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I think Spear is absolutly correct. Termination is not the only sollution to get rid of this kind of persons. Tomorrow if you will recruit any one at his place then what is the guatantee that you wont get the same behaviour from that person. As a leader you should try to tackle the situation and councell the person. In my opinion the more he shows his arrogency the more you show your softness, he will stop behaving in such manner sooner or later. The only thing is you have to keep patient.All the bestSubh
From India, Calcutta

i would say its other way round I find u incapable or incompetent to handle this guy. Its not his but your problem. You get irritated fast. You are responsible for his behaviour .
Hope you try to first cool down your self and then take decesion while communicating with him be calm. your the leader hence its the first job for the leader to take care of his/her team by interacting with individual member.

From India, Mumbai

You can personally talk with the employee, if it was done unintentionally then, try to find out the reasons and give the suggestions, if done with intentionally, then give verbal warning and also explain the procedure related to disciplinary action.

From India, Mumbai
Asim Khan
Take disciplinary action against him and issue him proper formal warning, charge sheet and explanation letter, I hope this will be enough for him if not than issue him suspension and before suspension take an inquiry against the matter and select neutral inquiry officer and on the base of his inquiry report you will be able to take dismissal decision against him.
for proper disiplinary action procedure please contact me on

From Pakistan, Lahore
sridharan Iyengar

Dear Sir,
If your subordinate is misbehaving with you ( arguing/answering in front of everyone need not be considered as a misbehaviour ) , one has to view the reason for this behaviour in two ways. If the boss has no professional knowledge or good attitude as required - no doubt that he has to improve himself. If the subordinate is generally such a natured person that always argues with everyone without proper reason/logic, no doubt that he will spoil the entire team's morale and productivity and hence immediately the boss has to get rid of him from his team at any cause or cost.

From India, New Delhi