Successful HR Professional

Hi to all,
To be a successful HR he or she should require a lot more qualities .A company goes and runs well only with hrs.
he should play a key role must have potential to analyse, managerial qualities leader ship qualities, decision making skills and a lot more
sunil jogdeo
1. Leader with good ideas
2. Follower of good ideas
3. Who can implement good ideas immediately
Hi All,
As per my opinion HR must me friendly with the worker, they always have so many problems as official and personnel. Sometime it will too much tough for you but it is good.
Last 20 year i am working in this field. I like to be always in contact with the workers, so that they are also like that to me.
Hi All,
A good HR professional is required to know the pulse of the employees and the employer. A sharp memory , knowledge, experience & self-discipline are the qualities which will automatically make things fall in place for the smooth functioning of any organization.
Lita Sarkar
Tony John
Hello Sanjeev,
Although the question is very common and posed very frequently, the answers to it are normally very vague and numerous. Its very confusing as to what exactly is the answer to it. At the same time when all the answers listed by everyone here are correct, it should be noted that a HR's ultimate goal is to enable the company and the employees meet their goals. A company exists to make profits and the employees work for the company to earn their livelihood and improve standards of living. So the HR is someone who acts as a catalyst to strike the right balance between the employer and the employee. Which means the HR requires those skills that would enable him to make it possible. The HR's skill requirement would vary from company to company depending upon the business of the these companies.
I believ the most important skill for an HR professional is empathy with employees followed by good listening & analysis skills & systematic documentation.
Namrata vyas
three basic skills require for any good HR are:-
good communication skills
leadership skill
good convincing power
Hello Sanjeev,
Hope you are doing great
As per my thoughts, HR must have the below skills
HR must be an Advocate (must know to balance Individual expection and Aspiration towards Organization expectation/Goals)
-People Handling (understanding employees issues, take necessary steps to solve it), building trust among employees. maintain a good morale among the employees
Integrity & Trust
Perspective - looks towards the broadest possible view of an issue/Challenge
Subject: Re: Successful HR Professional.
Hi All,
I am working as "Sourcing & Induction Executive". I would like to know:-
1) How will the above mentioned Points going to help me.
2) what roles/skills extra skills i must say, i need or should acquire for this post.
My Job role defines maintaining relationship with freelancers with large and variety skilled people.
Also apart from verbal what written skills or maintenance skills should i require.??
Like Richa mentioned about "systematic documentation of every detail related to employees, training, performance, recruitment, appraisal, promotion, past record etc. i.e. all the area under the HRD." i wnat an elaboration.
Regards & Thanks
Dear Sanjeev,
I have recently joined in an singapore based MNC As HR Executive.. I started my job in as HR trainee which i did for 6 months and then joined a leading Freight forwarding company as Sr. Officer Finance. The problem is that in this company I am the only person in HR and I am finding it very difficult to put together all the HR activities because of the lack of practical knowledge abt the same. pls help me in putting together everything and starting a proper HR department. I am putting this question here because I am not able to open a new thread.:(
Plsssss help.....
Thanks in advance,
Swetha Kha
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