Alternative Of Canteen Facility

Greetings all,
I am doing my project in a manufacturing unit where they are going to increase the strength to 250+ employees but no space for canteen.what alternative can the company follow for canteen...plz help with your knowledge and experience..
Thanks and REgards
Anuradha Panday
You can ask the Admin dept to maintain a hall for having lunch, you can ask them to put tables and chairs. The employees can purchase the food from the caterer and have it in the hall or you can maintain a veranda as well.
As per rule of factory act 1948 for any manufacturing unit who has strength above 250 its compulsory for a canteen ..
You can offer them sodexo passes in lieu of canteen facility of 1000/- each and let the employees come with their own food from home. Talk with their union if they have.
As per rules, canteen facility is mandatory if employee's strength is more than 250. however because of space problem, you can convince to employees by offering them Lunch allowance and provide them sitting space. Make periodical lunch session time for different categories of employees so that you can accommodate them easily. Discuss the issue with Union and ask them to give solutions.
V D Patel
As per rules, Providing Canteen facilities is mandatory. You can hire out the next building adjacent to your factory premises and place a canteen to all the workmen and for the supervisory/managerial staff the canteen people can make some alternative arrangement to supply in their office premises itself.
Otherwise you can have some arrangement with some caterers who can supply in mobile van in near premises at 8:00 am Breakfast, 10:30 am Tea and snacks, 1:00 pm lunch, 4:30 pm Tea & snacks, etc as required by the workmen/management/unions. They can supply at the Rest room/shed provided at the factory premises. and the mobile canteen will clean the premises after serving the food to workmen.
Hope this will be the remedies available and the other members also can throw some light on the issue to resolve the same.
Ya i agree with Mr.Bhaskar, his suggestion seems to be good. There are so many caterers is available you just find out the right person and ask them to prepare food from outside and bring it directly to your office at the same time you can allocate one room for storing these food item. Then, lunch time you can fix 15 min difference for each department because of space constraint.
Dear friend,
what i personally feel is in a manufacturing plant employees would be divided in to units for ex: if their is 8 units
divide them in to 2 groups let the first group have their lunch at 1.00 - 1.30 and the second unit have their lunch
at 1.30 - 2.00 talk to their union and implement it its just a suggestion friend,
Dear seniors / friends, Suggest me weather its possible.
hello seniors,
i m aggree with all of your opinion, but what we will do in time of inspection, bcause inspector will ask for canteen, pls suggest if i m wrong
You can display a board in the Rest Room provided stating the timings of the canteen and (subsidised) rate of the items sold. You can take him to canteen when the workmen / staff are having food. For preparing Tea and Coffee you can have the nescafe coffee vending machine in office itself. Or construct a small room and dining hall with sheet roof in the terrace of Admin Building or any factory office and make it as a dining hall.
Never get panic while answering the factory inspector.
All the best
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