E Books Pdf Download

hey everybody,..
Does any1 have a copy of Ebook - "What got you here, wont get you there " by Marshall Goldsmith?????????
Pls do post it here....
i need notes on industrial unrest and remedial measures, counselling employees, problem employees, employee stock option plans:)
HR person
Hi Everyone,
Can someone please help me in my project work on counselling.
I have been asked to take a case and explain the same according to any given model/school of thought of counselling (Eric Burne, Freud, Gestalt theory etc.). Can someone please pass on any reading material on the same.
Also, I also want to request for a case report of a counselling session. Names and identities need not be disclosed.
thanks a lot!!!
Super IsaBel
Hi Nutz,
apparently my message disappeared.
thank you for your offer, I am interested in books relating to change management and the ones issued by Lominger.
any book will be welcomed at email address
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thank you again
Helo Nutz,
Thanks for giving such a lucrative offer.
I am also a regular reader. Can you mail me some e-books on self management by Indian writers on my e-mail-- [Login to view]
Thanks in advance,
Dear Friends
visit to this website for ebooks flaxz.com, this would be useful link i suppose
Abo Abdalla
I need e-commerce book for business administration department quickly nowadays
e-commerce means
electronic commerce book
H hope if u culd help me
thx on advanced
mubarak nawaz
hi chk these out
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Sheelkumar R Pal
I would appreciate,if you cold mail me
One minute sales manager - spencer Johnson
Handwriting analyst / graphologist
Hi Sheel,
You have mentioned that you are a handwriting analyst....What exactly is your line of work? Would like to know more about it.
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