Husband & Wife Working In The Same Firm..wife Is Facing Problems Due To Husband

rajrm the thread takes us on and on without any full stop...or review...
suddenly this thread has fallen silent...
Thanks to psdhingra for the insight??
Dear Dhingraji,
Thanks once again.
Well,it seems you are quite senior person,as you know who is Kamal Amrohi.
What I can I do with my name as it was given by my Grandfather.
My grandfather was a great fan of him,so what can I do sir????
I am really sorry If I have hurt you somewhere or the other.
Kamal Amrohi
Dear All,
Thanks to you all for your response.
Well,the Management has accepted the resignation,as
they don't want to put there nose into their personal life.
Kamal Amrohi
Dear Ravi,
We tried our best to convince both of them,we had counselling and all.
But Mr.Husband don't want to continue.Anyway,the situation was more like personal.So,it was like we are interfering into their personal life.
They are highly educated & grown up people,so its upto them.
So we left the decision for management.
Thanks for your response.
Kamal Amrohi
Dear Dada,
These type of problems usually comes in Hr Department.
Because employees interact with us,as we recruit them & they have a trust on us.So they do share many personal things with us.
Who has so much time for imagine a story.If I imagine also why I will think of posting on such a respectable site,where I learn many a things.
Thanks for your query.
Kamal Amrohi
Raj Kumar Hansdah
I tend to agree with Ravi. It feels like an anti-climax. The working couple had to suffer for no fault of theirs.
Moreover, there was no attempt to take any action against those employees who use "office canteen" for indulging in in-appropriate, disruptive behaviour - this is where the concerned HR has failed to take a definite punitive action.
Dear Kamal Amrohi,
I feel sorry for the couple but it's unfortunate because the one most affected is the wife and not the husband. Nowadays most companies have Dual employment policies in trying to keep couples/families together. It is important to talk to the husband and explain to him that his wife needs to interact literally with everyone around her work area unless he needs her to stay at home. I have witnessed a couple of cases in my organisation and it is very stressful.
Dear Mr.Hansdah,
Please come out of imaginative world.
Well,the comments were not passed at office canteen,it was a canteen outside the company.
Wake up the issue is over.
You never came up with a solution and just beating about the bush.
Kamal Amrohi
Raj Kumar Hansdah
My dear friend

In my humble opinion, once a member posts a thread, he should go through all the responses minutely.

Also he should go through his OWN posts minutely.

You seem to have missed my two posts on 28th May itself, (your thread was posted on 26th May); wherein I have put up certain questions.

As far as your contention that "You never came up with a solution and just beating about the bush"; I agree with you to the extent that I DO NOT BELIEVE IN GIVING SOLUTIONS ON A PLATTER and SPOON FEEDING !! Had you read the post minutely you would have got all your solutions and answers.

However, since you are not an HR person, its not expected that you should understand all the underlying issues.

Now you say that "Well,the comments were not passed at office canteen,it was a canteen outside the company."

Please RE-READ YOUR EARLIER post, wherein you had written :
"Once he was into the company canteen sitting at some corner. There he heard about some wrong comments being passed by her wife's colleagues.It was the whole team."
Further you had written in subsequent post :
"Well,the husband was saying that her colleagues were speaking really bad. They had a bet on some colour of the undergarment wore by her & one of the colleaegue lost the bet.The person who lost the bet was giving the party. He told these things to her wife,but still she is speaking to those colleagues in a very friendly way."
You explain the apparent contradictions, now that you claim otherwise. Dear friend. an HR person needs to be very careful about the statements he makes, as they are at times required to give statements in judicial and labour courts. It is good that you are not in HR deptt.
  • You also missed the post by Bindu, despite being repeatedly pointed out by Mahr.
  • You did not take kindly to Mr. Dhingra's (who is a very senior person in terms of experience) posts - accusing him to be a young, inexperienced HR; whereas a poster should be thankful to everyone who has taken the effort and spared time in sending a reply, even if it criticizes the issues involved. Obviously, you were only looking for some pat in the back, rather than solutions.

Hope you will read this post carefully, without any anger for not getting the reply in the manner you would have wanted it to.

Dear Hansdah,

Reply, as addressed to you, by the author of the story clearly vindicates his irritation for any good advice for an HR man.

From the thread and his other additions you can see the husband of a female employee, who had very serious objections over the interaction of his wife with the male colleagues and their derogatory comments, preferred to tender resignation. Further, the wife when not ready to adhere to the advice of his husband for not interacting with her male colleagues, even when they try to raise bad comments for the wife, it indicates, the wife did not have any objection even if her colleagues insult her. This great HR man was not interested to post the husband and wife at different offices of the company. So, the husband can be seen to have thought as if the problem would end with his own resignation and he would feel relaxed and happy in his married life. Still further, the author of the thread preferred to get his resignation accepted by the company even against the advice of majority of the members of this community.

Probably the author of the thread thinks the problem is all over with the wife now on acceptance of the resignation of her husband and neither she would have to interact with or to listen comments of her male colleagues. REALLY GREAT!! He does not visualize that he paved a way to more such type of serious indiscipline in the company where her male colleagues would get total free hand not only to tease but could even dare to molest her in the absence of his husband being nowhere in picture to see that all.

The author of the thread preferred at one time to say "Once he was into the company canteen sitting at some corner. There he heard about some wrong comments being passed by her wife's colleagues.It was the whole team." The other time (in a recent post) he states "Well,the comments were not passed at office canteen,it was a canteen outside the company."

In fact I consider and already termed it as totally a fictitious story created by the author.

It is not a case of single contradiction from the side of the author of this thread. If you see all his contributions to this thread you can find several contradictions. In fact, he tried to add spice every time to make his original story more delicious and attention grabbing by adding several new and even contradictory contributions to attract more and more comments from community members just for his own amusement. I had already expressed my doubt whether he is really an HR man. A person, who could become the cause to pave the way for more & more indiscipline within the organization by preferring to accept he resignation of the husband, can never be an HR man.

Needless to emphasize, there must also be other female employees in the company. If such bad elements, whose behavior could lead to husband's resignation, are not tamed and made to learn some lesson in time, the other women employees are also definitely likely to get maltreatment from those bad elements. Rather, they may also be getting already the same treatment from those employees.

So, can you think, the person who authored the story and ended the climax with creation of an explosive situation for his own company and all of its women employees simply to leave the company to earn bad name for the company for the time to come, could be an HR man?

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