Query:MBA-Part Time/Distance Learning Programe In HR (Is Not Acceptable)

kadali ra0
Meaning less / base less / senseless / obsurd discrimination on considering only full time MBA(HR) degress for jobs. If that is so, Govt. should not have introduced DLP / DME (Distance Mode of Edn) at all. Many are ruthlessly troubled in this way which requires immediate intervention of appropriate athority.
krk rao
Surabhi Sharma
Dear Peeyush,I agree with you that initially this problem may persist with many big organizations but after one has exp of 2-3 yrs, this constraint disappears.Regards,Surabhi
Hi All,
The reason companies dont consider DLP courses in HR anymore is because everybody these days is doing a course from Symbiosis n other Univ's. Infact colleagues from my ex company wuld write tests for each other and pass assessments etc. The authenticity of the course is lost. U just get the degree n not the knowledge/quality. Like the rest have said, nothing can be done about this, but a few years of work-ex with good brands should solve this problem.
The reason these courses are run is for the concept of 'continuing education'. Medium sized firms accept part time and dlp degrees.
hi, I agree with you, but not all companies recruit to those who have degree of full time course, they also consider the exp. as well as knowledge about requierd field....
Hi Joe,
Lets try and understand that a DLP is very diffrent from a part time or Executive program and which may be diffrent from a regular program.
Most of the top B schools have stringent criteria for their part time curriculum for working executives and they are almost equivalent to the regular programs..
However the DLP's do not have selection criteria and not to sound rude but it is almost like buying a degree.
I have interviewed many DLP who seem to be unaware of even the basics .
So technically a DLP is of no learnong value except that it an be mentioned on the resume and even recruiters are very particular about the same.
Howveer if someone is persuing a career in the same field then always advisable to get a lot of certification in the resp. work are which will add value to your work and your knowlede .
Hi Swati,

Even i've done my P.G in H.R through DL but my problem is frm where im to start,can u plz help me regarding this matter,shall be waiting for ur response.
Dear All
Now a days the scenario is changing ,corporates r now accepting DL MBA/ PG Diplomas with some reservations .Kya Tata aur Birlas ne koi MBA kiya tha.Aur kya hai koi aaj unke jaisa Businessman and risk taker.Actually Business is a matter of Risk taking and Vision and ur Public relations , MBA can b of some value added to it but should not b a must criteria.
Ashish Tandon
Ashish Tandon
hai this is usenaiah.
Ur topic is 50% to 50%.
Because i am done my mba through distance. but before my mba i have done 2 years experience in hr department. recently my organization joined full time complete mba candidates . but there is no use. becasue theory knowledge is different and practical knowledge is different.
Thanking you.
Hi Joe,
really u have shooted a very gud query.
and i do accept with wat Gitika says,because its experience, knowledge & performance matters. and also dependences up on the organizations requirment........
Dear All,
First of all pls don’t be disappointed with the fact that you have done a MBA – DLP and you are not being hired……I have seen cases where a person has done MBA from Bihar University and is working as a Director……Yes No Doubt about it preferences are also given to the Regular Candidates and there are reasons for it…First Presentation Skills, You cannot learn this skill while you are doing MBA thru DLP….second inter personal skills, and other soft skills, leadership qualities etc are not imparted thru a DLP whereas you learn the same when u are in a regular course…but that does not mean you wont get the job…DLP courses are to promote within the same organization or to look for medium sized companies and not MNC’s as MNC expectation graph is too high…..even if candidate is a duffer and done his MBA from a reputed institute without much job knowledge he is hired as companies go by the brand name of the institute but these days companies look for Experience, your previous organization you worked for, Job Knowledge …but yes you would be hired by someone or the other and after years of experience you certainly can move into a good company….so wait for the right time and right company to strike you way rather than losing hope and getting frustrated….Hit the bulls eye given an opportunity…..There are people who are not even MBA's but working at very senior level like my x to x boss..just a B.Com was infact a Director....so wait and have patience....
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