Need Help For Research Work

meenu dhall
Hello Everyone,
I am a student of PhD and my topic of thesis is related with the comparative study of HRM policies in public and private sector airlines, with reference to Jet Airways & Air India.
Can anyone guide me, in reference to data collection for the above. Unable to find the hr policies.
Please help with ur suggestions for the same.
Thanks & Regards,
Miss. Meenu.
meenu dhall
Also i have a paper presentation in an international conference, please suggest some topic for the same related to hr and airlines.
Dear Meenu,
First got finalize the topic from ur guide, as per my experience might be this title would be reject in Phd panel members
this topic already approved from panel than its ok, u tell me as per ur preliminary survey at preset how many public & private airways there in India, then only i can guide u in better way,
before starting the research u pls prepare synopsis under the guidance of ur guide, once ur synopsis got ready than it helps u in right way, other support u pls contact me in [Login to view],
meenu dhall
Dear Manjunath,
Thanks for ur advice, its being 1 year i am registered in phd, as u might be knowing for admission in phd u need to face DRC, my topic has been sanctioned for research. as there is only one public sector airline in india that is Air India and another one i need to study is any private sector airline which i have choosen is Jet Airways.
So can be please guide for the sources of my data collection.
than u do one thing, dont depend on secondary data, go for primary data,first u study and collect the basic material on nature of HR practices in airline industry, after that u study generic universal HR polices in other companies, based on that u prepare questionnaire based on ur preliminary study, once u complete this stage u inform me once, i gone through ur questionnaire i ll tell u how to go for final questioner, at the time of preparing question pls u refer ur synopsis, in that u hive more preference on ur aim & objectives of the study,
am sorry my English is not good, apologize for the same,
Thank you Tayal for attaching the project, which I could access. Here are some critical comments about the expectations of institutions rather than your project report.

It is amazing to see how poor the methodology section is. I could hardly find any justification of methodology used by supporting the decision with previous studies and/or expert opinion. The target population is also not clearly stated. How did you conduct the survey and where did the 100 come from? How many did you aproach and how many were willing to respond?

The recommendations are too general and does not consider the cost of implementing the suggestions.

The bibliography, especially those relating to material gathered from websites is very poor. The details of some of the books referred do not include the date of publication.

There is hardly any citation of references used in the text of the report.

Finallly, I wonder of what use was all the demographic data collected!! I think, you missed out an opportunity of conducting a good study by not using SERVQUAL instrument for your study.

Have a nice day.

I would suggest that you do not include the whole report but edit the data alaysis part to include only some responses and delete the rest, to stop others submitting your report to their colleges.


PS: A kind request to other students. Please do not copy and submit this report as your own. I have seen this done in the past.
meenu dhall
Dear Manju,
Thanks for your advice, i was also trying to collect data from primary source, but the barrier which is coming in front is the cost involved for the same, how can i get references in jet and air india for training permission, do u know someone who had done training from these companies.
meenu dhall
Dear Sir,
Thank you sir for your advice, sir i am into phd course, my research period is from 2000 to 2010 in air india and jet airways for comparing hr policies.
Sir its being 1year i am enrolled in phd, its not possible to change the topic, sir please guide me for sources of data collection.
Dear Meenu,
You need to approach the companies; I am afraid you will not find the companies' policies from secondary sources. I am sorry to disappoint you in stating that it may be better to cut losses at this stage rather than pursuing with the research to find that your thesis is not up to PhD standard. I am stating this as an external examiner of a PhD thesis from the University of Mysore.
Wish you all the best.
  • Your topic is specific to Air India and Jet Airways and again very specific about HRM Policies of these two companies, that too for PhD.
  • You have to be very serious about the study you are doing and also about authenticity of data and information you are collecting. Only way to ensure that is to directly approach management of these two companies.
  • There is a possibility that these companies may not part with the information you may need. But you should have thought about all these possibilities before deciding the topic of PhD
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