
Hi Everyone, Can anyone help me with the updated HR policies for a manufacturing Unit.
From India, Pune


You can not expect senior Cite HR members to give "a ready-to-serve" matter with regard to HR policies.

Though you have joined Cite HR in the year 2010, this is your 3rd post to Cite HR. First of all, you need to introduce yourselves to other members, tell us something about your company, its products/services, employee strength etc..etc.

Devising HR policies for a company is not an easy job as you think, and it demands time, patience and energy. You need to decide what are the policies you require? In what areas? Whether any policies existing? If you have website of the company please share.

Also if you search in this Platform, you can get lot of HR policies in different areas.

From India, Aizawl

HR Policies must be designed subject to how big your company size?
From India, Nellore

While agreeing with the views of Mr. Nair, there is a big challenge before the new generation that they believe in the cut and paste approach without applying it to their mind. Our professional education system (MBA courses) is also somewhere at fault, as they engage faculties from the academic background who never have any practical exposure to the requirements of Industries.

I have come across many cases where students have given very less marks as they wrote their answers based on the recent amendment in the law but the professor checking the answer sheets was not aware of the amendment.


Dr Kamlesh Agrawal

From India, Delhi

Dear Member,
For defining policies the most dangerous practice is copy paste. The policy/policies which seems good or best for someone else not necessarily will be applicable to your organisation in the same manner. For defining HR policies first of all you need to understand CULTURE AND CONTEXT of your organisation. WHY your company is in existence. What is STRATEGY of your organisation. Without studying this in my opinion you can not frame policy/policies. You need to understand why you need policies.
I hv not given any ready made material sorry for that but insights will help you in long term that is pretty sure!

Thank you and if you have any more queries please feel free to ask.


From India, Pune

Dear Colleague,
As rightly guided by other collogues, the HR Policy can be designed in the form of a digital handbook which might cover but not limited to the below discussion.

Employee Handbook is a detailed document that will broadly give a brief and insights to the Talents on various aspects of Organization as listed below. But before going into it, make a determination that the Employee Hand Book to be in DIGITAL FORM and not in manual form as updation, circulation, keep modifications and amendments will be easy later. Keep this in your company domain for access of employees with password protection etc as you know better. Now what it will contain:

1. The Preface
2. The forward from your Promoters with their photos
3. The forward from your CEO/ HR Director or Head
4. History of your Organization
5. Values your organization would like to nurture
6, Mission and Vision
7.Objectives for Business and Society
8. Talent Acquisition Policy
9. Talent Development Policy
10. Performance Management Procedures and policy
11. Promotion and Career Growth Policy
12. Compensation Policy on Wages and Salary
13. Travel Policy and eligibility levels for reimbursements
14. Mobile Phone Policy
15. Lap Top policy
16. Car Policy
17. Car Heir Policy
18. Hosing and Leased accommodation Policy
19. Working Time and Policy on Permissions
20. Leave Policy and Procedures to be followed
21. Code of Conduct in Work Place and Business related Conduct
22. Working Days and Holidays Policy
23. Maternity Leave, Gratuity and Statutory Benefits policy
24. Food Subsidy or Cafeteria Policy
25. Travel Assistance Policy for Official purposes
26. Grades and Job Bands
27. Development Centers and Adherence to development process
28. Retirement Policy
29. Engagement Vendors, Consultants and related policies
30. Working Conditions at work place
31. List of Misconducts in Work related activities
32. Disciplinary Process
33. Grievance Handling Process and Procedures
34. Prevention of sexual harassments in work place policies and Procedures
35. Medical Insurance Policies and procedures
36. On Boarding Procedures and Process
37. Use of Official Properties Policies
38. Rewards and Recognitions Policies
39. Work From Home Policies
40 Exit or Off Boarding Process and Policies

you may add many more as per your organization's requirements after forming a small task group to discuss and take it forward. You may give a very simple but attractive Name to the Handbook as a BRAND. All the best !!!

From India, Chennai
J.Gopi Krishna

Initially you can start with:-
1) Leave policy
2) Travel Policy
3) Laptop and Mobile Policy
4) Talent Management Policy
5) Wage and compensation policy
6) Code of conduct policy
7) Policy on office working hours

Remaining all can be done as per the requirment and we start with this initial policies


From India, Mumbai

Hey Smitaleena,

As PNRAO SEMBCORP said, updating and designing your company’s HR policies depend on a lot of factors including size. Without those information, it is difficult to help you here.

However, here are six tips you should keep in mind while updating the HR policies of your organization:

#Identify the needs first, i.e., understand why HR policies need an updation
#Examine and note down the objectives
#Identify the policy owners
#Draft the policy
#Let the employees know the changes
#Before implementing the new policies, make sure to do a final review

Hope the aforementioned tips help you Smitaleena!

From India, Noida
John Chiang

Dear CiteHR Team Colleagues,

Human Resource Management Policy

General Policy & HR Functions:

Company Responsibility:

At Company our basic expression of social responsibility is the development of products that meet consumer needs at a fair price and are sold and serviced in an ethical, efficient, and quality manner. Beyond our commitments to customers, our closest concerns are for our employees and for responsible investments. A code of Business Conduct guides our actions.

As a Company citizen, we are strongly involved, both on the national and local levels, in communities that are important to our business.

The company's sense of social responsibility was manifested early when it began a pioneering and intensive health and welfare effort for the public and its employees in our company. Through its Company's Contributions Program and the Foundation, support is currently given in five areas: health, education, civic affairs, culture, and the United Way.

In every job we do at Company, we strive to serve our customers in the best possible way with the highest quality service. We understand that each and every one of us has a customer who has needs and expectations. Our aim is to exceed those customer expectations.

Human Resource Management Policy:

I. Purpose
The purpose of This Manual is to create and sustain a good & fair environment in which each employee works willingly and productively for the mutual benefits of employees and the Company.

II. Applicability
All personnel activities within the Company are based on the established Human Resource Management Policies. Those approved Policies should be in the written manner and compiled in this Manual. The contents of this Manual govern the primary employment relationship between the Company and its employees, except as may otherwise be set forth in an individual memo or contract of employment or notice.

III. Authority
Human Resource Department (HR) is responsible for announcing and publishing the Policy that is being recommended and approved by the Personnel Committee or concerned authority.

In case of conflict, the Human Resource Management (HRM) Manual will have first priority. Existing rules and regulations in the HRM Manual should be specified clearly about the right and obligations of both the Company and the employees. H. R. Manager/Personnel Manager is authorized to explain and interpret the meaning of those regulations in the HRM Manual under the Company authority's instruction.

IV. The spirit of Human Resource Management Policy
To set up the proper HRM policies for all employees, the company should consider a life career planning and programs suitable for all levels of the employees according to the following guidelines:

• Fair treatment
• Proper selection placement
• Well-planned introduction and training for new hires
• Opportunity for career development
• Opportunity for advancement through the promotion from within
• Equitable pay for equivalent job functions
• Comprehensive, competitive compensation & benefits program which could increase the feeling of Personal security & satisfaction.
• Good and clear HRM administrative procedures.
• Company philosophy and ethics
• Concerned Government Laws, Acts, and Regulations.

HRM Objectives
Our work at Company can be seen as a series of personal interactions with customers - whether the customers are outside people who buy our products and services or our associates within the Company who are dependent on our work to do theirs.

Producing a better product or meeting a higher standard of service does not mean just "trying harder and doing better." In addition, it means that we must think about work-related problems and opportunities facing us, both as individuals and as a team, and work together to bring about improvements.

Quality is an ongoing process of evaluation and continuous improvement. Our Quality Process emphasis on customer orientation calls for the strengthening of both team skills and the skills of each individual on the team.

Employee participation, initiative, and innovation are encouraged in problem-solving. The team is then better able to meet higher standards of performance and to ensure that things are "done right the first time."

Teamwork is strengthened as the individual team members improve their skills and job knowledge, and develop the habits that enable them to better serve their customers. Achieving Personal Quality is the phase of our Quality Process that focuses on the continuous improvement of the individual employee.

Achieving Personal Quality encourages us to look at how we each choose to participate in our work team and how we choose to think, feel and act toward our customers. We are challenged to master the six attributes of Personal quality: treat your customers as you want to be treated: take personal responsibility; improve yourself to improve customer service; share your knowledge, skills, and time with others; have a positive outlook and be persistent; and, communicate effectively.
The employee's Supervisor or Manager will be able to explain the details of the Quality Process to him/her and describe the ways in which quality performance is recognized through an awards program.

The company has a great and continuing reputation for integrity. Our fairness in dealing with our business associates, customers, and the public is one of our greatest strengths.

This Human Resources Management Policy has been prepared to present and explain the Company's policies, programs, and practices with respect to the management of the Company. The rules and regulations in this manual are applicable, except where noted, to all employees and other dispersed administrative offices' weekly salaried employees.

The policies and procedures discussed in the manual are designed to provide fair and equitable treatment of all employees, as well as to protect the interests of The Company as an employer. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that they are clearly understood and uniformly administered.

It is hoped that the information contained in the Human Resources Management Policy will be of assistance to you in fulfilling this vital management responsibility. Your Departmental HR Representative and the Human Resources Department are available at any time for support and guidance.

Personnel Committee:

I. Functions and Purposes
The Personnel Committee is established to discuss, determine, publish or announce personnel policies and regulations and to make decisions on important personnel actions or matters. A top-level committee provides consistency and equitability in making decisions affecting all employees in the Company.

II. Members of Personnel Committee
Selecting members of The Committee is not thru voting activity, it is decided by top management depending on operation functions. The Personnel Committee consists of the following members:

• General Manager
• Controller/Financial Manager
• Manufacturing (Operations) Manager
• H. R. /Personnel Manager
• Marketing/Sales Manager

III. Meeting
There will be regularly scheduled meetings once a month. The members of the committee will meet to clear out the accumulation of personnel announcements or personnel actions or discuss the salary budget or manpower planning etc. HR Manager should prepare the required data or information (including market information) beforehand and issue the agenda to all members two days before the meeting is held.

IV. Responsibility
The Personnel Committee will approve all changes to the HRM Manual after consulting with other concerned authorities such as the governing authority or related Department Manager. Any decision made by the Personnel Committee should involve the overall consideration concerning the current situation both for the Company and the employees.

Government Regulations:

I. Policy
The Company's HRM systems, regulations, and rules establishing the terms and conditions of Employment have been designed to comply with the Government laws to provide benefits to all employees, often exceeding the standards established by applicable laws.

II. Concerned Laws and Acts:
There are many laws or acts governing terms and conditions of employment between the company and the employees. Many specifications in the laws stipulate rights and obligations for both employers and employees. The concerned Laws and Acts are stated as follows:

• Labor Standards Law
• Labor Union Law
• Labor Insurance Act
• National Health Insurance Law
• Labor Dispute Law

III. Practice:
Some regulations in the HRM Manual have to follow the Government Laws or Acts.
Therefore, the company authority (Personnel Committee) is forced to change its regulations whenever the Laws are revised. The company may do so without written notice to the employees. However, the HR Department will provide related information upon request.

Basic Policy for HR Long-Range Plan:

I. Employment
The growth goals of the Company make it imperative that employees be a major focus. This will include the design of a more efficient "zero defects" employment process conducted in a highly professional manner with internal and external applicants and timelier placement. Particular emphasis will be placed on College Relations Programs since the college will be an increasingly important source of qualified talent.

II. Administration & Management Information System
Administrative systems will have constant needs for definition, the establishment of standards, revision, and updating. A lack of emphasis in this critical area could jeopardize virtually every aspect of HR plans. HR will complete the definition and metrics of its Management Information Systems strategy and have appropriate systems in place prior to the end of the planning period.

III. Training and Development
Design and delivery of more systematic training programs for all employees will be a key responsibility of the newly formed Organization and Employee Planning and Development function which includes Management Education. All development approaches, including training, will be integrated with the career needs of employees and the business needs of the organization. There will be a formal development system for all employees.

VI. Rewarding Employees
Consistent, equitable reward systems within our diverse workforce will necessitate constant assessment and innovation for the Company to remain competitive in the labor market and to ensure good employee relations. This "basic" embraces the concept of total compensation comprising both tangible and intangible forms of compensation.

Forthcoming employee benefits will be introduced to reflect the goal of obtaining the highest leverage at the lowest cost.

V. Productivity Measurement:
The concept of "more for less" will assume increasing importance during the planning period. HR proposes to improve its own products across the Company as well as to drive methodologies and assistance which will enable other units within the Company to address this question more aggressively.

Within HR this will include the establishment and maintenance of clearer standards and measurements for performance and managing against those goals.

VI. Maintaining the good work climate:
All sensing and communications programs and the administration of all HRM policies will require efforts to achieve this goal and keep good employee relations.

VII. Organization Planning:
Efforts will continue toward making sure that workforce planning, work design, and organization design are integral parts of all business plans and that we are anticipating the skill mix and organization structure required to manage the future. Sensing programs will be conducted in a manner that reflects not only the climate of the organization but also its overall strengths and areas which require improvement. 

Aside from the above, you must consider the following to be involved in your company's HR policies, it depends on the size of your organization.

1. Employment and Orientation
2. Working Hours/Leaves/Vacation
3. Wages/Salary Administration
4. Job Description and Performance Appraisal
5. Employees Training and Education
6. Employees Benefits
7. Employees Relations
8. Resignation and Termination

Best regards,
John Chiang


From China, Shanghai


If you have not stopped following the responses to your request, here are some starting points. Each points gives you a guidelines, but you have to do your homework on each - because, as others have said, it is not advisable to copy-paste policies.

1. Understand that policies are important part of your systems, and systems are an integral part of organization design.

Policies are procedure together create systems, which are important. An organization may have poorly designed systems, or they may be in informal form, but like design elements, no organization is without systems. Example of systems (in general management) are decision-making system, management control system, and information system, while an example of HR systems is reward system. Homework for you is to understand the organization-wide and functional systems clearly before you embark on selecting policies for your organization.

2. Policies are an important tool for shaping the organization culture.

(HR) policies are part of transactional elements of any organization design. They are based on the values the organization has adopted, and are designed to support the strategy of the organization. Also, a policy cannot ignore the structural characteristics of the organization. Thus, designed with considerations of values, strategy, and structure, policies are designed to reinforce the values (when values are shared widely and are held intensely, you have a strong organization culture). Homework for you, therefore, is to understand your organization's design with each of its elements, along with the values.

3. A policy statement provides guidelines, but it should be integrated with related rules, and should be cohesive with other related policies.

Even if you have not formulated policies, you know that they can be interrelated. For example, policies on diversity and inclusion, retention, fast-track promotion, performance management, etc. should be in harmony and should not leave gaps or create conflicting provisions among themselves. Homework for you is, which clusters are important to your organization, and are you adopting a complete cluster and not stray policy that someone has shared? More seriously, if you are copy-pasting different policies from different sources, are they contradictory?

4. Policy is powerful - it should make clear to the employees as to what they are encourages to do and what they should not be doing.

A policy statement should begin with the opening statement containing the values and broad aim/purpose, and should move on to specify its goal(s). One important reason why organizations provide policies is to guide employees as they choose their decisions and behaviors. So, in the main statement, a policy should draw the boundaries by stating what the employees should do and what not. Homework for you is to ensure that you understand the elements each written policy should have in its statement.

5. Policies are of two types - policies in compliance and discretionary policy.

Guest house policy or student internship policy are examples of discretionary policies, while laws on equal wages for equal work, POSH, bonus, etc. regulate the concerned policies. So, even if someone gives you ready-made policy drafts, make sure that you are aware of the legal environment in which your organization operates.

If you want to know more, we are happy to help and guide. Remember, help is a question away, but in case of management, you have to do your own bit as well. Taking help without the required preparation can cause more harm than benefit.

Best wishes,
Team HRM For Non-HR Managers

From India
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