Urgent Query : My Company Got Closed, What Should I Do ?

My dad had an finance company and worked there . Now, the company needs to be closed and my father wants to retire. "I now need a job and here is my problem"
as a part of the company, I was only getting a meger salary since we were trying to direct profits of company towards growing the company. So as a result a lot of my salary went for the betterment of company. Now, I want to apply for job market. What will be my salary ?
a) will the understand my plight and pay me market salary because of this reason ?
b) will employer HR be willing to consider my profile since I have been receiving poor salary / will it impact ?
Dinesh Divekar
Dear Varun,
While selecting a job candidate, HR or employers look at the candidate's suitability of the position, competencies required and then decide the salary. Secondly, position that you apply for also matters. Past salary is one of the factors to decide the remuneration but that is not the only deciding factor.
Since you have worked in your father's company, you must have got exposure to various aspects of business like operations, finance, purchase, marketing etc. Utilise your knowledge and put up absolutely confident posture. Rather than driven by HR, rather than nurturing the imaginary fears, command your 'x' salary confidently.
All the best!
Dinesh Divekar
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