Case of a department dissolve and department transfer

Salu Shrestha
Dear Colleagues,
In my company, one department is going to get dissolved and we are against lay off so we decided that if they are suitable for any other department, then we will transfer them. But now the problem is obviously, we don't want that staff to get decreased salary & title grade demotion, but if he/she might not be fit for the same position & salary in another department.
I am in dilemma on what to be done in such cases.
We are thinking that maybe we can give him training for certain months until he/she is fit, but then again if he/she goes and prove himself to fit on another dept., then there is a possibility that there will be unfair in case of title/grade for the already existing staff on another department.
What would you do if such cases arise in your company? Please guide me on this subject matter.
Thank you.
Dinesh Divekar
Dear Sale Shrestha,
You would like to transfer employees from one of the departments to another department as this department has become redundant. Nevertheless, your company does not wish to terminate their services. Kudos to the generosity shown towards them!
The transferred employees may not be skilled enough to work in another department. For this your company generous again to train them. After giving these many opportunities, if some employee fails to meet the desired level of performance then obviously he/she deserves to be terminated. There is no need to feel guilty about it.
Your next concern is about possible dispute that could arise because of the salary differences or party with the outsiders. But then the employees working in the original department need to be convinced that those who joined them later or "outsiders", their previous services cannot be ignored.
Dinesh Divekar
If a department dissolves and staff have to move to other departments, company should try to protect their pay and allowances.
Give them special training and help to fit in the new department.
Staff will have to adjust to changing business dynamics and changed situations.
Those who voluntarily wish to leave can be permitted to exit.
Finally the business has to run asa going concern profitably for people to get their pay.
Be fair and transparent in tackling the issue.
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