Please Guide Me - Career Guide
Hello frd
i want to ask one question from u all....
i am an MBA graduate just started my professional career doing job with HDFC bank as Sales Cordinator.
my boss give me any work when its the time for lunch or when its time to go, and also he recheck my work, he find reasons to shount on me even if i have done all my work on time.
one fine day i am suffering from fever and take one day leave and on that day one cordinator called me up and ask for my resignation.
I just want to ask u all to please guide me in this regard whether i give my resignation or not ????? please help
Its very simple dear this is known as psychlogical harrasment, this technique being used to get rid of the persons who is not liked by the top management. In this the employee get irritated and leave the company. Do not worry the solution is very simple wait for ur boss to get transfered or u quit the company taking other offers. Anyhow its left on to u bcos u r the best judge on this universe about especially urself. Anyhow can i know from which place u r so that i can help u in ur career. Everyone is always welcome.
SK Giridhar
Organisational Expert
Motivational Speaker & Trainer
Ok Anyhow u are now in the hdfc bank as a sales coordinator contact me on my mobile 09720393834 (mathura) i will get u a good offer at your place in bhopal talk to u soon god bless u bye take care
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