7 Secrets Of Training - Pdf Download

Hi Raaj!
Your article was very interesting. More than that was your offer to assist others on the subject.
Iam an HR student and am mulling over my thesis. I had chosen 'Recruitment Training' as the subject. For starters I need some ideas on what to include in the following:-
(a) Statement of problem
(b) Hypothesis
hi raj,
thank you for sharing need full information.iam working in a consultancy as a recuriter.actually my interest lies in training(learning)nd development.how can i proceed or jump from one department to another.is it possible.i have done my mba in (hr,marketing nd international business).
thank you ,
Hi! Raaj,
This is really a good and informative document. More over the links providede on the document were really help ful and worth of time investing.
hope u keep ue updating.............
karthik.Ghali :?
Dear All
I have been into a school teaching ( Eng language) from past 10 years. There i have been very active in conducting all kind of public speaking programmes and providing training too..
With this kind of experience I have ventured into a training & development field in HR. I am also pursuing MBA from XLRI via satellite.
I would need appropriate guidance to do well in this line and assistance in achieving the proper career growth.
Can anyone also guide me in letting me know what are the designations used in training and development. They have asked to define my KRA and my designation as this is a new unit in the company and i have got the sole responsibility to execute it.
Thanks a lot.
Dear Raaj,
Thanks for the article which is very informative.
Like you I am very passionate about training and hence wish to interact with you often.
My e-mail ID is [Login to view].
Hi Raaj
Can you give me some material on Training Needs Analysis? Where and how to start in an organisation with 150 executives? Any templates, questionnaires?
Kindly help as I want to know how to start.
Thank you
hi Raaj ,
its very good lesson for hr ............i'm also in hr (trg),i joined in july only ,,,,,,,,i ve no more experience abt this ..............in my org we want to make trg. evaluation effectively so will u guide how we can do that ........and yes i'm working in govt. org. so i want to know what is the role of hr in govt. and priave sector.
Plz mail me or reply me on [Login to view]
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sapna bantiya
I am doing my PGD HRM and as a part of my course, i am required to do a project on topic related to HR. I've chosen emerging trends in training & development. So could you plz help me out with some info on this.
Hi Raj, I am Dinesh. One of my friend is planning to conduct some training programs on Communications skills for companies. Can you give some inputs on that. Like what should be the durations of the classes,how much we need to charge,what are the things we need to cover in this training program etc. And we are very new to this field. Can you give some links related to this. Please reply back to my personal emailid. [Login to view]hanks and Regards,Dinesh.
Hi Raaj & Reshmak,
Its great to see ur passion for trainings.
i am also trying hard to get into trainings, but its taking time.
Since i have Operation exp. of 4 yrs, and never been into hardcore trainings, its doesn't seem easy for me to get into trainings.
Although i have taken some sessions on Customer Service, Soft Skills, etc.
Can you people plz suggest how should i go about it.
I tried in my current organization as well, but that also doesn't seems working.
Was thinking of assisting some trainer to get exposure?????
Kindly suggest since i also want to get professional expertise in trainings.
Waiting for ur reply.
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