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Dear all,
Please find the attached Emergency action plan for ur reference...
I hope its help to us...
I try to post word format but its comes error if anybudy want word format pls drop ur email ID i will send to u...
Keep sharing guys...
Have a safe day
Thanks & Besafe

From United States, Fpo
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: pdf EMERGENCY ESCAPE PLAN - BY RAGHU.pdf (86.0 KB, 3855 views)


Dear Raghu
Thanks for the psoting and active participation in the forum...
The emergency escape plan which you posted is a final one or is a draft or is a write up about the subject just for referance? Or few more pages lefft to include...
My comments on the same:
1. Lacking an Index Page
2. Fails to meet the purpose of an Emergency Escape Plan.
Even after go throguh the entire write up its fail to explain in case of emergency what one employee is suppose to do? Where to go in case of emergency? Where is the assembly point?
3. Why we should make it more complicated as such type of emergency plan to be clearly understandable to common workers? Can we go for some flow chart which clearly mention the actions one should do in case of emergency?
4. To whom to contact in case of emergency and What all the contact numbers?
Hope you will find more reasons to do needful modifications in your Emergency Escape Plan for making it a perfect document.
Dipil Kumar V

From India
Hi Raghu
Good one. Keep it up.
We can also prepare EAP through OSHA site. I have also prepared through it.
Please visit the undermentioned link.
Evacuation Plans and Procedures eTool: What is an Emergency Action Plan?
Thanks once again Raghu for starting this thread.

From India, Mumbai
Dear all,
Its only for ur reference.
Dilip ,
ur r right in that attachment for ur reference only sir u can attach Emergency numbers , nearest hospital route map , ERT members details , Assembly point route map .

From United States, Fpo
Dear All
Thanks a ton for posting your valuable views and of course such a nice emergency preparedness plan by Mr. Raghu. Friends, I guess this serves as mere guidelines or blueprints.... one has to work it out to suite his/her specific requirements
Further, one of the friends asked as to be specific about the manufacturing industry... I am working with Automobile manufacturing industry.
More valuable inputs would be highly appreciated.
Thanks & regards
Harish Satija

From India, New Delhi
Dear Harish,
Thanks for your valuable feedback . I think It's was my first paper work while starting a individual project in overseas; whenever i saw my 2009/2010 posts/thread on our forum it leads to remember my starting days in EHS.

From United States, Fpo
please share emergency action plan with (flow chart) in this platform. So that every one can easily go through for better understanding. mean time i am preparing the emergency action plan for on site. Thx.
From undefined, undefined
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