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Raj Kumar Hansdah
My Dear Suman ji
In this site, there is a provision of sending "Private Messages".
Just Click on the id on the post, with your left mouse-button, and it will give you "Send Private Message" option along with others.
Kindly use this option next time, when you ask ashokbabu next time about his new hair-style, moustache, eye-brow threading or facials or.... or ....
Kindly note that this is not a Social Networking site or a Chat-site.
Kindly TRY to honour the seriousness and gravity of this forum meant for HR professionals and HR issues.
I hope my suggestion about PM (private messages) will serve your purpose.
Raj Kumar Hansdah
Hi Runal
No problem at all my dear.
Just suggestions.
I felt I should not get into (or, intrude) when two persons are talking to each other.
"Kindly TRY to honor the seriousness and gravity of this forum meant for HR professionals and HR issues"
Mr.Raj Kumar Hansdah; This is a Humour section, i believe.
Mr. Rajkumar,
We don't need ur suggestions. Why are u interfering our discussion.....and i know very well about the private message......these hell kind a suggestions please keep it wid urself ......and next time think before wat r u writing to us.
Next time remember.....please do not interfere...:icon7::icon7::icon7::icon7:
Wat say friends????
Raj Kumar Hansdah
My dear Suman

Thanks for your concern. I really need rest.

I have been browsing this site from around 11 p.m. to morning till now 7:14 am - in an attempt to get the best learning from this site; and to contribute in helping others.

You are reacting adversely to my mild suggestion and request, my dear young lady.

Humor section it is, but what kind of humour.... it is the members who will uplift this site.

Ask yourself, reducing this to a Yahoo Chat kind of site, is good or bad.

See the quality of the posts.. you will find just "banter" and typical "chats" akin to a chat site.

I guess you need to seek opinion of senior members. If you have seen there is a section "Talk to Seniors".

I do think that the founders of this site had the HUMOUR section for recreational purposes, indulging in humour related to professional life....

But anyway, I am wasting my time with you. I have seen your postings.

How have you contributed on this site ? I think anybody, even your personal friends or colleagues, will tell you once you see all your posts.

Humour does not mean one gets away with posting anything. It has a functional aspect too. Anyone who takes a look even in this thread will know, what you have posted does not come under "humour".
Raj Kumar Hansdah
Dear ALL HUMOUR Section regulars,
I have received many feedbacks from various sources about the effects my post had on some of you.
Members have communicated to me that they felt hurt as well as insulted !! :(
Indeed, I have been severely critical and harsh at times; (although there were no mala-fide intent); which has not gone down well with members, especially new-comers, who felt discouraged and hurt.
I sincerely apologise to those members who felt hurt, by my remarks on their postings.
We are all a BIG happy family, and I don't wish any acrimony among us.
Moreover, many among us, as Chief Fun Officers, are responsible for bringing cheer and fun in the organization.
Let us continue with our good work of bringing fun and cheer in the HUMOUR section; and set a benchmark by raising the bar with every post.
Warm regards.
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