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Hello I am a college student and as a partial fulfillment of our degree program we have to do a one year research as a group of five members.

We are hoping to do the research on Lean Management Perspective of Human Resource Management Process (How we can use Lean Management to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Human Resource Management Process.)

Methodology and main expected outcomes of the research:

• Identification of Issues and challenges of existing Human Resource Management process concerning the large scale organizations.

• Propose practically feasible solutions to overcome the issues and challenges of existing Human Resource Management process by using Lean Management.

• Propose a suitable strategic Lean configuration framework for Human Resource Management Process concerning the large scale organizations.

• Model the solution to a system. (up to prototype level)

Since I am doing a research for the first time I need some expert ideas to make our research path and scope clear. I would be grateful if any of you can give me feedback regarding current topic. If this topic is not suitable can someone suggest a better research area of Lean?

Thank in advance

From Sri Lanka
Dear Neon87,
Your topic is quite good for conducting research. Please read material at Lean/Six Sigma frees up HR to become strategic partner and also look for scholarly articles to understand how others have approached the task and why they have done it that way, etc. Are you 5 going into different companies to conduct the research? If not how will you be sharing the work?
When students do group assignments, it's essential to chalk out who is going to what and when? Some of my students ran into problems of a member of the group not pulling the weight and contributing effectively.

From United Kingdom
Thank you sir for your guidance.
Yes we are going to 5 different companies.
I have another question can you give ideas to make our research path and scope clear. I mean how to narrow down this topic further or how we can plan the research for one year etc..
Thanks in advance

From Sri Lanka
Please read some material on the topic first. Is this year long group project done along with other subjects or is that the final one? If it is the latter, they you have got quite a bit of time. Hence, I suggest that you read the material available on the web. Also, kindly see my posts where I have attached a ppt presentation on Research Methodology at CiteHR.
From United Kingdom
As far as your topic is concerned, rather than suggest a new topic, I would like to pose the question to you - as to why did you choose this topic. Also since you have mentioned the scope, I feel there must be sufficient basis/interest to pursue the study. If you can give us some background on this, we can perhaps suggest how to go about the history and current conditions.
Going about the research, would suggest you take it online with a survey which can be promulgated to big organisations (you'll need to give define big for purpose if research), oral interviews, historical statistics,

From India, Mumbai
The post got sent half way through typing it.
-But the information you give should show a sense of responsibility towards the past and yet see the best way to transition in the future prospects and preserve for as long as it can. After all any process needs sustainability to have an impact.
In order to narrow the topic, you need to take a learning/post/something of impact from the snippets you get through the interviews, surveys. The success of your research will be at its best when it springs from your own knowing.
If you need more insight, best thing would be to post your thoughts, which our other learned members can help understand and narrow it down.
Best of Luck for your research!
Warm Regards,
Deena Jagasia

From India, Mumbai
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