Husband & Wife Working In The Same Firm..wife Is Facing Problems Due To Husband

You can collect information among staff what is the root cause of the problem whether it is a single male employee. If it is also try to found out whether the particlular employee is really behaving like that in your observation. If the particluar couple of valuable to the company, you may transfer the male employee out to some other location on some pretext.
Well counseling is ok provided both parties are ready for it and Counselor should be outsider.
Why shift, it is not going to solve problem. There will be males around in other departments also.
File a case - Against whom? What will be charges? this is wild imagination!!!
Instead take action against those who are gossiping and bad mouthing, provided husband or wife lodge a formal complaint against those.
i personally think one must leave the job, because discussing this problem not only spoil official as well as personal life.
dear kalyani thakur,as per ur post on 27th May,2010, i say that ur initial words r correct.......dat the hubby must hav heard somthin very bad due to which he is reacting in such a manner suddenly (aftr working together comfortably for 5 yrs) ..
bt the suggestion dat u gav, would rather worsen the situation , coz at that time rumours/comments wld come for 2 persons, (nw is only 1 person- the wife) wld hav really worked well if it had simply been a frnd -circle...........
sorry for that
the hubby has come up with resignation means he is 'right' to save his wife.......
n had he suspected or misundrstood his wife, he wld have rather asked his wife to resign......
In such situations a sensible n responsible wife wld have stopped him to do so n wld hav undrstood her hsbnd's emotions, which this lady is nt doing.....rather she is spoiling the environment.......
so how can this b a sign of a good wife, coz its a matter of spouce relatn prob, other thn a mgt/hr prob,....coz if she fails to handle her personal relations, hw can we expect her to develop n maintain an understanding relation wid her coleagues......
so this indirectly implies dat she cannot b an good employee even......
Mr. Amrohi, it is my suggestion is that u dnt accept the husband's resignation, rather the lady should b warned n fired fr spoiling the office enviroment further
Dear readers please have this qoute to note the extent of badmouth that the colleagues offcourse any husband would lose temper and ask/suggest his wife not to talk (or lessen the extent of frankness) with those colleagues, to keep her on the safe side

so its bad to c that even aftr 11 pages post, hardly few people could undrstand the real prob...which is dat the wife is not undrtanding the hubby he is feeling helpless
singh shilpa
Dear All
According to me ask wife to analysis were there relational ship is lacking why all this things coming up now when perivousily every things was fine an tell wife an husband to sort out this problem together . an if her husband is getting possessives plzz tell him his wife is his only no one will going to take her from him so relax an rather wasting time in crab things enjoy your life to fullest an support each other in every parts of life ......
shilpa singh
I feel giving a temporary transfer to both husband and wife to a new place would help.
Generally jobs these days have a lot of stress and when relationships are not nurtured they tend to wither away.When the couple gets a chance to be away from the situations causing insecurity,they are in a better situation to sort out their problems.New challenges tend to distract them and unite them to face the new environs.
An emotional or relationship counselling when given at the company level tends to bring in complications,possibly because their ego is hurt. they feel that their colleague would get to know about it or it may affect their career in a big way,or they would become objects of gossip. their insecurity itself makes them deny the facts.
Dear Kamal Amrohi,

You have not come up with any clarification about the doubt of some community members whether you really belong to HR community or not and why in spite of such a huge response you are still undecided?

Creation of social groups by you, like Job Seekers Paradise, Hyderabad HR, Pune HR & Legal, etc., indicates that you belong to some placement agency and not positioned as an HR man in any organization. Adoption of name of Kamal Amrohi, a well known Film Director of Paakiza and husband of late Meena Kumari well known actress, itself, indicates your smart nature.

Further, I posed one question to you in my last post, "what your company has to do with the personal affairs and disputes between husband and wife?"

You have not come forward with clarification to that. So, even if you hold some position in some company, you may be trying to unnecessarily trying to poke your nose in the personal affairs of husband and wife, where company has nothing to do with that,
as an employer.

It seems you have not seen response of all the members on all the pages of this thread. Would you like to suggest, if the company does not have any written complaint against any employee, what right the company or the author of this thread has to interfere in the personal affair and dispute of the husband and wife?
Even the identity of the author of the question is in doubt. He is not forthcoming with any clarification to the doubts created by some community members. For example, you may like to see my own posts at:

2), as above.
In my views, he is just entertaining himself by creating a fictitious problem and is undecided even after having a huge response from members, but just continuing with his fun making stint.

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