My New Job Is Not Satisfying Me. - Jpg Download

Sonia G
Hi Neha,
Although i'm only a fresher n still studyn bt i think u shd stick to ur current job. With ur pvs job its v. clear that u've gained tremendous exp so i think u can v.well use it in dis job of ur, infact i feel an employee like u can make a big diff at ur work place n can actually make dem professional.
All The Best!
E m fresher in corporate world bt wt i knw is dat every time v dn get wat v d thing ....dnt give up.....e m also nt satisfied with ma department bt hv to do those stupid worry many ppls r dere with u...ha ha.....CHEERS....n always smile.....
and pls...before gttn ny other job in ur HAND dnt even think to leave dis one....BEST OF cr........
Hi Neha,
this is damodar. ok i can understand your problem. you go any where people will like this you have to face the problem and mould the situation and circumstances. don't loose your confidence . it takes some time to adjust new place. first of all you study your collegues and bosses nature. don't compare the previous job with new job but one thing continuosly changing jobls is not right. as HR we have to face the problem and slove the problem.
be confident. ok all the best
I agree with u completely. I have also came through the same phase couple of years ago.
But what i feel is you have to find the satisfaction & happiness in something what you have right now,this is called as life.
So feel comfartable. Look at the brighter side and read some good self help books written by motivation leaders like Robin sharma & Shivkhera.
All the best.
on the first note, I understand that you are not satisfied with the way people work with you or around you. But you said as you are not satisfied with your job. If you are professional and work with your true heart, then the employees around you will keep you as target and try to behave,imitate, work to match your standards..
don quit
your challenge there is to make people professional..
apart from thinking of your professional development and earning money, spiritually speaking...God(super natural light) has given a job for you to be professional and make every body professional....
take up the challenge...
a teacher cannot quit as the students are not receptive..
it is the job of the teacher to create or attract attention of the students and educate them...
all the best..!!!
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also read about "joy of laziness" in health and well being...!!
Sky Has No Limits...! So Do I....!
this is my blog..!!!
hi neha,
First myself is basudeo mahto – manager Hr , I would like to suggest you that please do not take immediate decision to leave job. If you not satisfied over there, u plan to switch over other company. I thing I would like to suggest you that the there is no future career path of this position. So please switch over into other career like project coordinator or project assistant or like other career so that u can survive in the industry . any help towards this , I welcome. My mail : [Login to view] or u can call me : 9716620045.


Basudeo mahto
Hai Neha
No more words to say beyond this proverb "Make Hay while the sun shines", You will see all the events with optimistic view and some hidden points are there to learn.
Please forward your profile to [Login to view] with your current organization, CTC, ECTC, Notice Period all those details
With Regards
Dont leave the job. Stick on for couple of months. Then you know where you are. You decide where you to go? Don't get panic. You can get good opportunity. Until you stay here.
Raj Kumar Hansdah
The cause, in my opinion is, power-fixation.
In the new job, you are not getting the kind of attention and respect that your last job provided you.
But please remember, what you felt in the last job was just illusory, this is much real, and whatever you earn (like respect, skills, goodwill, friendship etc.) in this job will be your own and would have come out of your own abilities and caliber. This job will help you grow as a person and as an employee.
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