safe working loads at the corresponding inclinations or radius of the jib on the crane shall be considered sufficient.


Every employer shall ensure at a construction site that,-

(a) fixed lifting appliances are installed:

(i) by competent persons;

(ii) in a manner that such appliances cannot be displaced by the load, vibration or other influences;

(iii) in a manner that the operator of such appliances is not exposed to danger from loads, ropes or drums; and

(iv) in a manner that the operator can either see over the zone of operation or communicate with all loading and unloading points by signal, or other communication system; points by signal or other communication system;

(b) adequate clearance is provided between parts or loads of lifting appliances and

(i) the fixed objects such as walls and posts; or

(ii) electrical conductors;

(c) the lifting appliances, when exposed to wind loading are given sufficient additional strength, stability and rigidity to withstand such loading safely;

(d) No structural alterations or repairs are made on any part of the lifting appliances that effect the safety of such appliances without obtaining the opinion of the competent person to this effect.


Every employer shall ensure at a construction site that, -

(a) (i) winches are not used if control levers operate with excessive friction or play;

(ii) double gear winches are not used unless a positive means of locking the gear shift is provided;

(iii) there is no load other than the fall and the hook assembly on the winch while changing gears on a two gear winch;

(iv) adequate protection is provided to winch operator against abnormal weather;

(v) temporary seats or shelters for winch operators which may pose hazard to the operator or any workers are not allowed to be used;

(vi) control levers are secured in the neutral position and, whenever possible, the power is shut off whenever winches are left unattended;

(b) in use of every steam winch-

(i) measures are taken to prevent escaping steam from construction site or other workplace or from otherwise hindering or injuring any worker;

(ii) extension control levers which tend to fall of their own weight are counterbalanced;

(iii) Operators are not permitted to use the winch control extension levers except for short handles on wheel type controls and that such levers are of adequate strength, secure and fastened with metal connections at the fulcrum and at the permanent control lever;

(c) in use of every electric winch, no worker is permitted to transfer, alter or adjust electric control circuits in case of any defect in such winch;

(d) electric winches are not used for building work where-

(i) the electro-magnetic brake is unable to hold the load; or one or more control points, either hoisting or lowering, are not operating properly.


Every employer shall ensure at a site that tip-up buckets are equipped with a device that effectively prevents accidental tipping.

Identification and marking of safe working load.-

Every employer shall ensure at a construction site that,-

(a) every lifting appliance and loose gear is clearly marked for its safe working load land identification by stamping or other suitable means;

(i) every derrick (other than derrick crane) is clearly marked for its safe working load when such derrick is used either in single purchase with a lower block or in union purchases in all possible block positions;

(ii) the lowest angle to the horizontal, to which the derrick may be used, is legibly marked;

(b) every lifting appliance having more than one working load is fitted with effective means to enable the operator to determine safe working load at each point under all conditions of use;

(c) means to ascertain the safe working load for lifting gears under such conditions in which such gears may by used are provided to enable a worker using such gears and such means shall consist of-

(i) marking the safe working load in plain figures or letters upon the sling or upon a tablet or ring of durable material attached securely thereto in case of chain slings; and

(ii) either the means specified in sub-clause (i) or notices so exhibited as can be easily read by any concerned building worker stating the safe working load for the various sizes of the wire rope slings used in case of wire rope slings.

Loading of lifting appliances and lifting gears.-

Every employer shall ensure at a construction site that,-

(a) no lifting appliance, lifting gear or wire rope is used in an unsafe way and in such a manner as to involve risk to life of workers, and that they are not loaded beyond their safe working load except for testing purposes under the direction of a competent person in the manner as specified in Schedule I;

(b) no lifting appliance, lifting gear or any other material handling appliance is used, if,-

(i) the Inspector having jurisdiction is not satisfied with reference to a certificate of test or examination or to an authenticated record maintained as provided under these rules; and

(ii) in the view of such Inspector, the lifting appliance, lifting gear or any other material handling appliance is not safe for use in site and

(iii) no pulley block is used in site unless the safe working load and its identification are clearly marked on such block.

Operator’s cab or cabin.-

Every employer shall ensure at a construction site that,-

(a) the operator of every lifting machine in outdoor service is provided with a cab or cabin which-

(i) is made of fire resistant material;

(ii) has a suitable seat, a foot rest and protection from vibration;

(iii) affords the operator an adequate view of the area of operation;

(iv) affords the necessary access to working parts in cab;

(v) affords the operator an adequate protection against the weather;

(vi) is adequately ventilated; and

(vii) is provided with a suitable fire extinguisher.

Operation of lifting appliances.-

Every employer shall ensure at a construction site that-

(a) every crane driver or lifting operator possess adequate skill and training in the operation of the particular lifting appliance;

(b) no person under 18 age is in control of any lifting appliance, scaffold winch, or to give signals to the operator;

(c) precaution is taken by the trained operator to prevent lifting appliance from being set in motion;

(d) the operation of lifting appliance is governed by signals, in conformity with the relevant national standards;

(e) the lifting appliance operator’s attention is not distracted while he is working;

(f) no crane, hoist, winch or other lifting appliance or any part of such crane, hoist, winch or other lifting appliance is , except for testing purposes, loaded beyond the safe working load;

(g) during the hoisting operations effective precaution is taken to prevent any person from standing or passing under the load in such operations;

(h) operator does not leave lifting appliance unattended while power is on or load is suspended to such appliance;

(i) no person rides on a suspended load or any lifting appliance;

(j) every part of a load in course of being hoisted or lowered is adequately suspended and supported to prevent danger;

(k) every receptacle used for hoisting bricks, tiles, slates or other material is suitable enclosed as to prevent the fall of any such materials;

(l) the hoisting platform is enclosed when loose materials or loaded wheel-barrows are placed directly on such platform or lowering, such materials or wheel barrows;

(m) no material is raised, lowered or slowed with any lifting appliance in such a way as to cause sudden jerks to such appliance;

(n) in hoisting a barrow, any wheel of such barrow is not used as a means of support unless adequate steps are taken to prevent the axle of such wheel from slipping out of its bearings;

(o) long objects like planks or girders are provided with a tag line to prevent any possibility of danger while raising or lowering such objects;

(p) during the process of landing of material, a building worker is not permitted to lean out into empty space for finding out the loading and unloading of such material;

(q) the hoisting of loads at places where there is regular flow or traffic is carried out in an enclosed space, or in case such hoisting is impracticable in enclosed space, measures are taken to hold up or divert the traffic during the time of such hoisting;

(r) adequate steps are taken to prevent a load, in the course of being hoisted or lowered from coming into contact with any object to avoid any displacement of such load;

(s) appliances are provided and used for guiding heavy loads when raising or lowering heavy loads to avoid crushing of hands of building workers during such raising or lowering of loads.


Every employer shall ensure at a construction site that,-

(a) hoist towers are designed according to relevant national standards;

(b) hoist shafts are provided with rigid panels or other adequate fencing-

(i) at the ground level on all sides of such shafts; and

(ii) at al other levels on all sides of the access to such shafts;

(c) the walls of hoist shafts, except at approaches, extend to at least 2M above the floor or platform of access to such shafts;

(d) approaches to a hoist are provided with gates which are-

(i) gridded to maintain visibility;

(ii) at least of 2M height; and

(iii) equipment with a device which requires such gate to be closed before the platform of such hoist can leave the landing and prevents the gate from being opened unless such platform is at the landing;

(e) approaches to a hoist are adequately lit;

(f) the guides of hoist platforms offer sufficient resistance to bending and bucking, in the case of jamming, by providing a safety catch;

(g) overhead beams and their supports are capable of holding the total maximum live and dead loads that such beams and supports will be required to carry, with a safety factor of at least 5;

(h) a clear space is provided--

(i) above the highest stopping place of a cage or platform to allow sufficient unobstructed travel of such cage or platform in case of over winding; and

(ii) below the lowest stopping place of such cage or platform;

(i) adequate covering is provided above the top of hoist shafts to prevent materials from falling into such shafts;

(j) outdoor hoist towers are erected on adequately firm foundations and are securely braced, guyed and anchored;

(k) a ladder way extends from the bottom to the top of every outdoor hoist tower in case no other ladder way exists within easy reach and such ladder way comply with the relevant national standards;

(l) the rated capacity of a hoisting engine is at least 1.5 times the maximum load that such engine will be required to move;

(m) all gearing on a hoisting engine is securely enclosed;

(n) steam piping of a hoisting engine is adequately protected against accidental contact of such piping with a building worker;

(o) electrical equipment of a hoisting engine is effectively earthed;

(p) a hoist is provided with suitable devices to stop a hoisting engine as soon as the platform of such hoist reaches its highest stopping place;

(q) a hoisting engine is protected by a suitable cover against weather and falling objects;

(r) a hoisting engine set up in a public thoroughfare is completely enclosed;

(s) all exhaust steam pipes discharge steam in such a manner that the steam so discharged does not scald any person or obstruct the operator’s view;

(t) the motion of a hoist is not reversed without first bringing it to rest to avoid any harm from such reverse motion;

(u) a hoist, not designed for the conveyance of persons, is not set in motion from the platform of such hoist;

(v) pawls and ratchet-wheels of a hoist, requiring disengagement of such pawls from such ratchet wheels, before the platform of such hoist is lowered, are not used;

(w) a platform of a hoist is capable of supporting such maximum load, that such platform may carry, with a safety factor of at least 3;

(x) a platform of a hoist is equipped with suitable safety gear which can hold such platform with its maximum load in case its hoisting rope breaks;

(y) on platform of a hoist, the wheelbarrows or truck are efficiently blocked in a safe position;

(z) a cage of a hoist or a platform, where workers are required to enter into such cage or to go on such platform at landing level, is provided with a locking arrangement to prevent such cage or platform from moving during the time a worker enters or leaves such cage or platform;

(za) the sides of a platform of a hoist which, are not used for loading or unloading, are provided with toe-board and enclosures of a wire mesh or any other suitable means to prevent the fall of any part of a load from such platform;

(zb) a platform of a hoist, which has any probability of falling and part of load from it, is provided with an adequate covering with such fall;

(zc) the counter-weights of a hoist consisting of an assemblage of several parts are so constructed that such parts are rigidly connected together;

(zd) the counter-weights of a hoist run between guides;

(ze) at every level of work the workers are provided with adequate platforms for performing such work;

(zf) a legible notice in Kannada / English as well as in a local language is displayed at –

(ii) a conspicuous place of the platforms of a hoist and that such notice states the maximum carrying capacity of such hoist in kg;

(iii) a conspicuous place on the hoisting engine and that such notice states maximum lifting capacity of such hoist in kg;

(iv) a conspicuous place on a hoist carrying goods and other materials and such notice states that such hoist is not meant for carriage of persons.

Fencing of and means of access to lifting appliances.-

Every employer shall ensure at a construction site that,-

(a) safe means of access is provided to every part of a lifting appliance;

(b) the operator’s platform on every crane or tip driven by mechanical power is securely fenced and is provided with safe means of access and where access to such platform is by a ladder,-

(i) the sides of such ladder extend to a reasonable height beyond such platforms or some other suitable handhold is provided in lieu thereof to prevent any falling of persons from such platforms;

(ii) the handling place on such platform is maintained free from obstruction and slipping; and

(iii) in case the height of such ladder exceeds 06M, the resting platforms are provided on such ladder at every 06M of its height and where the distance between the last platform so provided and the top end of such ladder is more than 02M then on such top end.

Construction and maintenance of lifting gear.-

Every employer shall ensure at a construction site that,-

(a) every lifting gear is -

(i) of good design and construction, sound material and adequate strength to perform the work for which it is used;

(ii) free from patent defects; and

(iii) properly maintained in good repair and working order;

(b) components of the loose gear, at the time of its use, are renewed if one of its dimensions at any point has decreased by 10% or more by user;

(c) a chain is withdrawn from use when it is stretched and increased in length which exceeds 5% of its length or when a link of such chain is deformed or is otherwise damaged or raised scarves of defective welds appeared on it;

(d) rings, hooks, swivels and end links attached to a chain are of the same material as that of such chain;

(e) the voltage of electric supply to any magnetic lifting device does not fluctuate by more than + 10% or – 10%.

From India, Kumbakonam

If the load to be lifted is more than 75% of its rated capacity when you change the boom configuration, TPI certification is required as per safety standards. No rule may be avl in BOCW act. Pon
From India, Lucknow

Please see the following details in addition to my earlier post

Test and periodical examination of lifting gears:
Every employer shall ensure at a construction site that,-
(a) a lifting gear is initially tested for the manufacturer by a competent person, in a manner specified in Schedule – I before taking into use or after undergoing any substantive alterations which renders its any part liable to affect its safely and such gear alters such test shall subsequently be retested for the use of its owner at least once in every 05 years;

(b) a lifting gear in use is thoroughly examined once at least in every 12 months by a competent person;

(c) a chain in use is thoroughly examined once at least every month by a responsible person for its use;
(d) certificates of initial and periodical tests and examinations of loose gears under these rules are obtained in Form –XXIV.
Every employer shall ensure at a construction site that,-
(a) no rope is used for building or other construction work unless
(i) it is of good quality free from patent defects; and
(ii) in the case of wire rope, it has been tested and examined by a competent person in the manner specified in Schedule - I;

(b) every wire rope of lifting appliance or lifting gear used for any work is inspected by a responsible person for such use, once at least in every 03 months;
Provided that after any such wire is broken in such rope, it shall thereafter be inspected once at least in every month by the responsible person;

(c) no wire rope is used for any work if in any length of 8 diameters of such wires, the total number of visible broken wires exceed 10% of the total number of wires in such rope, or such rope shows sign of excessive wear, corrosion or other defects which in the opinion of the person who inspects it or Inspector , having jurisdiction, is unfit for use;

(d) eye splices and loops of ropes for the attachment of hooks, rings and other parts to wire ropes are made with suitable thimble;

(e) a thimble or loop splice made in any wire rope sling conforms to the following standards, namely:-
(i) wire rope sling shall have at least 3 tucks with full strand of rope and 2 tucks with 11/2 of the wires cut out of each of such strand in all cases, such strands shall be tucked against the lay of the rope;
(ii) protruding ends of such strands in any splice of wire rope slings shall be covered or treated so as to leave no sharp points;
(iii) a fibre rope or a rope slings shall have at least 4 tucks; tail of such tuck being whipped in a suitable manner; and
(iv) a synthetic fibre rope or rope sling shall have at least 4 tucks with full strand followed by further tuck with 11/2 filaments cut out of each of such strand and final tuck with 11/2 of the remaining filaments cut out from such strands. Any portion of the splices containing such tucks, with reduced number filaments, shall be securely covered with suitable tape or other materials:
Register of periodical test, examination and certificates thereof.-
Every employer shall ensure at a construction site that,-
(a) a register in Form - XXV is maintained and particulars of such test and examination of lifting appliances, lifting gears and heat treatment as required under rules 72 are entered in such register;

(b) certificate in respect of each of the following is obtained from competent person in the forms as mentioned below, namely:
(i) in case of initial and periodical test and examination under rule 72 (a)
(a) derricks and their accessory gears in Form - XXVI;
(b) cranes or hoists and their accessory gears in Form - XXVII;
(ii) in case of test, examination and re-examination of loose gears under clause (d) of Rule 86 (a) & (b) in Form – XXVIII;
(iii) in case of test and examination of wire ropes under rule 87 in Form- XXIX;
(iv) in case of heat treatment and examination of loose gears under rule 88 in Form -XXX;
(v) in case of annual thorough examination of the loose gears under clause (b) of rule 86, except where required particulars of such exemption have been enclosed in the register referred to in clause (a) in Form – XXIV, and such certificates are attached to the register referred to in clause (a);

(c) the register referred to in clause (a) and the certificates referred to in clause (b) attached to such register are,-
(i) kept at such construction site in case such register and certificate relate to lifting appliances, loose gear and wire ropes;
(ii) produced on demand before an Inspector having jurisdiction; and
(iii) retained for at least five years after the date of the last entry made in such register;

(d) no lifting appliance or lifting gear in respect of which an entry is required to be made in register referred to in clause (a) and certificate of test and examination are required to be attached in such register in the manner as specified in clause (a) or clause (b), as the case may be, is used for building or other construction work unless the required entries have been made in such register and certificates.
Knotting of chains and wire ropes.-
Every employer shall ensure at a construction site of a building or other construction work that no chain or wire rope with a knot in it is
used in building or other construction work
Carrying of persons by means of lifting appliances, etc.-
(1) Every employer shall ensure at a construction site that worker is raised, lowered or carried by a power driven lifting appliance except,-
(a) on the driver’s platform in the cage of a crane; or
(b) on a hoist; or
(c) on an approved suspended scaffold:
Provided that a worker may be raised, lowered or carried by a power driven lifting appliance-
(i) in circumstances where the use of a hoist or of a suspended scaffold is not reasonably practicable and the requirements of sub-rule (2) are complied with; or (ii) on an aerial cableway or aerial ropeway in case where the requirements of sub-rule (2) are complied with

(2) The requirements referred to in proviso to sub-rule (1) are as below, namely:-
i) that the appliance referred to in such provision can be operated from one position only;
ii) that any winch used in connection with the appliance referred to in such proviso comply with the requirements of Rule 98;
(iii) that no person shall be carried by the appliance referred to in such proviso except -
(a) in a chair or cage, or
(b) in a skip or other receptacle at least 3 ft deep which is suitable for safe carriage of a person and any such chair, cage skip or other receptacle is made of good construction, sound material, and has adequate strength and is properly maintained with suitable means to prevent any occupant therein from falling out of it and is free from any material which may interfere with the handhold or foothold of such occupant or other wise endanger him; and
(i) that suitable measures shall be taken to prevent the chair, cage, skip or other receptacle from spinning or tipping in a manner dangerous to any occupant therein.
Hoists carrying persons.-
Every employer shall ensure at a construction site that,-
(a) no worker is carried by a hoist unless it provided with cage-
(i) is so constructed as to prevent, when its gates are shut, any worker carried by such hoist from falling out of it or from being trapped between any part of such hoist or from being struck by materials falling down the hoist way on which such hoist is moving;
(ii) is fitted on each of its side from which access is provided to a landing place with a gate which has efficient interlocking or other devices to secure so that gate cannot be opened except when such cage is at a landing place and that such cage cannot be moved away from any such place until such gate is closed;

(b) every gate in the hoist way enclosure of such hoist used for carrying persons is fitted with efficient inter-locking or other devices to secure so that gate cannot be opened except when the cage of such gate is at the landing place, and that such cage cannot be moved away from the landing place until such gate is closed.

(c) In hoist used for carrying workers provided with suitable and efficient automatic devices to ensure that the cage of such hoist comes to rest a point above the lowest point to which such cage may travel.
Tower cranes.-
Every employer shall ensure at a construction site that, -
(a) no person other than the operator trained and capable to work at heights are employed to operate tower cranes;
(b) the ground on which a tower crane stands has adequate bearing capacity;
(c) bases for tower cranes and trucks for rain-mounted tower cranes are firm and leveled and such cranes are erected at a reasonably safe distance from excavations and are operated within gradient limits as specified by the manufacturer of such cranes;
(d) tower cranes are sited where there is a clear space available for erection, operation and dismantling or such cranes;
(e) tower cranes are sited in such a way that the loads on such cranes are not handled over any occupied premises, public thoroughfares, railways or near power cables, other than construction works for which such cranes are used;
(f) where 2 or more tower cranes are sited/operated, every care is taken to ensure +ve and proper communication between operators of such cranes to avoid any danger or dangerous occurrences;
(g) tower cranes are used for loading magnet or demolition ball service, piling operation or other similar operations which could impose excessive load stresses on the crane structure of such cranes; the instructions of the manufacturer of a tower crane and standard safe practices regarding such crane are followed while operating or using such crane.
Qualification of operator or lifting winches and of signaler, etc.-
Every employer shall ensure that-no person is employed to drive or operate a lifting appliance whether driven by mechanical, power or otherwise or to give signals to drive or operator of such lifting appliance or rigger or derricks unless he-
(i) is above 18 years;
(ii) is sufficiently competent and reliable;
(iii) possesses the knowledge of the inherent risks involved in the operation of lifting appliances; and
(iv) is medically examined periodically as specified in Schedule – V.
Use of runways and ramps by building worker.-
Every employer shall ensure at a construction site that -
(a) runway or ramp provided for use by workers is not less 430mm in width and is constructed of not less than 25mm thick planking or any other material of adequate strength to withstand the required load supported substantially in relation to the span and braced of such runway or ramp and design and construction of such runway or ramp is in accordance with the relevant national standards;
(b) every runway or ramp provided for use of workers located more than 3M above the floor or ground is on open sides provided with a guard rail of adequate strength and height of > 1000mm.
Use by vehicles:
Every employer shall ensure at a construction site that-

(a) all runway or ramps are of sound construction, strength and are securely braced and supported;

(b) every runway or ramp for the use of transport equipment like trailers, trucks or heavier vehicles has a width of not less than 3.7M and is provided with timber curbs or any other material of adequate strength with not less than 200mm in width placed parallel to and secured to the sides of such runway or ramp and such runways or ramps are designed in accordance with the relevant national standards.

Slope of Ramps:

Every employer shall ensure at a construction site that every ramp has a slope not exceeding 1 in 4 and the total rise of a continuous ramp used by workers carrying material or using wheelbarrows does not exceed 3.7M, unless broken by horizontal landing of at least 1.2M in length or as provided in accordance with the relevant national standards.

Use by wheel barrows, etc:

The employer shall ensure at a construction site that -
(a) every runway or ramp used for wheel borrows, hand carts or hand trucks is not less than 1M in width and is constructed of not less than 50mm thick planking and is supported and braced suitably for such use; every runway or ramp located more than 3M above the floor or ground is provided on the open sides with suitable guard rails of adequate strength.

Prevention from drowning.-

Every employer shall ensure at a site that where, on or adjacent to the workplace of any site to which these rules apply, there is water into which a worker employed for work on such site is, in the course of his employment, may fall and has the risk of drowning suitable rescue equipment is provided and kept in an efficient state for ready use and measures are taken to arrange for the prompt rescue of such worker from the danger of drowning and where there is a special risk of such fall from the edge of adjacent land or from a structure adjacent to or above the water or from floating stage on such water, secure fencing is provided near the edge of such land, structure or floating stage, as the case may be, to prevent such fall , and such fencing may be removed or allowed to remain un-erected for the time and to the extent necessary for the access of workers to such work or the movement of material for such work.

Earth moving equipment and vehicles.-

Every employer shall ensure at a construction site that,-

(a) all vehicles and earth moving equipment are made of good material, proper design and sound construction and are sufficiently strong for the purpose for which such equipment are used and are maintained in good state of repair and are properly used in accordance with standard safe operating practices:

Provided the truck or trailer employed for transporting freight containers are of the size sufficient to carry the containers without overhanging and are provided with twist locks conforming to national standards, at all the four corners of each of such truck or trailers and such truck or trailers are certified for such use by an authority under the relevant law for the time being in force and is inspected by a responsible person, at least once in a month and record of such inspection is mentioned;

(b) all transport or earth moving equipment and vehicles are inspected at least once a week by a responsible person and in case any defect is noticed in such equipment or vehicle, it is immediately taken out of use;

(c) power trucks and tractors are equipped with effective brakes, head-lights and tail lamps and are maintained in good repair and working order;

(d) side stanchions on power trucks and trailers for carrying heavy and long objects are-
(i) of sound construction and free from defects;
(ii) provided with tie chains attached to the top across the loads for preventing such stanchions from spreading out; and
(iii) kept in position while loading and unloading;

(e) safe gangways are provided for to and fro movement of workers engaged in loading/unloading of lorries, trucks, trailers and wagons;

(f) trucks and other equipments are not loaded beyond their safe carrying capacity which shall be clearly marked on such trucks and other equipments;

(g) handles of hand trucks are so designed as to protect the hands of the workers working on such trucks, or such handles are provided with knuckle guards;

(h)no unauthorized person rides the transport equipment employed in such work;

(i) a driver of a transport equipment manoeuvres such equipment under the direction of a signaller;

(j) adequate precaution such as isolating the electric supply or erecting overhead barriers of a safe height is taken when earth moving equipment or vehicles are required to operate in dangerous proximity to any live electric conductor;

(k) vehicles and earth moving equipments are not left on a slope with the engine of such vehicles or equipment running;

(l) all earth moving equipments ,vehicles or other transport equipment are operated only by such persons who are adequately trained and possess such skill as are required for safe operation of such equipment, vehicle or other transport equipment.
Power shovels and excavators:
Every employer shall ensure at a construction site that-
(a) a shovel or an excavator whether operated, by steam or electric or by internal combustion used for such work is constructed, installed, operated, tested and examined as required under any law for the time being in force and the relevant national standards;

(b) excavator equipped for use as a mobile crane is -
(i) examined and tested in accordance with the requirements for such mobile crane under these rules; and
(ii) fitted with an automatic safe working load indicator;

(c) buckets or grabs of power shovels are propped to restrict the movement of such buckets or grabs while being repaired or while the teeth of such buckets or grabs are being changed.
Every employer shall ensure at a construction site that-

(a) an operator of bulldozer before leaving such bulldozer-
(i) applies the brakes;
(ii) lowers the blade and sipper; and
(iii) puts the shift lever into neutral.

(b) a bulldozer is left on level ground at the close of the work for which such bulldozer is used;

(c) the blade of a bulldozer is kept low when such bulldozer is moving uphill;

(d) the bulldozer blades are not used as brakes except in an emergency.
Every employer shall ensure at a construction site that-
(a) a tractor and scraper is joined by safety line at the time of its operation;
(b) the scraper bowls are propped while blades of such scraper are being replaced;
(c) a scraper moving downhill is left in gear.
Every employer shall ensure at a construction that pavers are equipped with guards suitable to prevent workers from walking under the skip of such pavers.
Road rollers:
Every employer shall ensure at a construction that
(a) before a road roller is used on the ground, such ground is examined for its bearing capacity and general safety, especially at the edges of slopes such as embankments on such grounds; a roller is not moved downhill with the engine out of gear.

From India, Kumbakonam

@Mr. S.Bhaskar
Thanks for your valubale inputs regarding the BOCW act... I hope this will help the thread starter...
@ Mr. Ilango
It's not required to do Third Party testing every time when changing the boom configuration... It's also not practically possible... The requireemnt under the act is clearly mentioned in the reply of Mr. Bhaskar...
@ Mr. Pon
Can you please explain in detail what is this TPI certification ? It's new term for me?

From India
raghuvaran chakkaravarthy

Good evening Mr.Pon,

You are right Mr.Pon. If load is more than 75% of crane rated capacity it should be consider as a CRITICAL LIFT as per USACE rule it should be revised and signed by Registered professional engineer or any employees involve the lift (crane man basket) it’s also consider as a CRITICAL LIFT USACE allowed after getting approved by RPE but US navy (US army they have different standard between army , navy and marine) rule not allowed crane basket at anytime.

From United States, Fpo

Guys, Whether you believe me or not, I was involved in critical lifts upto 800 MT. TPI is required for every critical lift as we are changing the configuration. Pon
From India, Lucknow

use this format for heavy lift — — — — — — — — - Pon
From India, Lucknow
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: xls Lift Plan - R1.xls (34.5 KB, 398 views)

raghuvaran chakkaravarthy

Dear Pon,
I go through by your previous post (Lift plan excel sheet) i have some questions. TPI only for inspect the tools(shackle/sling etc...) or...?
Lot of points not addressed in your checklist i add few only.
I) No shackle description.
II)No lift description
III)No swing radius
IV)No swing direction
V) How to calculate the load ?
Did you have any sample/example plans what you did earlier please share the same. If you share (critical lifts up to 800 MT)
its really help to us.
I have more question about lift plan after getting your reply will proceed further.
Thanks in advance. . .
Waiting for your reply. . .

From United States, Fpo
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