Please Help Me Interpret This - Body Language! - DOC Download

Body language subject was used to tell truth about character and personalities. Now it is not. Every body is trained to use body language to his or her advantage. Try not to observe the body language. Instead focus on the tone of voice. The tone of voice actually reflects the inner self. Use your intutions to decode the tone of voice.
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Ash Mathew
Som - I am for 100% sure that was what he meant. because each time he does that I have noticed it is only when he has said something - totally a different thing. He is also thirsty for new ideas...
Thanks a lot Som - you cleared my confusions. I was not able to get this off my mind. I am now able to understand what he had in mind.
Ivan Antony John
This is a typical discrete look. It relates to them having one switch to an alter personality with a different shift in thinking. Creative ideas do emerge from this blocked view.
It's something like - When we all going to sleep we tend to imagine a different us in a different situation.
I am saying this as this body language is that of a repetitive one.
Venkat Iyer
My reading is
if a very small part of his face is seen, which just one eye visible, it could also mean he is testing you with his idea, to see your reaction, he is on his guard. it also means he respects your view and he does not want to look shown his feeling of his thought till he knows yours. i would also recommend you to feel the tone and pitch of his voice when he does this to understand better.
Best Regards
Dear Ash Mathew,
Truly speaking you cannot really interpret what a person is actually thinking in his mind when he uses a gesture..It may have lot of meanings...But i can help you out in terms of this..What i want to know is, once he expresses his ideas do you ask any questions to him? Or do you show any reaction to him using your body language once he expresses his ideas? Were the ideas not coherent to the situation? Kindly reply me...
Dear all,
Please find attached the document 'Introduction to NLP.doc' which contains the Introduction to NLP and basic presuppositions...
Let you lead a better and a transforming life!!!
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Rshmi Raghavan
All i could make out from the gesture u described is , he might be a person who is not clear how to express his point .He may find tough time in a decision to breif his ideas but still could not face the situation. And moreover u mentioned that he lays back keeping his head on his plams, he is laid up and listening to ur discussion .
U need not worry on all those gesture, carry ur work never mind he is ur boss colleague also , this fear may atimes break u down will give a chance for other person to ride on u.. however it may be go ahead with ur thoughts dont consider
Joseph Mithran
This is a clear message of being
He is not sure of what he is saying or thinks you don't believe it fully
Joseph Mithran
This is a clear indication of a
He is not sure about what he is saying or thinks you may not believe it
At that time use assuring words like " Though it seems hard to believe, it is possible" or quote similair cases where it was successful. You have to be honest in your approach
body language is a highly controversial topic to be judged about. people take up body language to express their hidden emotions, so as to be understood to a certain degree. most of it is usually a hereditary possession which is usually judged with varying perceptions. you really cannot just identify the expressed emotion just through his body language because its totally a derailed characterize feature people own. body language is just a faint picture of ur subconscious mind and that usually comes up when there is a sense of disagreement with the ideas and conclusions from the opposite party.
merely looking at u in the described way simply expresses a sense of confusions going on in the individuals mind. he is perhaps not able to identify the relevance of ur ideas at that point of time and maybe he is trying hard to put himself in the specific situation so as to visualize if things would go appropriately in that virtual circumstance.
people don't easily express as to what they are up to in their minds. change in the looks of the eyes usually expresses a sense of disagreement. hand movements are merely to guide ur attention to some point which one wants you to understand or what one expects of you.
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