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Women groups are really at it. They are working more aggressively when they realized that now people aren’t blindly accepting their legal provision to protect women’s so-called ‘rights’. People are now opposing their biased laws. Their deception is exposed now. Women groups have already made a perfect formula in the name of IPC 498A and Domestic Violence Bill to ruin Indian families, and now they have their sight on the corporate world. They have shown to the people that women’s so-called rights are all about violation of fundamental rights of men. IPC 498A is rampantly misused, Domestic Violence Bill is open to heavy misuse and this sexual harassment at workplace law, too is composed in a manner appropriate for misuse. Women groups are not interested in protecting actual victims; they want to harass men legally.

The new Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Bill, 2006 has a very striking similarity with IPC 498A and Domestic Violence Bill. All the three laws are extremely biased. It writes, “Whereas sexual harassment infringes the Fundamental Right of a woman to gender equality under Article 14 of the Constitution of India.” Women groups don’t consider men being the holder of the same ‘rights’ to gender equality under Article 14 of the Constitution of India, and that is why they have no included ‘men’ as aggrieved person. Only women can complain against sexual harassment. Even if a man is sexually harassed by a woman, he has no right to complain. If women groups argue about the number of cases then in that case in foreign countries, men too are given legal protection under sexual harassment at workplace laws because men too are sexually harassed in large number if lesser compared to women. It seems that women groups follow this theory: if 49 men suffer and 50 women suffer, legal protection should be given to only women.

Aggrieved person can only be a woman. A man can’t complain if he is sexually harassed. Is it not over-generalization in saying that no man in the entire country will ever get sexually harassed by a woman? Are men not sexually seduced by a woman at workplace, then why that is not termed a form of sexual harassment? We all know that a woman’s ways of sexually seducing a man is extremely subtle and they are fairly good at denying it. Women tend to dress and move her body in a manner to excite sexual feelings in men, which has never been considered as sexual harassment.

Aggrieved female could be major or minor according to this law. Which company would hire a minor girl? Besides, child labour is already banned in the country and so there is no question of seeing a minor girl working in a company instead of studying. And if there will be minor girls working; then is it not important to properly implement anti-child labour laws? This law also protects domestic servants. Yes, a domestic servant can easily blackmail her employer for money.

Sexual Harassment defined as is such unwelcome sexually determined behaviour such as physical contact, advances, sexually coloured remarks, showing pornography or making sexual demands, whether verbal, textual, graphic or electronic or by any other actions, which may contain:

1) Implied or overt promise of preferential treatment in that employee’s employment or

2) An implied or overt threat of detrimental treatment in that employee employment or an implied or overt threat about the present or future employment status of that employee and includes the creation of hostile working environment.

3) The conduct interferes with an employee’s work or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.

4) Such conduct can be humiliating and may constitute a health and safety problem.

Loopholes: What is the difference between ‘welcome’ and ‘unwelcome’? Does that mean a welcome sexual behaviour is acceptable at a ‘workplace’? This law is accepting that women ‘do’ have the tendency to welcome sexual behaviour and that it is alright at workplace. Are women coming to the workplace to work or welcome sexual behaviour? Who decides whether a particular sexual behaviour was welcomed or unwelcomed by a woman? Maybe a sexual behaviour was welcomed by a woman but later she denied it. Is it not possible that she made the man believe that she is welcoming his sexual behaviour only to accuse him later under this Act? Women will put the bait and this law will trap an innocent man easily.

What is ‘physical contact’? Handshake is a physical contact. Is that sexual harassment? What if a man casually touched a woman’s hand and the woman misinterpreted as a sexual harassment? Colleagues are friends, too. Besides, male models too are victims of casting couch. What about them? It seems that women groups have no if a man is sexually harassed by a woman.

Workplace means any department/organization, establishment or undertaking wholly or substantially controlled by the Central Government or the state Government or local or other authority under the control of the central or state government.

Loopholes: Does this mean that after the 33% women reservation in Parliament is passed, a female member can accuse a male member of the parliament of sexual harassment? This will be interesting. Politicians were too curious to approve all legal proposals of women for vote-bank and now it seems these politicians will face the consequences of their own misdeeds.

In other cases where an employer-employee relationship does not exist- it shall be the duty of the head of the professional body or institute to ensure that

1) No student or any person seeking admission to any such institution / professional body or a client is subjected to sexual harassment.

Loopholes: What if a female student threatens a professor that if he doesn’t give her admission/distinction in some subject, then she will accuse him of sexual harassment? Will he not comply with this female student’s demands? He will.

Besides, if students too are taken into consideration, then in that case, boys too are sexually harassed and abused. Why that is not a concern for these women groups? After all it is Ministry for Women and “Child” Development. Child is not just girls. In foreign countries too, boys are sexually abused by their female teachers, elder sisters, babysitters and other female relatives of the family. If modern people are following the US Culture, then is it not possible that such incidents will be happening here, too? Incest is extremely private and no survey can give a true statistical picture and therefore considering only female as victims is grossly mistaken.

Moreover, a boy faces much more traumatic experience than girls after he is sexually abused by someone he trusts because the society does not recognize the truth that a female can sexually abuse a male. A boy will never come out and complain of being sexually abused by someone because it is always the girls who are taught to speak up. Last year, an Indian origin, Lina Sinha, working as a teacher in US was convicted of sexually abusing a minor male student. There are hundreds of cases coming up each year of similar nature. Refusing to protect males is only revealing their deception.

Compensation will be awarded to the person aggrieved by the appropriate court or forum after determining the following factors:

1) The mental trauma, pain, suffering and emotional distress caused to the person aggrieved;

2) The loss in career opportunities due to this particular incident;

3) Medical expenses incurred by the victim for physical or psychiatric help;

4) The income and financial status of the defendant.

Loopholes: What if the income and financial status of the defendant is extremely poor? This implies that the woman will accuse somebody who has reasonable income and good financial status. Poor men will not be accused. Only middle-class and upper-middle-class people will be targeted.

Internal Complaint Committee shall consists not be less than three members. The committee shall be headed by a woman, who shall be its chairperson. Not less than half of its members shall be women. All the members of the committee should be neutral and unbiased.

Loopholes: The belief that only a woman can understand another woman is itself negative and biased. What if a woman is filing a false complaint? Will the women in the committee remain biased or give a truthful judgment? What if a man is victimized legally with a false complaint of a woman? Will this biased committee do justice to the man or will stick to giving the woman whatever she wants from him. A man is better equipped to do justice in a case where a man is falsely accused and that is why men are deliberately not given the power to decide.

Who may file a complaint. 1) An aggrieved woman, 2) In case of death of the aggrieved woman, her legal heir or representative, 3) In case of more than one aggrieved woman, all of any one of more of them on behalf of herself and others, 4) with authorization/written consent on behalf of persons covered by clauses (i)(ii) and (iii) above: (a) A registered trade union, (b) A women’s organization or an non-governmental organization, (c) a co-employee

May file the complaint on behalf of the complaint in so far it relates to initiating the action under the provision of this Act.

Loopholes: Why a woman should be allowed to complaint on behalf of an aggrieved woman? This provision is clearly vindictive in nature. Bringing a women’s organization into the complaint process will strengthen a false case. Who could face death out of a sexual harassment at workplace? Why such a provision is given into this Act?

Rules of Evidence. In particular, in conducting such an enquiry, the Enquiry Committee:

1) Shall be sensitive to the covert private and insidious nature of the sexual harassment and shall take into account that often the aggrieved woman may not be able to lead direct or corroborative evidence.

2) Shall not permit any evidence or examination based on the aggrieved woman’s character, personal life, and conduct personal and sexual history.

3) Shall take note of the respective socio-economic positions of the parties, their hierarchy in the respective organizations/workplace, the employer-employee equations and the power differences while appreciating the evidence.

4) Shall, inform the alleged victim of sexual harassment, that she may give her evidence in writing provided that she makes herself available for examination by the defendant on the same, unless the alleged victim of sexual harassment opts to give her evidence orally.

5) May disallow any questions desired to be put by the defendant to the aggrieved woman which it feels are derogatory, irrelevant or slanderous to her.

6) Shall inform the alleged victim of sexual harassment, that she may give her answers to questions of a sensitive nature in writing immediately in the enquiry proceedings during cross examination.

Loopholes: This means that even if a woman has insufficient evidence to prove her allegation, her statement will be, by default, considered genuine. Is this provision not giving powers to a woman to accuse anybody she like because she is not expected to give sufficient evidence? Will this provision not make men vulnerable to get falsely accused? Yes.

What if the genuineness of the case can be understood only after referring to the aggrieved woman’s character, personal life and conduct, personal and sexual history? By disallowing, this provision is violating fundamental rights of men to defend himself and is against judicial principles. This provision is protecting a false case filed by a woman. This provision also proves that this Act is not worried if an innocent man is falsely convicted.

Points like Socio-economic position of the parties, organizational hierarchy and power difference are only a means to give more credibility to a woman’s complaint because rarely a man would attempt to sexually harass his female superior. This is totally biased provision and unnecessary and is trying to manipulate the reader of this provision. Bringing these points to the mind, this provision is, in a way, directing the Committee and the employer in support of the complainant and against the accused before enquiry. It is bias.

Any questions asked by the defendant to the aggrieved woman, that will reveal the falsity of the complaint will obviously be considered by the aggrieved woman as derogatory, irrelevant and slanderous even if it is not. Will she not term the defendant’s questions as derogatory, irrelevant and slanderous in order to protect her false case? She will. The committee should be concerned with giving justice and not think how a woman will protect her false case.

A written statement alone cannot be considered as evidence in any legal procedure. This is biased.

Power to issue interim orders. The committee shall have the power to issue appropriate interim orders directing the employer, on the demand of either the complainant or any witness giving evidence in her support, to implement such measures as transfer, changing shifts etc.

Loopholes: How can the Committee on the demand of the aggrieved woman issue orders to the employer to give evidence in her support? Employer has the right to give genuine evidence, which may support the aggrieved woman or the defendant. The committee has no right to violate the rights of the employer only to strengthen the case even if the case be false.

Actions to be taken after enquiry. (5) No person accused of an act of sexual harassment under this Act shall be part of the decision making process referred to in this section.

Loopholes: Then how come the aggrieved woman is part of the decision making process? The aggrieved woman has been given too much power to direct the judgment in her favour from the beginning of the complaint till the verdict. This is bias.

Complainant not penalized. If a complaint of sexual harassment is dismissed by a Complaints Committee under this Act, no action whatsoever (including recovery of any costs involved in investigating / enquiring into the complaint) may be taken in regard to the same against the complaint/witness/supporters by the employer.

Loopholes: When a complaint is dismissed by the committee after thorough investigation and enquiry, it is understood that the complaint was false and frivolous. When this Act is providing biased provision to women where the complaint is considered genuine even after insufficient evidence given by the woman, it becomes clear that the complaint was false. Not penalizing a false complainant is directly encouraging others to misuse this biased law even further. Penalizing a false complaint will prevent women to file false cases against an innocent man. Not penalizing the woman proves that misuse of this law is bound to happen but still the woman will remain protected under this Act. The woman will not be penalized for an attempt to destroy a man’s reputation and his career. This provision refuses to acknowledge the traumatic experience of an innocent man who was about to get falsely implicated. This is bias.

Prohibition against victimization. (1) No person (woman) shall be victimized for anything said or done in relation to any complaints or proceeding under the Act. (2) A person victimizes another person if the person subjects the other person or threatens to subject the other person to any detriment in connection with employment or recruitment or promotion because such person. (i) Has brought proceedings under this Act against any person, (ii) the other person associates with the complainants, (iii) Has otherwise done anything in accordance with this Act in relation to any person.

Loopholes: Even after filing a false complaint against an innocent, neither employer nor anybody else can do anything. A woman should not be victimized by the employer after she has victimized an innocent man using this biased law. The man who is falsely accused is not considered victimized by the false complainant. His career is ruined but still he is not considered a victim of a false allegation. His reputation in the company is destroyed but he is not considered a victim of a false allegation. This law is protecting the woman who made a false allegation to ruin an innocent man’s career. The employer has the right to terminate the woman for trying to damage an innocent man’s reputation and career. The Committee should have no power to govern the decision of the company.

No court fees payable: Where an aggrieved woman institutes any suit or legal proceedings in a civil court in respect of an act of sexual harassment which in unlawful under this act, no court fees will be payable by the woman.

Loopholes: Public money collected as tax is expended in court fees for women who will be filing false complaints of sexual harassment to earn money. The actual victim, man, who is falsely accused, will have to pay the court fees. Why the court fees are exempted for women? This is unnecessary and bias.

IPC 498A is heavily misused. Domestic Violence will be rampantly misused. And Sexual Harassment at workplace laws too will be misused. All women protective laws are getting misused. Maybe the law itself is deliberately made biased so that it is misused. Women are given so much unnecessary credibility that a man accused is presumed guilty until proven innocent, which has not yet opened the eyes of the Supreme Court that this is violation of judicial principles as well as violation of fundamental rights of men. All these laws are enacted to protect the so-called ‘rights’ of women is all fake. From no perspective these laws can be termed as protectors of women’s so-called ‘rights’. These laws are giving unnatural powers to women to harass, victimize, and blackmail men with the help of these laws.

Now it is high time. We have tolerated enough. Enough biased laws are been enacted and enough numbers of families and men are legally tortured. Now no more women’s ‘rights’ issues should be entertained in the country. Radical feminists have lost their minds. Don’t allow them to ruin Indian families and now Indian Corporate World. This is getting too much.

More and more men are committing suicide and are taking decisions to remain single. They can’t take the risk of getting married and see a woman powerful enough to legally torture him and his parents, get him arrested on a false complaint and leave him bankrupt. Now men are fearful that if such biased laws will govern the corporate world, too, then where will they go? There is no safe place for men now in the country. Is this what gender equality is all about? It is no longer a secret that women groups are deceptively trying to get biased laws approved by the Government to legally harass and torture men under the name of women’s so-called ‘rights’. These aren’t women’s ‘rights’. Women are been given extraordinary powers with such biased laws.

They have done enough damage. Not any more.


From India, Mumbai
hmm... I am NOT sure IF this will happen I am NOT sure if there is some other law that stops MPs from being sued BUT if this happens, people will wake up !!

“No Sir, I am telling you Sir, I have done nothing” Vinod pleaded.

“But, Swati is saying you did made a sexual advance on her” said Gautam, Managing Director of the company.

Seated in a swanky personal office of the Managing Director, Mr. Gautam, was trying to handle an uncommon situation in the office. Swati, his person secretary, has accused Vinod, the Marketing Manager, of sexual harassment.

“I don’t know why she is saying it. Believe me I haven’t done anything to her.”

“Vinod, are you aware that this is a punishable offence?”

“But Sir, I swear to God, I have not done anything to her.”

“Now you better explain to me why would she lie if you say that you haven’t done anything?”

“But Sir, I am telling you the truth.”

You mean she isn’t telling the truth?”

“I don’t know Sir.”

“Vinod, you are only making this difficult for yourself.”

Slightly bald Gautam in his plain white shirt wearing an expensive lustrous tie got from his oversized pitch black velvety leather chair and goes to the large exquisite wooden cupboard and takes out a red coloured file with a name ‘Company Policy’.

He flips through the thick pages of the file and articulates, “Now listen up Vinod, here in our company policy it is categorically stated that whoever is accused of a wrongful conduct such a sexual harassment shall thereupon be terminated from the employment.”

Vinod gravely replied, “But Sir, it has only used the word ‘accused’. And I believe the allegation of wrongful conduct upon me hasn’t been proved yet.”

Swati quickly said, “Fine, if you don’t believe then ask Mohan, our peon, who was present at that moment.”

Mohan, short, skinny youngster came in and was asked about the incident.

“Sir, only Vinod and Swati were present there in the pantry. When I entered, Swati screamed saying, ‘Don’t touch me’ and scrammed.”

Vinod vehemently interrupted, “That’s it. He didn’t see anything. He only heard what Swati yelled.”

Swati retorted, “But it also doesn’t prove that you didn’t do anything.”

Vinod took a deep breath and said, “Fine, let me explain. I was in the pantry to have a cup of tea and behind me I saw Swati. I didn’t bother to see what she was doing. After a while, just before Mohan entered, she suddenly screamed. And that is what all happened.”

“Vinod, can you prove you are innocent” asked Gautam slowly.

“Why should I prove that I am innocent? She should prove her allegations first.”

Swati gloomily said, “Sir, if you can’t do justice, then I might as well leave this company. I don’t want to work in a company where there is no respect for women.”

Vinod looked on Swati with disbelief. He was unable to figure out the reason behind her allegations and behaviour. He was beginning to lose his temper.

Gautam meekly said, “Swati, you don’t have to leave the company. You will get justice, I promise. Could you please leave us alone, I will speak to Vinod in private.”

Swati sadly looking down and got up from the chair and innocently strode out of the office.

She could hear Gautam yelling on Vinod but was not clearly audible to know what he was saying.

Anju, Swati’s colleague and a close friend, came over and asked about the chaos.

“Gautam Sir is yelling at Vinod for sexually harassing me” Swati curtly replied.

“Oh my God, Vinod tried to sexually harass you?” shocked and amazed, Anju asked with a low voice.

Swati looked around if anybody is watching her and came close to Anju’s ear and muttered, “No, I am lying.”

From India, Mumbai
Rebel ,
Well explained and we have wittness every day such type of sexual harresement complain.
That is the reson i say ,LAW and Maximum HR Managers consider , all men considered as by birth rapist, the borng in criminal family .
Where as all the women borng in Raja Harish chandar family , their word is sufficient.
We a lot of change in terms of Gender Quality treatment by maximum HR managers.
But still I find some good HR managers ( women) , who do not go as per female mouth , but in maximum cases Men HR manager , give you very tuff time, as they will not belive you at all.
This is the reality .

From India, Delhi
If woman found guilty for reporting false case. what punishment is there, according to HR Policy ? is same termination logic apply for her ?

That is the key in this proposed law.
In spite of in the IPC all the provision are there to punish the criminal who does the crime , our sadist women activist want such law where , they can't get any punishment for lie.
The way they have earlier made 498a, Domestic violence act , the conception is all same.
Wonder our Corporate world will able to digest this or not.

From India, Delhi
Oh the handshake thing reminds me of one incidence.

It was the famous pink-slip era of year 2000. I was the Centre Manager of a Training Institute. And I was ordered to sack a very good looking counselor because she was not performing and was also very aggressive. My bosses would follow up with me for the same.

The needful was done. and the counselor got wild. The transit was not smooth but finally i could manage closing the baseless arguement. She started it by joining her hands with a clap on my face as a response to the offered hand-shake.

Later I found some of the jealous collegues provoking her by their versions of body language lingo that my style of shaking hands was vulgar. :o now what is that? I also discovered that later my bosses only placed her in a call center. I could not figure out then why did they pressurise me to sack her and then became her god fathers. I resigned soon after seeking a better job from this dirty political group.

I am just pondering that if this happens with someone else when such baseless bill is passed any girl to satisfy her ego and any collegue to settle scores may provoke and misrepresent such situation and further if lawyer is in the scene then sequels of aitraaz would take place.

such things happen quite frequently in work places but with over legislation one may find difficult to sack a lethargic yet smart and manipulative individual.

Dear All,
We are conducting open house training program on "Sexual Harassment at Workplace" at Indian International Center, New Delhi on November 23rd 2012.
Companies/ Individuals / NGO's have the best opportunity to gather relevant information about the Topic.
For further details, kindly contact at 9717210372.
in_cr_ove TQM School
0120 - 4119401

From India, Ghaziabad
Shut Up, You Live in a woman’s World .before woman empowerment and after woman protection laws its a men’s world is a perception
From India
Misuse of sexual harassment protection laws by females?


co-worker girls to take help or benefits from male co-worker they try to talk horny way/ flirty way/ try to on sex desired of man.

case 1 - If man get that girl try to flirt to take work advantage and don't give her attention then girls complain against those male to management or spread humor in other male co-worker person is not talking appropriately or don't help her. to take others in confidence and sympathy.

case 2 - Male co-worker start flirting as yes sign from girl and help her whatever she wants and girl allow him to come in to her for chitchat, touch, kiss, sex anything like that once she take over him or work is finished then she don't need him anymore so to take away from him she file complain to management against him about sexual harassment


how female employee trace male boss in sexual harassment protection laws?

Female do lots of flirting and encourage male boss to get all kind of special benefits to make career once its achieved they trap them using protection laws.


Female boss do flirting with male subordinate to take special work advantage

and fired him once its done using harassment protection laws

girls are smart to make fool men even when no literacy

girls in corporate world try to on male sex desire and then take them to office with cameras and once men think she is with her and touch or talk frankly at that time girls intentionally try to show that that man do sexual harassment

please write your experiences

these all women protection laws are made not to protect women they are made to discriminate with men using law.

as we know that Indian constitution and execution of law is very silly then why this kind of law start executing without appropriate implementation

using this only male have to suffer and police and advocates make money

How man have to deal with gender discrimination and mental harassment done base on fast action laws made by women protection.

does it like that law want to give a chance to women to take revenge with all men?

Let me know how to deal with woman at workplace where girls try to use all kind of traps to make her career and misuse all laws.

Its hard for men to survive in Indian culture after having tag of sexual harassment on his career. all family and corporate world don't accept him

is this fair thing. when all men wake up against this kind of law.??

From India
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