Workplace Harassment Rules And Filing Lawsuit Against Company

".......For me there is no fun in building a career where you have to compromise and allow others to bully....."I am not advising any thing to any of our members who have posted their valuable opinions here but I wonder if it all it is possible to build a career without making compromises.To me making compromises is part of life for one and all.Yes , one can definitely stand against bullying but then even in army there is something called 'strategic retreat' some times , if the ultimate goal is to advance !
Mr. Jagdish Krishiv,
Thanks for your advice through your very first post on this forum after your introduction in the forum. I feel obliged to you. As on the facts narrated by him, I had already gave my suggestion, whatever I thought proper. Now, if you are aware that Sandeep's question is very clear and you did not like him to adjust, you are welcome to let him know, if you know the steps need to be taken by him.
So far ss I know he has already taken steps as per his own volition and also that he prefers not to take any advice from me.
Dear Sandeep,
Neither I intended to seek, nor you were obliged to tender any apology to me. Based on my very long experience in the Government and the Corporate sectors during my service or even after retirement having dealt with innumerable cases of my friends, colleagues and my clients, my advice was quite selfless for you in view of your prospective career. Even your apology may not help you in any way in your future career, as nobody knows what way the time and events take turn any time in future to make or mar one's career depending upon the attitudes of the individuals. But, may be quite unwillingly, at certain times, we have to take some precautions to ward off anticipated evils of future time by application of our own mind, as future always remains beyond control of human beings.
Positive attitude helps in making friends, while negative attitude tends to raise an army of enemies.
Anyway, best of luck.
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