Kirkpatrick Model - Doc Download

Nazia P
Hi All,
Training Evaluation is as essential area of HR.
Hope you find this useful.
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Dinesh Divekar
Dear Nazia,
Lot of material of the internet on the Kirkpatrick Model. But to implement it, ig requires lot of willpower from management, HR. participants and finally from trainer's side. These things that look very beautiful on paper are equally difficult to implement also. What is meaning of human mindset or attitude can be revealed only when we implement such things.
To implement this model, lot of preparatory work is required from management, HR or training, participants and from trainers' side. My years in training have shown me that barely 1% of the companies show willingness to reach to Level III this model. The worst of all, scores of trainers or HR do not know even existence of this model.
If you have any case study on implementation of this model, please forward it to me.
Warm regards,
Dinesh V Divekar
Nazia P
hello dinesh,
i agree wth you on the requirement and preparatory aspect of kirkpatrick's model or for that matter any training model.No doubt,just knowing something is not an end in itself but at least its a beginning.HR has ceased to be just a admin function now,and to bring in the change we have to incorporate some changes ourselves.
Hi Dinesh / Nazia,
Completely agree with you, our HR Leaders expect world class results without supporting and we have gone crazy in implementing the Transfer of Learning. If not insurmountable but yes it is difficult. Please share if you something on how best we can implement the transfer of learning apart from pre and post assessment. To which level we can take it and the kind of support needed from the stakeholders.
Cheers!!! Manoj
i had adopted Kirkpetric model for evaluation for our company
but when i went for interview to other company they totally rejected this model and told me that it is totally a failure one Bcoz you can not evaluate L-IV for soft skills training
so which one is the best method
Dinesh Divekar
Dear Basudev,
It is difficult to measure result on level IV but not impossible. On implementation of this model, I have given my reply in this discussion only. Please click the following link:
Dinesh V Divekar
plz gv some practical information that how can we implement if any case study is there plz send it if possible
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