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Dear friends,
I am attaching Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill 2009 passed by Parliament recently. It provides for including teachers in the definition of "employee" with retrospective effect.

From India, Malappuram
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File Type: pdf Payment of Gratuity Amendment Bill 2009.pdf (79.7 KB, 3298 views)

Dear all!!!Has it been passed by both the houses of parliament and Presidential assent accorded? Attachment is enclosing the bill. But has it become effective> I 've not read it in the news so far


As per my knowledge and discussions with experts, the afore-mentioned bill has not yet become an Act.

After a Bill has been passed by both the Houses of the parliament, it

is presented to the President for his/her assent. Then only it becomes

an Act. But in India it is only a formality, because only in

exceptional cases, President may send it back for reconsideration.

Definitely, this Bill will get the assent of the President and it will come

into force with retrospective effect.

You please read the following section which has been newly inserted by

the amendment Bill

"13A. Notwithstanding anything contained in any judgment, decree or

order of any court, for the period commencing on and from the 3rd day

of April, 1997 and ending on the day on which the Payment of Gratuity

(Amendment) Act, 2009, receives the assent of the President, the

gratuity shall be payable to an employee in pursuance

of the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of

Labour and Employment vide number S.O. 1080, dated the 3rd day of

April, 1997 and the said notification shall be valid and shall be

deemed always to have been valid as if the Payment of Gratuity

(Amendment) Act, 2009 had been in force at all material times and the

gratuity shall be payable accordingly:

Provided that nothing contained in this section shall extend, or be

construed to extend, to affect any person with any punishment or

penalty whatsoever by reason of the non-payment by him of the gratuity

during the period specified in this section which shall become due in

pursuance of the said notification.".

From India, Delhi
Dear All, I am attaching the ALL India State wise Labour fund details for the refernce of all HR community. regards Murali(tatapranav)
From India, Hyderabad
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: doc allstate labour welfare fund details.doc (47.5 KB, 969 views)

Dear All, Attached is the CDBT notification dated 18.12.2009 regarding Income Tax on perks. kb prasanna
From India, Korba
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: doc CDBT notification dtd 18122009.doc (95.5 KB, 461 views)

Iam vennela..Iam doing my MBA now and i ve taken HR as my specialisation. Iam planning to do my project in a Banking sector. Can any body suggest me the various HR topics that can be doneBanking sector.

From India, Hyderabad

Dear friends, I am attaching Workmen’s Compensation Amendment Act 2009 as finally assented by the President in Word format. Regards,
From India, Malappuram
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: doc WC Amendment Act 2009.doc (34.0 KB, 460 views)

The undernoted is the news that appeared in the Tribune of 7/01/2010.

Hike likely in pvt employees’ gratuity
Anita Katyal
Our Political Correspondent

New Delhi, January 6
The Centre is proposing to raise the ceiling for payment of gratuity for private sector employees from Rs 3.5 lakh to Rs 10 lakh. The proposal is to be placed before the Union Cabinet for its approval at its meeting tomorrow.

The move, which has been in the pipeline for several months, follows the Sixth Pay Commission recommendation that has raised the limit for Central government employees. Once the Cabinet approves the Labour Ministry’s proposal tomorrow, it will bring parity between the government and private sector employees.

Sources said there had been a spate of representatives from the private sector demanding such an extension in the gratuity payment after the Centre had changed the rules for the government employees. The matter had been under consideration, as the Labour Ministry first elicited the views of the stakeholders concerned.

The trade unions and other representatives of employees, it is learnt, had gone as far as to suggest that there should be no ceiling on the payment of gratuity. However, the Centre decided to put the private sector and the government employees at par by fixing the upper limit at Rs10 lakh as it was felt that such a drastic move would place a financial burden on the employers.

The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, applies to factories and other establishments employing 10 or more persons. The employees are entitled to payment of gratuity on completion of 10 years in service at the rate of 15-day wages for each year of service or part of it in excess of six months subject to maximum Rs 3,50,000.

Since the gratuity is considered an income, an employee has to pay taxes on it. However, gratuity up to Rs 3,50,000 is exempted from tax under the provisions of Section 10(10) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

In the last Parliament session, the Centre had amended the Gratuity Act to clarity the definition of an employee. According to the new law, anybody who is earning a wage is characterised as an employee and is liable to receive gratuity.

Has the amendment to the bill been cleared.


From India, Ludhiana

Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Act 2009 as assented to by the President is attached in Word format. Thanks
From India, Malappuram
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: doc Payment of Gratuity Amendment Act 2009.doc (21.5 KB, 451 views)

Thank you Agarwal Saheb. This amendment was long awaited by employees who were not included in the definition. The retrospective effect also would make many eligible who did not get the benefit.
From India, Madras
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