Ostracized In The Workplace

Hello. I would like to seek some insights regarding my current situation at work.
A month ago, I had a confrontation with my boss due to the training course they disallowed me, despite nomination from a partner agency. After the scenario, my boss started to bully me. She is rude when asking for updates, gives impossible deadlines and exclude me from the activities of our division. She has been sort of grumpy before, but now I noticed, Im the only person whom she acts that way around. Yesterday, I learned that she is making deliberate steps so I cannot attend an important meeting with the sector I was handling, because she was intentionally keeping the document from her desk, and wouldnt have informed me if I hadnt asked her.
How do I deal with this kind of boss? Any advice?
You have only one option, quit the organisation. However, if you give more details of the size of the organisation, how long you and your boss have been with the organisation, etc., you might get some other advice.
I've been with the organization for 5 years now.. she's been there for 13 years... There are 100 authorized positions in our organization, however, only 70% of the total number of authorized positions has been filled-up. We have an average rate of 14% of personnel turn-over in the past two (2) years... most staff who resigned are under her... I guess I may have to follow the ranks soon.. Thanks!
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