No Leave On 15th Aug

Hi Madhura,
I feel first,we all should undersatnd
"Diffrence between Value of Independence and (personal) Money "
The question will not arise.
Vande mataram...and Wish you and your team Happy Independence day.
Bala Bhosale
Please check the leave policy of your company. If 15th Aug is salready declared as holiday, than you cant open your office on that day.
As said by others 15th Aug is a national holiday so, keeping the office open on that day might become illigal.
Hi this is pankaj sharma
i m doing job with mawana sugars limited (A Unit - Nanglamal Sugar Complex, Nanglamal).
I m getting 14000 Rs. but i m not satisfied with my job. I m doing MBA (HR) from symbiosis pune. I want to build my carrer in way of HR department. I want to start my carrer with HR. For which, when i finished my MBA i could get experience in same way. I have also knoweldge of SAP ESS. I m fully conversent in ESS. Please help for change my department for which i can find my way and could reach on my destiny. Pleeeeeeeeeze help
Ash Mathew
August 15th, Oct 2nd ..and many other days are also days when schools & Colleges are on leave. Wont the employee want to be at home with family - or just take some time for personal pleasure?
Raj Kumar Hansdah
Thanks Trinity-Morpheus.

Dear Ash,

the point at issue is not that someone should not take a holiday on 15th Aug.

Its about what to do in case one has to attend duties on 15th Aug. and wrongly equating patriotism with taking leave.

Whether its a National oliday or a popular festival like Deepawali or Holi; some people who are
  1. in continuos operation industries (like iron and steel making, where if a balst furnace is stopped onece, it will take at least 3 months to restart it again !);
  2. in police services, or other public utility services which come under Essential Services;
  3. in hospital and medical services;
  4. in BPO's etc. where its 24x7 working, etc. (the list is illustrative, and not exhaustive)

are required to work.

When the whole of India is cheering and celebrating, these people PROUDLY go on with their work because the "show must go on !" And if they don't work on that day, whole India will come to a halt.

Imagine getting stuck on railway track in a remote area, cities having no power supply and Electricity on 15th Aug. No buses or public transport. No policeman on duty.

These people SACRIFICE their holiday, their joy of celebrating with family, for the sake of their duties, so that the rest of India can move along.

Is it justified to call them Unpatriotic ???

Is not some understanding of issues and sensitivity be expected from people who call themselves HR professionals ???

Hi Madhura,
You can only operate office on the national holidays only if you have license of 365 days from the labour office. Contact labour office for futher details.
Jain Payal
Dear Madhura,
If there is such a great emergency that u cnnot close yr office on 15th then better way out is to gv the employees a compensatory leave on any other day.
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