Submitting Fake Documents + Termination Letter

Hi Trinity,
I agree with your comments on most of my arguments.
Regarding verification, certificates and other docs are good to verify. But reference-check, I think many times its not true for SMEs with 10-50 employees as Owners are involved in all minute issues. A month back, I saw a similar case. The employee was quite good and company wanted to retain him. He was selected by one firm but during reference check, his previous employer gave worst recommendation And he was rejected.
Though later on, the firm came to know truth about that company and employee, they already selected someone else.
This is one case. I have heard of 2 more such cases in other companies. So what is to be done here? It was loss to employee as well as new employer.
Dear all,
All the person has faked is his relievign letter, now if v go by tyhe rule, this x employee who has now joined your org n has not been relieved by his previous company meaning he is still on thier payrolls and this is illegal, the employee's previous organisation can file a litigation against your company n u wud not be able to prove his resignation... my personal opinion donot terminate him with immediate effect expalin him the situation... and the gravity, ask him to talk to his previous org and try and convince him to releive him if that doesnot happen i think u shud't go ahead witrh his candidature... after all its an integrity issue....
sanjeev vable
Dear friends,

1. I do not agree with dazzles view because once the employee submit his resignation his responsibility is over and employer is having only concern with relieving period. Further the said employer/company can not sue/file case against the other employer/company where the said employee joined. The previous company only file civil suit against left employee for recovery of notice peiod and not else. It is constitutional Right of each individual to serve any where in India.

2. I also not agree with the views of Kumarswamy becasue Form 16 is legal document under I.T. Act. it is mirror of your earnings, deductions and savings so Form 16 is only help to new employer to know genuine salary/Income of emplyee from previous employer. Denial of Form 16 is an offence towords an employer.

I think it is better to discuss with said employee and to decide whether to keep or not said employee in an organisation. For termination you must have concrete proof/reason to terminate his service.
Submitting fake documents is a serious matter . It puts a question mark on ones personal integrity & values.
Since you have already verified the facts from his previous employers , you may simply state the facts and terminate him.
Ash Mathew
Thanks Dear Trinity. I need that copy...
On a lighter note...
:-) wish I terminate myself on the following grouds "Ash you are over worked... on citehr, so move! ;-) "
I have gone thro' most of the replies and I am surprised that being HR personnel, mercy is shown to the guy who has misused the letterhead
of the previous Company. Misuse is entirely different misinformation.
We can tolerate misinformation but definitely not misuse. He can misuse
your company also like this. This should not be justified at any cost.
If the candidate has opted for truth regarding his notice period, companies
which can wait for one month can also wait for two months. I stronly agree with Ash's view somewhere in this thread.
Hi trinity, while there is no doubt that this employee is to be shown the door, before giving termination notice, please counsel him and opt for
voluntary resignation please and if he does not accept for voluntary resignation, then you can go for termination.
since he had submitted the fake documents he is working in your company against law. But already since u have him with ur organisation , according to my opinion it would be better to verify his background thoroughly and also u can suspend him from his work with a memo for a period of one month also as a punishment for the act he had performed. This will also serve as a measure which will atleast make him to do this in another company again. If he wishes to rejoin with ur organisation well let him and also screen his performance thoroughly ... if not within this one month time if he is able to find another job tht well and gud be happy tht you have done your duty...
This is only my opinion. May be it would have flaws.. please correct the mistake if any body feels so.
HR Executive.
hello everybody.
i would stongly recommend that instead of sacking the candidate, you shoukd give him onother try.
let me put one point b4 u all.
i am drwaing x sallary , and according to the standard norms if i switch over to onother job , i will be paid 30 % hike.
but if i really deserve more than 30 % hike, then what sholud i do ?
this is very practical problem and very genuine reason ,why people create false sallary slip.
we can surely ignore such forges and we should see if the candidate is really useful for the firm.
Rachel George
IHi Trinity,
agree with Ramesh and others , termination should not be done in hurry. Kindly go for a 3rd party reference check for his performance; verify his documents properly before initiating any action against him. You may issue him a memo, put him on observation for one month & in the mean while you can monitor his work, responsibilities and his behaviour with his colleagues – superiors & subordinates, if he fits your requirements and is really good, give him a try else…. you can go for termination which will stand as a moral for all new comers in future.
Ash Mathew
The problem is we all tend to over estimate ourselves...
However - if you think you deserve more than a 30% hike, be bold - ask the employer.
I know people who have received a 40% hike too... when asked for!
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