MangalSutra Issue In HR Policy

each country has its own tradition,and cultures.changing of culture and tradition will prove dangerous to the society in the long run and i personally feel that todays people who argue that there is nothing wrong in changing cultures will realise that what they have told is "utter nonsense and blunder" , if they are alive at that stage.
"values" binds a person in a society and it shows the quality of a person.but, in todays modern world, value of human life is decreasing day by day and for "money sake" people are doing all sorts of "rubbish". the above case is a classic example of how everything is turning into, all the fields(education, medicine, politics, etc..,) have become business and now it is also affecting culture.
is the radio channel running a "bride show" competetion?
anyhow, if you ask me how to decide it depends on the "value" a person who chooses. either she should go by "ethics" or "money". decide yourself.
Sr.Manager-Human Resources
It is not only illegal but insulting for any HR department to impose such a rule. Mangalsutra is a religious choice and no once can dictate terms on this. There have been cases worldwide, where in religious sentiments have been respected even by MNCs.
If HR dept. pushes your sister further more, I strongly suggest her to file a case with the appropriate courts. I guranatee her support from lot of sections of society.
Balaji Kuppuswamy
Its basically not right, and unethical to say that one should not wear mangal sutra during road shows.
As an Indian, and a Hindu religious person, there cannot be any deviation from the religious beliefs.
The job can be changed for sake of a good reason. Its stupidious to think to keep away and then wore it back.
sister working as Radio jockey so the M.sutra not seen on TV.
The second issue relates to family...if acceptable by hus and family ,then where issue exerts.
This m.suthra give u only respect and maturity and help for good supports
This is not at all a sensitive issue. The other members are making it sensitive. We are indians and we have our own culture, rituals and beliefs. We are hindus and wearing mangalsutra is a part of our custom which we cannot stop because of any company. There is no such policy anywhere, its all man made. It is the part of westernisation. So ask your sister to oppose this and ask her to do it collectively. If a women wears mangalsutra and go for field work and if she doest wear and go for work. I dont understand what will be the difference in working. Dear i think these all are rubbish policies so we all should oppose this, otherwise we indians will loose our own identity in india itself. If it was in some foreign countries, then we can understand that. But in india cant digest.
Dear Harshal,
HR policies are meant to be followed not argued so are the traditions. We have come a long way its the trend and fashion which now matters the most. You can ask your sister to purchase a mangal sutra which is more fashionable and serves the purpose of both work and relation. MAy be this could be the solution or else pthers have already given u suggestions.
All the best hope u will find a solution
Mayank Akole
Dear Sunitha,
I really don't understand this type of professionalism, where she has to face the real problem. This is really spoiling our culture and tradition. I myself being an HR, don't agree with this. Even though she convince her in-laws and hubby, she will face a problem in her personal life.
She has to confirm first that before her employment, the employer had informed about all these and then she has to speak to her head regarding this.

Companies are in business, its a religious matter OK , but why are you not seeing from business point of view, in HR we have to work as a change agent also. Tommorow someone say its my religion to wear burqa while working as a radio jokey, does it make any sense. I think religion is not attach with sindur, kirpan, kra, burqa and all that stuff. Dear you plz first do a healthy talk with your HR and please think broadly. Either you quit the job or mold yourself according to the situation but don't complaint and be happy . If your sister today quit the job whould her so called relatives will arrange bread and butter for her ?. Tradition is OK but if it becomes obstacles in our way i feel personaly that we should change ourself according to the demand.

satnam singh
The best solution that i cud thionk is make understand her family members(in-laws & husband) about the nature of work & job requirements. Try to make them understand that she is working for her family itself.
Hope this will work.
Good luck 2 u & ur sis

Best Regards,
Dear Harshal,

Lets us take a look in a different angle. Do you know the Hostess in established airlines are grounded after marriage. May be these corporate houses, would have had career planning probably they would have thought that the ladies will be more productive when grounded after gaining good experience in flying. This is again a part of company’s policy.

Now, tell me don’t your sister's husband or her in laws doesn’t want her to be in the family way ?? how do you expect her to meet the public during her 5th or 7th month… her role may not permit her to be physically comfortable to do those tasks. These are acceptable facts which our minds permits to accept and change, we can also challenge against those employers/bosses and say I still can do that.. but for what. Why do you want to invite trouble yaar.

Mangalsutra, yes an prominent/permanent ICON to represent a lady as married in Hindu tradition. I doubt if any HR would have made a policy as you quote… . Like wise, if HR says their lady representatives doing roles as what you would have said, they would have thought in varied angles just for the interest for its employees and organizations image in public. And nothing personal to take up with yous sister or about Mangalsutra.

Yours words are more emotional Harsha, sorry if i would have hurt you. She can do many things provided we know what she likes to do…….. IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING.

Thanks for your time spent to read my view…

kind regards..........
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