Leaves For Casual Worker

Hello Divya,
No casual workers are not eligible to take any type of leaves, just their employment is on tempory basis.
I am new to HR and have been getting a lot of negative responses but I want to set up an hr dept.
What I do,?
Please help me out. Give me guideline....
Hello friends,
I have query about the contract labour,
we are hiring the man power through contract labour, we are paying them on no work no paybasis.If they work continiously more than 240 days are they eligible for EL ?
If they work more than 180 days , will they eligible for company roll. Pl advice.
If such workers put into job on national holidays/Festival holidays what will be the compensation to them.
Certainly they will get ond day wages for present in duty but what else if any.
bhanu p singh
As per Factories act each individual/worker who is working in the premises, directly or through contractor will be governed by the Factories Act.
thus why the casuals should not be entitled for availing PL.
Dear all
I agree with the suggestion given by Mr Senthill D and Mr Vigsysjesu and more over if a casual worker also if he completes 240 days in a year he will become the regular employee and all the benefits which are enjoyed by the regular employee, the casual employee is also entitled and for his casual leave and earned leave and other festival and national holidays are at par with the regular employees. As per the Shops Act if a casual worker worked continuously for 30 days then he is entitled for one day casual leave and like wise if he worked for one year he is entitled for 12 casual leaves+15 earned leave with wages +10 days sick leave. The sick leave may not be granted if he is covered under the ESI Act, 1948.
with regards
sanagapalli VR
Asst Director(Retd) ESIC
All workers, be it casual or permanent,all acts are applicable.You need to give them leaves per rule.If he works more then 240 days in previous year,he is eligible for EL/PL or encashment.For more understanding pl refer Abolistion and regulation of contract labor act.
( It clearly defines why a contract worker and why it is regularised)
Dear Sir,
I understood ur explanation for casual leave calculation and will be happy if you could explain the calculation for EL & SL.
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