Leave Prefixed And Suffixed Together

Sweta Chauhan 2001
If I prefix one Casual Leave and following Restricted holiday i.e. total two leaves before starting of continuous five public holidays and suffix two more casual leaves in continuation total 14 continuous absence. Is it valid according to Indian Leave rules? Please guide.
It depends on the company policy. If its a national holiday, you can avail but on the festival holiday, if you are absent before and after the specified list of festival hoilday, it will be considered as leave. Some company's are accepting not as leave. So check with your company on the leave policy.
Dear Sweta,
There is no such "indian leave rule", as framing leave policies are the discretion of company, so check this with your company's leave policy . If your company follows sandwich leave rule then all the leaves taken by you will be considered as continuous, and all the public holidays, weekly offs coming in between your EL/CL will be considered as leave.
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