Employee Personnel File Management.

What all documents required has already been describes well by yours_shekhar & satyasekhar.D.
Further to add on , it is mandatory to maintain the hard copy/Individual Employees file ;however if you have all these details available as soft copy it reduces the risk. At the time of verification you can consult both soft copy on your PC as well as the files.
Dear Seema
Even you can maintain the Application and Interview performance details of the employee in their personal file. In one Standard size Godrej Almirah you can mainain about 500 to 700 personal documents and it is possible to maintain properly if updated regularly. In addition you can maintain the soft copy of all the individual documents (scanning the educational certificates and experience certificates of the employees) by making a folder per employee in a separate drive in a system.
Hi everyone,
I am part of a 100,000 strong global MNC. We have an excellent application tracking and EMployee personnel data management in SAP system. Almost all of the files mentioned above are uploaded and saved on internal server safely. They are also easy to retrieve in case of incident. In this case, what documents are required by law to be maintained as hard-copy? We are based in Pune so please add if local state laws require.
I know it is good to have and recommended to have all of the above files as hardcopy. But please do tell on what is the bare minimum documents needed as hard copy as per law.
When you comment please do tell if your advise is from personal experience with law or based on a law(please mention law if so). thanks a lot for your effort and expertise.
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