Frustated With No Work

Hi Sowjanya,
Try convincing your personnel officer to issue at least an offer letter if not appointment etter showing that you are there on probation for 6 months. If not try getting all the pay slips atleast. Wish you good luck.
I believe it all depends on the kind of person you are. If you are tough, thick skinned, better carry on to prove yourself! It would be a big achievement.
On the contrary, if you are sensitive, just quit ASAP. Don't get frustrated and spoil your life and peace of mind. It's really not worth it.
Best Wishes
Dear Friend,
I read your letter. First of all, you should not get frustrated what ever things comes on your way. Wait until you have no other options. This may be good challenge for you to face rather than run away to blame the system.
It looks like you company boss is old person, may be GOOD ROCK, never ever change system as he succeed with his plan and ideas. May be you need to do a lot of data collection and submitt how your ideas will improve the organization. Try to learn how their systems are running and what else you can improve and what could be the expected results. Of course you will find a another good job, this could be again continue to :D new place.
:D :D " You can't change others attitude, but you can very well change your attitude". Keep this in your mind, Good luck. :D :D
Dear Sowjanya ,
Yes, there are so many organizations and in other words you can say they are FM C's family managed companies where the father is the CMD and sons or daughters are directors.In such companies you will always find the old man is always a BIG NO to change, they know how to make big bucks and they never care for change. And yes, the accountants know how to tackle the CMD by saying and advising every time that company is loosing money if it will go for some changes.The same is happening with you and these types of companies are not the right place to work because it ruin the careers of smart HR persons. I have so many cases of this type.
My suggestion: Look for opportunities somewhere else, when you will get any oppertunity, resigned from current place and join somewhere where people knows the value of the career building department of the company(HR).
Dev P. Ray
Hi Sowjanya,

I read your post and understood your frustration. Don't get frustrated. These are the situations you come across in your career. It is not only in your present company. It may be anywhere. In one of your reply you said, your MD asked you to do the appraisal of all employees. Why don't you do it. Point out the outcome, like how much useful one employee in that organisation. If you are not able to do the technical appraisal, interact with the employee himself and ask what he is doing and how much comfortable and well versed with that technical skill. It will help you in understanding the technical part. After the appraisal, make a presentation of it with the positive and negative aspects of each employee, and don't try to show it to them directly, like you asked your MD saying that, you want to show a presentation on training.

Instead send a mail with that presentation, highlighting the outcome of the appraisals. (which should be more visible when they see the mail. Highlight few good things first and then bad things later. Also note that, whatever the problem you are facing, don't blame managment or Managers for any reason) It is human tendency that, when a new mail comes , sure they open and see and at least spend few minutes in reading this. When the main points are highlighted, sure they will continue reading the mail. At one point of time, they will realize and ask you for the rectification methods.

You have mentioned, that the computer operator does the calculations etc. Sit with him or her and try to understand the work. Then try to go through the calculation work he / she has done earlier. If you could find some mistakes in calculations or on any other thing, just show it to them with the proof and send mail to the management, but don't mention that the computer operator made this mistake. Just say when I was going through the earlier calculation statements, I found some of the wrong calculations, and I am bringing it to your notice, which needs to be rectified in books of accounts. (Don't point out any person by name or identification. It should be the general statements with some proof.)

If you do this , I am sure one or the other day the MD will call you and give you more assignments and responsibilities. I am telling you this because, in my initial career I also faced the same problems, but I tried this way and got recognized by the management. For your information, when I put up my resignation on that company, the management didn't accepted my resignation because they don't want me to leave the company. But later I discussed with the management explaining my career growth etc and convinced them and got relieved.

I think you got frustrated, because, they have not given you the assignments in which you are comfortable with. I am not blaming you, but learn everything though it is not related to you. In my experience I learnt writing a Job Descriptions. Now for any position or for any technical posts, I can define JD. Writing a JD is not a easy job. First you need to understand the position, and atleast you should understand theoretical part of technical skills and how it is useful in day to day activities of the company, and how it is related with the other departments etc.

The present generation of HR Executives are not ready to take any risks in life. Most of them are not handling the labour unions which is very difficult, hence everyone takes HR as an easy job.

My only suggestion to all HR professionals is face and compete all the problems come across in your career. Then you will become an expert in HR, and you can become a real HR Consultant.

Wish you all the best.


Dear Sowjanya,
I would suggest start looking for a job and try to get as much as info possible about the organization before accepting the offer. I understand your problem coz I am going through a similar situation. People will tell u to stick and try and work it out but I know its practically very difficult especially when you are in the midst of people who do not understand or rather value HR. Meanwhile, if you can get in touch with somebody from the Sr Mgmt team and put your views across probably they would be able to help you out. In my case even that didnt work but you can at least try. Dont quit without a job in hand, else you would be all the more frustrated. All the best.
Bibhutosh Bhadauria
Dear Soyjanyam,
Keep trying for good job, till than just wait, this is some what Lala type company i guess where there will be no scope for any thing, the more u stay there more you will be harming yourself. Dont accumulate frustration just bear it keeping in mind that you are just there for a while.
Atleast you are having a job and getting salary every month so feel happy and utilize by learning more on subjective knowledge by your self effort till u r there.
All the best for your good job and i know u will do it as lots of opportunities are waiting for you just try for that.
Bibhutosh Bhadauria
I believe you should quit the organization, there is no professionalism nor you can gain any experience over here.
Waste of the time and the energy. It is better if you can use your Capabilities in some other organization and please note there is no need to give any notice as if now you are not yet confirmed.
For better prospectus, plan for MBA or Diploma in HR.
Hi Sowjanya,

I saw some of the people are telling you to look for new job. But can you get guarantee, that the similar situation will not be there also. In new place the MD may be good but the Manager may not. You need to face this kind of situation everywhere.

What I can say to you and Jancy, if you felt really that you are getting humiliated or tortured by the management, then think of changing the job. But based on the info given by you, it is not so. It is all in the game. You need to face it. You have to overcome those problems. Later stages whatever the problems, and whatever the size of the problem, you can confidently face it and solve it, and that time the management where you will be working will support you and recognize your work and you will be appreciated.

I am not saying that you need to stick on to the current job for ever. But learn to face the problems, meanwhile look for a better opportunity and then quit the job.

Every human is having one or the other problems, which he need to face it, otherwise he is not fit to live in this world. You know the fact the poor people are facing the financial problems, the middle class are facing the recognition problem, and the rich people are facing the security and health problems. So in this world everyone will be with one or the other problems. Whoever face it they will go forward, whoever not ready to face it are struggling in their life.

Think twice and take right decision.


Hi Sowjanyam,
Umesh has given a very good suggestion. i too agree with him. Though I have less experience as in HR, but facing the problem, and coming out with breakthrough ideas, help the HR Professionals.
Instead of nestling negative thoughts of quits and struggles, if you can just concentrate on your interpersona relationship with the colleagues and other department, and start portraying yourself as Best to the management, I am sure, you shall be in their eyes and the job security shall be considerate.
My 2 years of HR Professional experience, has taught me to stay and face the Problems Open - heartedly. Be Warrior instead! Thick skinned outside and warm heart inside is the any kind of organization.
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