Close Labour Licence

Dear Seniors,
Can anyone please inform the procedure to close the labour licence and which document submitted DLC OR ALC Office.
Thanks & Regards
Dhaneswar Kundu
Please Obtain Form VI-B (Completion of Work Certificate (Post/Pre defect liability period) from Client)), prepare Form VI-A (Commencement/Completion of Job Certificate) from the side of Contractor, Attach the Xerox copy of Security Deposit Callahan initially paid (as per the No of Workmen engaged).
Now prepare a covering letter stating that the work is completed, hence request for refund the Labour security deposit addressed to the License issuing Authority, and attach Original Labour License, Xerox Copy of Security Deposit paid Callahan, Form VI-A and Form VI-B.
Hand over the same to License issuing authority Office and wait. You will get the information from Treasury / Licensing Authority to collect the same. They will give the Cheque after deducting some Rs. 100 to 150/-.
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