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Dear All, I am working as HR Manager In A charitable institution (an Eye Hospital ). There are 90 employees in Base Hospital and 25 field workers. Employee dispute is a major issue here.
Number of time , i get complaints from staff about this dispute... Today an incident happened which became reason of dispute between two employees and both are right from their point of view ..
Although management has sympathy with one of those employee, But i need to listen another too before taking any decision..
Kindly advise what should i do. And please share incident report format as well...

From India, Kanpur
Two female employees have some personal issues as i am working in Hospital, It is necessary & legal requirement to maintain patients record. one of them is saying that another employee has stolen patient file because of that Patients waited and went back..
This complaint came to Manager Operations then to me. Now another employee is saying that this is not my mistake , file has been missed from Reception.
This is a serious issue and Our Director has sympathy with one of that employee so i wont take any action against her ... The employee who is accused is here from last 5 years good , from Orphan but does not know how to behave professionally. In spite of this, there are number of complaints about her misbehavior with other staff for which she has been warned ..
Now i don't understand what i need to do..(as i also have soft corner for accused one as she is from orphan , if she loose this job , nowhere she can go).
Seema Mishra

From India, Kanpur
seema mishra
thanks for the explanation..
see u r in a position if H R Mng. u should be very cool in handling this spite of u know the truth u not able to make justification.
right . as u know the other lady has really made mistake and he is getting support form high officer. u should be more easy to make her out the only way is to keep your favored employee beside her and record all the compliance against her and take witness by your employees and make a record of her behour and conduct and make a file and u will be more strong to take up any action against her .. the no body come in favor of her by seeing the file ..

u can come on what up no which is below..

From India, Hyderabad
Dear Seema,

In my opinion, you as a HR professional need to set aside emotions and sympathy and approach the problem without any prejudice (she is an orphan, what happens if she loses her job etc.,). Many a times employees trade accusations against each other, but if you need to nip it once and for all, you need to pick up one case and go the bottom of it. Grill all the persons concerned and find out the cause for the problem. But this has to be done immediately after you receive the complaint, because employees tend to forget the sequence of events or atleast pretend to, if the process is delayed. In one case, if you able to establish the facts and record it, then these sort of trivial matters will start coming down.

If employees find that you are transparent, unbiased, easily approachable, pragmatic, logical, emphatic, matters can be dealt relatively easily. I am not saying that you will be able to establish the exact cause for every incident but if you are able to establish the root cause in atleast one or two instances, there will be more trust in you.

In this instance, first find out

1. Who is the primary custodian of the patient's file?

2. Who brought this file from the custodian to the reception?

3. What evidence is available to take out the file from the custodian? Does the employee sign that he is taking the files.

4. What time was the file taken to the reception?

5. What was the reporting time of the two employees in dispute?

6. What is their primary scope of work? In the sense who is supposed to handle patient's file?

7. Who is the custodian of the patient's file in the reception?

8. When was it noticed that the file was missing?

9. At this time where were these two employees engaged? Is there any evidence that they were working in the said spot, does any co - worker or employee give evidence for it.

10. Who first reported that the file was missing and to whom?

11. Was the file traced later? If so by whom?

The questions can be endless based on the situation and reaction of the employees. If you are able to identify the employee responsible for the mistake, tell her that her action has brought disrepute to the hospital,being a service industry, if patients don't trust the file protocol procedure, there is every possibility that the patient may not come back to the hospital, furthermore, he/ she may spread the message by word of mouth and this can tarnish the image of the hospital. Thereafter advise her to refrain from such activity.

After the process is over, draft a procedure for handling of patients file and laterally think if this procedure can be horizontally deployed across the organisation elsewhere. Fix responsibility upon the positions (not on individuals). Once you start establishing procedures, such lapses are unlikely to occur.

Thereafter, conduct an audit in various departments and establish process/ procedures with clearly defined responsibilities across the organisation.

This is what ISO certification is all about.



From India, Madras
Dear Ms. Seema Mishra,

You have two issue in hand.

1. To resolve a problem

2. Protect an orphan

You may have to handle both separately.

1. To solve the dispute, you have to justify what is right according to your view and investigation. You cannot not go by who is right or wrong.

2. You want to protect the Orphan but your director want to protect the other person. I feel both of you right in your approach. You tell your views that you have expressed here that the Orphan will have no other option or will have to face lot of difficulties in her life. Explain this to your director.

Let me put it this way. When some one want to introduce a product, they will create desire for product through advertisement and other means in order to sell it well in the market.

Your problem seems to be to sell your idea of protecting an orphan who could be innocent according to you. Find a way how to put it to your Director or if you cannot, find some one who could be close to your Director whose words your Director will listen, use such person to put your thought in your Directors mind. As a HR head, it not only to work professionally but to protect the Human Values which I can see in you. Go ahead and find how to push your ideas. Thats all.


Vivian Chandrashekar

Ph : 9916138191

From India, Bangalore
Dear All members,
I am really glad that you all have given your valuable advise to me.. Your suggestion are really helpful for me to resolve these kind of issues in my Org..
I am glad to be part of this...
Thanks a lot...

From India, Kanpur
If you find any one responsible for any dispute or any negligence either it director favored or an orphan, It does not mean you immediately fire him. He/she can be given a warning letter, an increment stopped, a promotion stopped or anything less than \'firing an employee\'.

From India, Kharar
Dear Mr. Manoj batra ,
i got your point sir. But missing a patient's file is legally a punishable offence ... termination cannot solve the problem...Hospital is responsible for these record...
So there must be a threatening punishment for the same to let employees know that how serious the issue is! No one is future should repeat this . be extra carefull about record..

From India, Kanpur
Just go to the root of the problem, find out guilty person, and warn strictly , take note from her in written, take appropriate action without any bias.
1) Fair decision from u r end will develop confident in other employees.
2) u can take strong action because u have written proof, .
Daljeet Singh

From India
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