Two Powerful Energies

Patience And Silence are two Powerful Energies.
"Patience makes you mentally string"
Silence makes you emotionally strong....!!!
Good Morning To All,Have a Beautiful Day.
I should be thanking you vaishnavi because your words this morning has given me something to use as a balance at work. Some of the people i work with get on my nerves with their authoritative remarks and unprofessional attitudes that i get so irritated but silence...well, you've taught me to keep quiet instead of the nasty remarks i give them and patience...well, am just hoping they get sacked soon. lol
Dear Vaishnavikanthan ,
Excellent thought , admirable posting , Patience and Silence are
strongest pillars of our personality which lay foundation of our
real character. God blessyou and thanks for sharing wonderful gems.
Warm regards ,
Powerful words.
Stand Up to be seen, shout up to be heard, shut to be appreciated; Courtesy Voice of America Many Years ago.
Dear Sir,
The Two powerful energies - Patience and Silence- were followed in Mahabharata in the situation
of Draupadi Vastrapaharanam by Pandavas. It helped a lot for achieving the ultimate Result. Even
Bhishma, Drona, all elders and other Kshatriyas appreciated them and indirectly helped for their
These are all the situational emotions one should follow when warrants.
Very good quoting . I appreciate Mr.Vaishnavikanthan. His quoting is essentially required for
HR Management Personnel.
LL.HR & IR Consultant
Nice quote Vaishnavi.
I used to tell my friends to adopt 2S principle. one is Smile and another is Silence.
Thanks for sharing and keep on sharing Vaishnavi
God Bless you
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