Shortlisted for Andhra university Phd(HRM) entrance exam
Recently i am shortlisted for Andhra university Phd(HRM) entrance exam. In Entrance Exam I got PHD:36 Rank, Mphill:6 Rank. I have two years work experience in teaching field. But Currently I am working in one private sector company As a Asst HR. So i don't know anything regarding this please give some assistance.
My qualification:MBA(HR),MSc(PSYCHOLOGY)
Experience:2 Years worked as a Asst Professor.
What exactly is the nature of help you want?
You are MBA(HR) so you must be having basic knowledge of HR.
I must point out the way you have written the query.
There is no grammar, capital letters are not used properly and sentence formulation is improper.
There is a vast difference between No and "Know"
Sincere advice is please improve your presentation, writing as this forum has large number of top experts of HR who will develop a poor impression of such casual presentation of a query seeking help.
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