Mental Harassment at work - HR schemed with the senior officials and did an unfair appraisal

Greetings Madam,

Gone through your detailed response and from the sequence of events mentioned by you, it appears the company is unethical, illogical, not compassionate towards employees working in the organisation. As I have mentioned in my e - mail there is something for them to hush up among few of them and this is probably the reason why they tend to push top people out who do not follow their instructions.

If this is going to be the setup I am sure that we cannot expect them to give you a clean chit as it appears to be a foregone conclusion. The option available is to keep approaching the global team to appraise them of the situation.

As you are a seasoned professional, in my opinion a clean relieving letter for you from a stupid employer will not matter, as your professional experience will fetch you a decent employment, and you will be able to substantiate your stand in case there is a vitiated reference from your past employer.

Your fighting out legally is fine but the objective behind is to get a clean relieving letter. I am not subscribing that the actions of your past employer is right, but however hard you pursue they are not going to change. This view is expressed because you have stated that the lady VP had a police case against her and still continuing in employment.

In my opinion if you try to purify a water polluted with sewage to make it potable it is impractical.

To summarise, I think your professional career is more important than wasting your time to fight a bunch of rogues who are not worth mentioning. My recommendation is to forget the bad impressions you had in your past employment and keep moving on. Your past organisation is an exceptional unprofessional organisation.

The global team is well aware as i have written emails to all top HR heads at HQ level, Group chairman and CEO who sit of london office. They have not even acknowledged the email.
I am not fighting it out. As mentioned, I have not taken any legal action against them.
I have only written an email, saying that I wish to surrender the company assets and would need a confirmation from them on their availability. In return, they would need to provide me with the acknowledgement reciepts and a relieving letter, which is the normal procedure.
Unfortunately, all organisations require the relieving letter from previous employer at the time of joining. No one will give me a chance to explain what had transpired.
Anyways, I am just praying to almighty that I move on graciously as this has been a harrowing experience and I want a normal life.
Greetings Madam,

What are the company assets you are referring to? In my opinion it is better that you list the assets held by you and forward these assets by Registered post with acknowledgement due. In the letter you can mention that you have completed the formalities and seek a formal relieving letter.

I do agree that companies do insist on relieving letter at the time of joining.

But look at it positively, if an employer has interviewed you and finds that your professional skills are exceptional, I am sure that he will be considerate enough to waive the formality of a formal relieving letter from your past employer.

A word of caution at this juncture. Do not bad mouth your past employer with your prospective employer as this could prove detrimental, though the exit procedure followed by your past employer was highly unethical.

Consider your brief past experience as a passing cloud.

There are organisations looking for exceptional professionals who are honest, trustworthy and committed to serve them diligently. As you have solid professional experience of almost 15 years and you had never had a poor remark in your previous employments, the last phase will certainly not determine your future career.

As you have mentioned that you have a good performance rating till recently and if you have evidence of it, then this would be sufficient for you to substantiate your view point.

I am sure that you will write back to us very soon stating that you have joined a professional organisation wherein you have a rewarding career.

Looking forward to hearing from you

Regards. All the very best!
Thankyou Mr. Kannan,

For the good wishes.

Apologies for sounding a little abrupt, but not sure if you have worked in private companies or have your own business.

I have worked with 3 employers prior to this and relieving letter is mandatory at the time of joining. It is one of the important documents to be submitted. Other than that a Background verification is conducted by the prospective employer once the job offer is rolled out. One does not mere.y get a job basis once experience and qualification.

Being an experienced professional and with some basic business ethics, I am aware that bad mouthing is deemed as unprofessional and in certain cases illegal for tarnishing the image of an organisation. I would obviously do no such thing.

And on assets, I have the company laptop, ID and access card etc. it cannot be sent by courier as a reciept is required post surrender of these, basis which the finance department does full and final settlement and post that the relieveing letter is issued to the outgoing employee. This is the normal procedure followed by all organisations.
And yes, I too hope, I very soon give the good news of getting a good job.
Keeping the faith on :)
Dr. Jogeshwar mahanta
Wish you all the best.may God bless you.God helps those who help themselves.
Adv. Manoj Liyonzon
Gear up yourself. Nothing to worry. Find a new job. but.....hurry up to
Have all documents (emails, phone call details) in hand & file a complaint in Labour Commission seeking compensation.
File a civil suit challenging your termination.
subsequently file a criminal complaint mentioning the name of harasser & officials who failed to take action upon your complaint (with the help of a lawyer), since its a very clear cut direction from supreme court that if a harassment complaint lodged by an employee, the employer should constitute a committee & address the issue, failing which the employer (HR, VP CEO etc.,) is also an offender. The family of harassers will spit on their face
I wish you in advance for winning the case.
Raj Kumar Hansdah
I have gone through the thread and have considered all responses. You have a good case.
It is necessary to fight the case, otherwise succumbing to such victimization, emboldens the oppressor and they will continue it with other new victims.
So you are not fighting this injustice just for yourself, but removing this thorn will save others who pass by the same way after you.
Please engage a good lawyer, who can help you initiate a criminal case on them (sexual harassment), and civil case for damages, inculding that for mental agony, caused by unfair termination.
Warm regards.
Dear .............

Went through the complete thread. IMO a legal case can be made out though the Sexual Harassment part is a bit far fetched and should be excluded (just my perception but your lawyers will know better). Again be prepared for a long battle since the company having greater financial power will try to delay the case, prolong it using different tactics and even move higher courts of appeal. But this shouldn't discourage you.

A little bit of human psychology here - People aren't scared when they stand behind the skirts of a big muscled power. No Company is bad because there is no one called the Company, its people who manage them who are either good or bad. The legal suit should cover the company and the people involved separately. This is when, the false confidence of the bigwigs fail. The Company sacked you. Hence, the company is liable to bear out the actions of its decision makers who acted on its behalf. On that note, you could start a appeal in the court of law that till the legal issue is sorted out by the court, the company should hold its senior people who acted on its behalf liable to be produced in court (anytime, even if they leave the services of the company). In that perspective, the employees named in the suit should be prevented/debarred from any separation benefit till the verdict is pronounced since only you and the company are permanent in the case not those who acted on behalf of the company. This will be a good start to the case by your lawyers.

All people except mentally unbalanced or deranged with anger/revenge or has nothing more to lose are scared. You shouldnt be the one to be scared here since those responsible will soon realize that they have more to lose than you. IMO, many of the seniors will change sides just to protect their back when they grilled by a competent lawyer.

Keep up your spirit, keep your patience and be prepared for a long fight which might end years after your retirement age. Truth will prevail. Good Luck.
pls also involve electronic media for this.. u can collect all the proofs and do an fir in the nearby police station of the office.
may god help you get justice.
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