Extra Marital Affair Of An Employee

Hi! Everybody ,first of all i have wondered to see the result of this particular post you know guys the replies are 102 and viewers 2572 .
Where as for other quires the responses are very less
I am just questioning my self and also to others why people are becoming so curious about others life?
Really we are all wasting our precious time for unnecessary and unproductive things.
My sincere and humble request to all members kindly come with educative and useful quires.
Thanks to all
My manager who has 2 sons is having an affair with one of our collegues. She is taking full advantage of this. She goes on unscheduled leaves, gets promoted out of turn, has been appointed as an adhoc trainer for some new people those who have joined. Durig the work hours the manager and this female collegue goes out and return back within 3 -4 hrs.
Some people have reported this matter to the superiors and no action has ever happened. Rather people those who have highlighted this have been sent on counselling or have left due to sickening work environment.
Realistically what do all you readers, writers think about this. No gyan just be innovative and practical.
Dear Sari,

It is very simple, he or she should be very honest to the life partner, if the person involves in such unethical affairs other person means he/she is not honest to the relationship and he/she is cheating them-self and as well as the family and friends.

There could be reasons as the person is happy with the partner in personal life / the partner not spending time with the other partner / the person is very addictive and looking for such relationship intentionally.

But this doesn't mean that one should have such relationship and find it right to this relation, though he is married or unmarried.

And if it is any situation where the person is not willing but still involve into such relation coming under pressure with personal or professional reasons sounds stupid.

one should get accustomed to new changes in corporate world but should not forget the discipline and culture what is though for which we are known in the world with such traditions, it is very shameful to follow such culture and if some one says it is required to impress the boos or senior person and grow in the career and professional life then you are not really interested in your career but taking this as a chance and getting the body needs.

If this is unseen or not given importance by the people of the organization to such activities, then i am sorry to say that we are losing our ethics and culture, where by the organizations and blind and supporting to such unethical activities even after noticing them.

I say the management should take a step to avoid such unethical behavior of a person at present in future and should make it a practice.
Dear sari,
i think let,s not confuse a relationship and extramarital affair these two are altogeather different issues as you have mentioned that she is hard working doing extra hours means she is sincere and dedicated then why not this dedication in married life. there may be some issues from her husband side as wel. try to evaluate it . if a woman is facing mental or physical trauma from fer spouse it,s quite obvious that she may divert to a sympathetic person she has all right to do that any human being is bount to be attracted towards care and tenderness. before taking any action her husband's attitude and behaviour can be resourced. we as a civilized citizen do not deprive any one from love and care but at the same time let's not permit any thing unethical just for fun. be justified in your action that,s all iwould say. your one wrong move can ruin an individual's life.
take care
wouw....wouw....wouw....do u have any evidence?....or it just feelings...issues or gossip?....get the evidence first then processed as work ethics. Tell them both their behaviors collide with ethics, culture and religions.
Someone suggested for CCTVs. Hahah.... your office turns into prison. Male members will not go to the cabin of female members and they will not mingle in meetings also. You have to change the seating pattern. Oh...god! You will change things that were casual so far and would create untouchables in the modern world for the sake of somebody's extra marital affair. Heaven sake, better avoid CCTV coverage at restrooms and pantry.
Senior managers (males) will not dare to mix with their counterparts or shake hands on birthdays. Blown off !!^^
Office practices and decorum demand that such types of affairs are not acceptable. But for that 'absolute evidence' is required. I may suggest to invite both of them in the presence of HR manager and a senior team member and discuss the issue. However, others have to 'mind 'their business so long as this affair does not affect the regular and orderly functioning of the organisation
best of luck
S 85, NDA Road
Pune 411 023
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Anand ananthan
It not good for working environment, The Mgmt should the both and give them firm warning by saying if the affair continues, either one should resign or both will be terminated.
Yangon, Myanmar
At this juncture, I would suggest you to take two things into consideration and analyse them :
First : Try to understand as to why team mates say that the environment is uncomfortable because of her.Get specific things.
Second : Understand and talk to the employee.
Legally we cannot take action on any employee considering her personal life but of course, if her personal life or her behaviour in the organization breaches any code of conduct of the organizationz then the organization can take relevant actions. Its not necessary that every extra marital affair is negative. How would her colleagues know as to what is the scene back at home?
I don't think you need to take any action against the employee. Once her
performance is good, her behaviour at workplace is not objectionable, why we should bother about it. We are not a moral police. Ofcourse, if some complaint is received then it is different. In that case you can counsel her first and take some action. Let her manage her relationship in her own way.
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