Husband- Wife Working In The Same Org.

Dear Durga
I have read all your postings.
I will take some liberty as most of the responses had been ( I did not say all) done with the presumption that you are right.
I get a feeling that you are seeing most of the things in your organisation as perceived by your fiance It is natural phenomenon and he has been closer to you and he must have been talking to you for some time now
You are looking at only negative things in the organisation.
Can you take some time now and try to jot down atleast two positive aspects in the organisation?
After doing this exercise, do let us know how you feel about the organisation?
Please remember all organisations have positive and negative aspects. You must try to find out both
If in your opinion there is nothing positive in the organisation, then it is better you quit this organisation. Otherwise, you will tend critisise the organisation;s culture to others and a HR person is not supposed to do this.
Hr. Khaiser Ali Shah
I think siva is right, in your case it seems that you are exploring a lot about your organization; in one aspect i. e. in order to have better suggessions it is OK but a HR person should not be giving out all his/her organization cultural issues openly and Siva is also right by saying that there are lot of rights and wrongs in an organization so instead of looking at the negative ones try chasing the positive, ultimately if you cannot find positive ones then the only solution is the same as I suggested you in my previous mail.
Khaiser Ali Shah
Hi Khiser,
U are right but i'am exploring this to all because i want to improve the culture of the organisation which seems quite impossible to me & I need everybody's help. Being the only HR in the organisation if i choose to be quite so better to quit the job of HR but if I take the responsibility to make improvement in culture but How????? We talk about big things like ethics, values, employee benefit but are we really following ethics?
Define your values and etics. If your etics and values do not match with the values of the organisation, then do not bstay there.
That is why I asked, can you identify two positive factors about the company. Try you will get If you do not get, either there is some major problem in your organisation or there is some thing in you which is blocking you to see positive.
Right Shiva,

For me ethics is not only deciding what is good or what is bad ofcourse it is certainly a part of ethics but ethics means doing a right thing. Now what seems right to you might not be right for me. Coz nothing is right or wrong it is ur perception that makes something right or again questionmark?????????? When we are working in an organisation we know that all the employees are from different culture, values, their prorities are different, emotions, likes, dislikes are different. In such case we form one culture keeping huminity and organisation development in mind & form values. Values which protect the interest of all i.e, employees, employers, organisation, & society. Living these values is ethics for me. Shiva as u were asking me to tell u two positive things abt the Org. I thought a lot & found one i.e, we have two week off-saturday & sunday. it must be very surprising to u but its true that after straining my head a lot i found this silly point to like about the co. While addressing all employees big people of the co. say big things to the employee & all feel highly motivated but in reality is nothing is followed & great words vanishes in air. Now employees do not value these big promises. Coz u can fool all, all the time.
Hi friends,
It may give u impression that i'am exploring a lot abt the org. But I feel that I am making this community more meaningful by putting the problems of the organisation forward which are major reasons of high attrition rate. Please contribute to solve the issue.
Hi Durga

Nothing is silly. Two saturdays off is not silly. It may look silly to you now. BVut look at why this was introduced. Generally saturday off is given to make people to spend little more time with family

Spend litte more time with friends

May be little more time to relax his body and mind.

You have just stated your career and looking many issues from theoretical perspective.

I am not referring toyou and i Can quote instances where a girl and a boy love so much and they dont see any negative points in the other. They get married and they try to see only negative points!!

You said something about your COO You said he has worked hard to reach this position. This organisation of yours recognise hardwork

You said you retorted and spoke back to your COO

They did not sack you immediately That means you have freedom of speech people must have cautioned you in your interest not that it was companys culture. Your observations might be wrong.

Tell me how many employees are there?

What is the Turn over?

What waqs the capital base?

What is the profit/loss you are making?

When was this organisation started?

Answer these five. I will identify some more positive points about the company.

Agreed for all the conversations happened.... think about it.... really is it the right time for any of you to leave the job (except for the Harassment)
.... if both of you do not feel the need right now then stick to your work ...... do the best that you both can.... u have a career and your personal life..... look at this way..... this also proves how competent you are for yourselves as well as for your career......
Forget that he is your fiance..... what would u do if it would have been some other person..... how would your fiance have behaved if you were not the HR....... think it that ways....
the Boss is ....... ****** there can be 2 things :because of your relation with your fiance or some other reason.... if it is for his personal thing with your fiance..... then u dont have to worry..... solve it like anormal HR but with Proofff.. and i dont think so the boss is behaving like this for yo being his fianceee... but because he took this matter to HR....
Hi Meera,
Thanks to show your interest in solving the problem. u are absolutely right. but the problem is that i want to sort out his problem as I do for others problem but in his case I am little hasitant because if I take step to sort out his problem my senior would say i am getting personal though i am not, i am jst treating him like other employees. And if i do not sort out his problem so it would be an injustice with an employee.
Hi Durga,
If it had been that your fiance was working on a profile that he was not ok... with.... then why did not he leave that time.... why has he been waiting...... come on....... why are u thinking of that point at this time...... why did u both not hink about it earlier.... why.... cause he is now having problems with his boss.....
if that is the case then u r just giving an excuse to move & blame it on some other thing.....
dont take this as a negative point....
Rather i would suggest you to be calm ...... do your work as you used to...... coordinate with as many employees as you can.... and try to sort out their probblems also.... this will inturn give u some time to think about some other and a better option.........
Just remember one thing...... dont let this get into your relationship.....
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