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Dear All,
I have recently joined a company in Delhi as HR. Now they want to register their some of the employees under ESI and PF. More then 50 employees are working over here so kindly suggest me whether is it possible to register only some employees under PF and ESI when their basic is 6500 or below. If yes then how.
And on the other side what about minimum wages.It is necessary to give the salary according to minimum wages and minimum wages consider as gross or basic.

From India, Delhi
Dear Ritika,
Gross Salary of Rs. 6500/- P.M.
PF calculate Rs.6500 @12% = Rs.780/-
Below Rs.6500/-
like any month you pay rs.6300/- so that pf amount 6300@12% = Rs.756/-
any employee absent you pay salary 5670/ so that pf amount 5670@12% = 680/-
ESI max. limit of Rs.15000/-
Employee contribution @1.75% & employer contribution @4.75%

From India, New Delhi
Dear Ritika,

Registration for EPFO:-

1. Name of the establishment/factory and address.

2.Details of Head Office and branches with address.

3.Details of Code No. if any allotted to the Head Office.

4.Employment Strength

(i) At present :

(ii)Month wise employment strength from the date of set up may be furnished in separate statement :

5.Nature of business activity/manufacturing activity :

6.Details of the employers/ownership particulars etc. (Names, Designation and Addresses of Managing Director, Directors, Partners, Secretary etc. to

be furnished) :

7.Wages disbursed for the month :

8.Details of Bankers: (Including Bank Branches & Account Number (s).)

9.Income Tax Permanent A/c. No.

10.Details of employees are furnished below :-

Name of the employee/Father’s Name /Date of Joining/Wages (basic +D.A. & Cash Value of food concession)

(In case you have more than 21 employees the above information in respect of the other employees may be added in a separate sheet of paper in the same format continuing the serial number. )

11.Details of bank draft amounting to the contribution. And administrative charges paid in respect of the above employee. (Rate of Contribution at present is 12% by employer and employees+ 0.5% towards E.D.L.I. contribution and 1.15% towards administrative charges)

Name of the Bank & Branch,Draft No.& Date,Amount.


The details furnished above are correct to the best of our knowledge and

belief. It is clearly understood that we are liable for coverage from a date antecedent to

the date of set up furnished above in the event of furnishing of false information.



Essential Document(s) to be submitted (For other than a proprietary concern)

1. A copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association and the certificate of incorporation issued by the Registrar of Companies, in the case of Public and

Private Ltd. Companies.

2. A copy of partnership deed in the case of partnerships.

3. A copy of Registration certificate issued by the Registrar of Co-operative societies.

4. A copy of Registration certificate issued by Registrar in the case of societies registered under Societies Registration Act along with a copy of the objects and Rules of the Society.

5. Partition deeds creating HUF.

6. Any agreement or other legal documents in the case of Association of persons as defined in the Income Tax Act.

A list of documents which can be submitted as a proof of date of set up :-

(Any one of these documents has to be submitted)

1. First Sales Invoice.

2. Any proof regarding date of trial production.

3. Incorporation Certificate issued by the Registrar of Companies together with the report of the Managing Director to the Shareholders in the

Annual Report.

4. Commencement of Business Certificate issued by the Registrar of Companies.

5. Certificate of Registration issued by the Registrar of Co-operative Societies.

6. Certificate of Registration issued under Societies Registration Act.

7. Certificate issued by Reserve Bank of India registering newly set up and non-banking financial companies.

8. License issued by the Health Authorities.

9. License/permission issued by the Municipal/Corporation Authorities.

10. Permission/approval granted by the appropriate State Govt. Authorities in the case of Educational Institutions.

11. Certificate issued by the Fire Authorities in the case of establishments coming under Explosives Act.

12. First assessment order issued by the Sales Tax Authorities.

13. First assessment order issued by the Income Tax Authorities.

14. Certificate issued by the Small Scale Industries authorities registering the establishment.

15. Reports/returns to Central Excise authorities.

16. Sanction/connection of power like H.T. connection, L.T. connection etc.

17. Any other Certificate issued by any authority under any law for the time being in force prior to the commencement of business activity/manufacturing activity.

The above list is not exhaustive and is only illustrative. Any one or more of the above documents may be submitted along with your application for

allotment of a Code Number.

Registration for ESIC:-

1. From – 01

2. Trade License

3. Certificate of Incorporation if it is limited or Partnership deed if Partnership firm

4. Copy of Pan Card of both company and director or proprietor.

5. Owners Residential Address Proof & Company Address proof.

6. Bank Statement

7. Attendance Register

8. Salary Register

9. Memorandum & Articles of Association




From India, New Delhi
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