Extra Marital Affair Of An Employee

shaista khan
well in my point of view its not her personal matter at all when it is getting disturb other employees of the organization.management shoud fix close room meeting with her and should warn her that take her such affairs out of work place otherwise they will take action against her.
I think you should ask directly her because this her personal mater and if it is under office promises than you have to give warning latter and i don't think you tell her husband and her kids because if you tell her husband and kids so her life is spoil i think she should understand she doing wrong, and i fell if you discuss regarding this matter.
and we want to remove corrupt not corrupted people at least you have to try humanity.
Akhilesh Kumar Tiwary
In my view management shuoldnot take any action because employees have right to leave his personal life ,but it shuold not effect in his proffessional life or work.
Roshan Tellis
Hi Sari,
from my point of view, i think we would be incorrect in judging her character. Tagging an individual as involved in"extra marital" affair would tarnish the persons reputation. Having said that are their behaviour or their acts/deeds affecting their colleagues? are they involved in "PDA" then probably you could take some action which the organisation should have an policy 'workplace behaviour and ethics'.
As Mangesh rightly addressed how sure would you be that they are not having a platonic relationship? What if there is nothing really happening and if you decide to counsel her the repercussion to be borne. Albeit if her performance is not a hindrance, and her character/behaviour is not affecting any person we should avoid interfering and moral policing. Would advocate being rational and practical
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It happens in Corporate world.
Take action only if it affects in employee & Company' performance
also consider about other person involved in this matter.
better if u counsel her and other person individually.
I am surprised at the question and more surprised at the responses. All employees are above the legal age of 18 or 21 and are free to live their lives the way they want. Concerns should be limited to company policy and adherence to it.
This is her personal matter and any effort to impose a certain culture in the organisation is nothing short of Facism.
How can 'controlling thoughts' of employees even cross your mind?
This is a serious violation of 'privacy of employees' and should be corrected at the earliest!
Dear Sari,

I don't mean to offend you here. But I think you and the team need a counseling.

If the employee is productive why should their personal lives be bothered?

By what you say and an action is taken on the same, almost half the work force will be scrutiny in the country. I think HR should not get involved in personal lives of the employee. Even if it affects their productivity in office, the management is bound not to discuss about their personal lives. But, If office premises is used as a ground for their personal lives and the productivity is not up to the mark, then take an action.

The whole meaning and concept of culture is changing. No one can deny it. Things are not the same as the old days.

Why are the team members fuming about their personal life?? How is the environment polluted in it?? Every company nowadays calculate employee productivity vs per cubicle space allotted to them. How is it affected by this??

The team members should refresh their minds and concentrate with their work. Lets be professional and not personal towards work.

Sorry if any offense meant and I am open to correct myself if I am wrong.


Sonali Vaidya
I don't think it is anybody's business to dwell into someones's personal life. Secondly , can anyone prove such a thing in an organisation set up? Noone is gonna admit this. This remains a mere speculation and such things keep happenning.
What you need to ensure is her performanceis not getting hampered. Also you need to ensure that she does not report to this guy as conflict of interest may arise and that can cause more unrest amonst other employees.
This is her personal life and as long as she does not get into a behaviour which can be perceived indecent to see by otheres, she should be left on her own.
I think it is not appropriate to bring a personal affair of a person into Corporate policy matters, as long as it does not interfere with productivity.
The affair of the employee may not be in line with the value system prevailing of the society, however one needs to realize that such matters are beyong purview of the Employers.
It is best not to do anything with the employee in this matter. If this is leading to other related problems, then this should be discussed with her and leave at that. The Employer has no right to educate or reprimand an Employee on moral highs or lows.
Bhardwaj Ramesh
Hi Friends,

This situation may happen in any organisation.Moreover this is not uncommon to have affairs before marriage. We have seen where in such situations most of the the couples in affairs get married.

Now where Extra marital affair of an employee is concerned it is against the discipline of the organisation. It may lead to nagitivity in the culture. First of all Her HOD may be involved in the Crucial meeting with all the HODs. This will ultimately convince the concerned HOD to take immediate steps i.e. to counsell her and her and the concerned person in the affaire, make them aware about the negative feelings of the employees about them. This will also generate the feeling among all the HOD's to take preventive actions in their departments also to weed out the same.

I personaly feel that she may be convinced about negative impact on her personal life. Regular counselling must be given. Involving their family in this matter may worsen the situation.

It is very delecate issue and must be handelled very carefully. The immage of the organisation also in concern.


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