Workplace Surveillance - How Ethical It Is ? Pros & Cons

Dear Friends,
Though this topic may have been discussed before, but it seems to have died before coming to some logical conclusion.
" Workplace surveillance using CCTV cameras installed to monitor employee movements seems to have become a very common practice nowadays used by many employers, small, medium and big." In a way it may be good for security reasons but what happens when it infringes on the privacy of the employees, there may not be any law (Indian) to counter such an act by the management at the workplace.
I request the members and experts of this community to debate this topic to bring it to some conclusion. Does the HR community support/advise such an act by the employer ?
Expecting some matured discussion from our community members.
Thanks in advance to all of you who view this thread and also to those who contribute to this topic.
Dinesh Divekar
Dear Debashis,
Surveillance of the employees is fine but what is the objective? What purpose did it serve?
There is no evidence to show that by keeping employees under surveillance their productivity increases. I never heard that any of the Fortune 500 company any time kept their employees under surveillance.
This is a perverse move of the management. It is a clear failure of the leadership. When leadership fails to attract the talent, fails to retain the talent, fails to motivate, it resorts to these antics.
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