Have U Become What U Wanted To Be???

Hello Ash,
Nice topic & Good going keep it up..... As sreeni told this topic made me to think back and realise what i wanted to become.....and what i am now.....As my parents used to say i am alys wanted to become magician whn m in school, after completion of school (10th) i wanted to become a five star hotel chef, a hotel management grad. then dollar dream come in my mind a software engineer till my graduation, after that i joined MBA now landed in HR.
now am planning to join SAP HR..............i dnt knw what is going to happen this time......
Thanks ash for tht nice topic
When I Was a child I always thought of becoming a DOCTOR ... Lost Medical entrance merit list with margin then Scientist ( Geo Physics) as I M a first class Physics Honours ... Then Artist as I M aMaster Graduate in Fine Arts .. Then jst a House Wife as I Fell in love with Handsome Guy ... Then Got in HR as I M MBA - HR........................ Now I want to have my own Business house .. May be a Dhaba... and The Journey Continous ... :-P:icon10::-P:?::icon1::(:icon7::confused::huh:
Anju Prince :-P:-P
Dear Asha, Very nice to chat with these kind of topics because you know one thing I am also practicing in HR for around 1415employess at various categories.In my school days I dreamed to become an IAS. I have comeleted my BBM with out any planning and Just like that I joined as a store keeper in one media company where i was happened to do all the administrative works.For that I studied MA in public Administration. That was very useful to me in my job aera where i have to handle so many problems.Than I completed MBA-HR with good scoring marks. That Improved me a lot than i switched over my company where i treated only 77persons now I am capable to handle around 1415persons at various categories and different age groups.Just see for me it takes 7years to study to know what is HR & Administration.But Still I have that confident one day definetly I will become an IAS office there I have to handle N no of persons.------ so, just leave your life in its way. U cannot predict the future at the same time you can track towards U._____Believe yourself first regards,sekar krishnamoothymail Id -sekark_7711@yahoo.co.in
this activity actually helped me walk back to my childhood days..!! i've always wanted to join the indian police, then thought of becoming a professor, software engineer ..... however currently i am in training and quality !!
fortunately i can discuss what i wanted to be.......OR not to be
I wanted to be a doctor after my class 12th, i worked very hard to score good % but i had to think of doing Graduation & then PG with Science & Chemistry.... I wanted Botany.
I wanted Simply a good Husband who takes care & gives me my space!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i had no words post my marriage and now 14 years He is Great Human Being, Disciplined & of course good. But see i wanted simply good.
Then i did not wanted to be a teacher but teaching was the choice i got to start with.
I keep questioning MY WANTS???? & DESIRES.......
Sapna Agrawal:-D
One of our managers walk through an activity earlier which is quite similar to this. it actually helped us understand where we stand - whether we have achieved what we wanted in our lives - if not, he asked us, where we want to be in the next five years.... and what we intend to do to achieve that goal!
It was really interesting, since we all had different goals to achieve in the coming few years however we were no where close to the ladder to make that first step..!!!
Ash Mathew
Hello Everyone...
Its amazing to see that you are happy while responding. All of us had dreams... and today we have chose a different path. But I believe we have a little bit of everything in us:
Example: The caring nature in us - for those who dreamt to be a Doctor
The detective nature - for the ppl who wanted to be investigators, reporters..
The patience to explain - for thise who dreamt of becoming techers
The creative energy - for those who wanted to become artists/dancers...
Its just there in our nature and all those dreams have nt gone for vain..its there in us.
There is a little of everything what we dreamt of in ur childhood - in us...
Thats what makes us unique!
Ppl.... keep posting, its nice to hear and the feeling of sharing these thoughts are also spl - I hope ppl who have already posted here agrees to this!
- Take Care!
As always.. great initiative...
Every one has dreams and passions... similarly during my childhood I wanted to be a commerical pilot inspired by my uncle. Then I have landed in engineering and wanted to be a Automobile Engineer and then wanted to get into functional domain rather than technical....thus joined MBA....
Being peoples' person always and acting like the same was indicating my passion in people management and then have started to chase my dream and my passion which made me to opt HR.... Thanks to the course I have ended up whihc made me capable for general management with focusing on HR
As of now I am very happy that I am what I am passionate about i am inro L&D - HR now.. But u never know....may be future i would like to be an entrepreneur lets see where it goes..
All the best to every one...
Dear All,
This is really a very interesting topic.Thank u for starting this post.
My dream is to start up a business.So i felt that management experience would help me further. So took up MBA (HR+IT). Currently working as a HR manager and very happy with my career as i am in the learning process, and surely all this experience will help me to make my dream success.
sainath goud
yup its happens to every one,
i had lots of dreams too stil i hav
i started with dreaming of b a cricketer, when i passed 10th want to b an enginner graduate,but i landed in commerce after that i wanted to do a course of CA, but again wind thrown me in MBA,
now am working as Asst HR
still ther are lots of dreams though but am loving my changes
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