CNV Act 1959 - where is it written and what are the rules for 85 % Local employment in Gujarat?

As per CNV Act- 1959 where is it written and what are the rules for 85 % Local employment in Gujarat?
Anybody, please help to solve this.

As per the Act
Notification of vacancies in employment exchanges:
I. After the commencement of this Act in any State or area thereof, the
employer in every establishment in public sector in that State or area shall,
before filling up any vacancy in any employment in that establishment notify that
vacancy to such employment exchanges as may be prescribed.
II. The appropriate Government, may, by notification in the Official Gazette, require
that from such date as may be specified in the notification, the employer in every
establishment in private sector or every establishment pertaining to any class or
category of establishments in private sector shall before filling up any vacancy in
any employment in that establishment, notify that vacancy to such employment
may be prescribed, exchanges as and the employer shall thereupon comply with
such requisition.
III. The manner in which the vacancies referred to in sub-section (I) or sub-section
(II) shall be notified the employment exchanges and the particulars or
employments in which such vacancies have occurred about to occur shall be such
as may be prescribed.
IV. Nothing in sub-section (I) and (II) shall be deemed to impose any obligation upon
any employer to recruit any person through the employment exchange to fill any
vacancy merely because that vacancy has been notified under any of those sub-sections


It looks like it was a separate resolution.
Dear Sir,
Thanks for replies, but is there any government notification for 85% local employment in gujarat.

If available please share for reference purpose.

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