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can someone please help me in regards to performance management system. please email me on for more information for what information i require thanks
From United Kingdom, London
hi twinkle . ita sawan . just now i have seen your message . tha performance management system deals with performance appraisal basically and its more related to policy formulation and settins the standards regarding the preformance of an employee. i will give u more informatoin tomorrow and i will send one power point presentation related to your topic tomorrow .

hi sawan please can u email me. i have a question in regards to performance management??? will u be able to help me or guide me through it????
From United Kingdom, London
Dear Sawan, I am also doing a project on Performance Management System. Can you send the presentation of PMS to me too. Regards Trupti.
From India, Mumbai
I am sonia ,working in automobile company, I have work on performance management system.I have some view on PMS. i have made first time PMS in my company,hope it will be help out.
1.Firstly you should make a policy on PMS,which includes all objective anf goal.
2.On the baises of company profile you should make format of performance will be on two parts one is subjective and other is objective,and give the weighteg of the factor which you take.
I have attached the copy of format.

From India, New Delhi
Hi trupti can you sharegrament industr the pms with me i am working for a y where i need to start from start, request you to kindly help,
you can even mail me how goal sheet should be what should be pms policies,
@ 9945544996

From India, Bangalore
Hello Twinkle,
Here is the performance appraisal system, which you are looking for. It has the following features:
  • 360° appraisal
  • Setup of Appraisal Managers and Appraisee
  • Outside contributor management
  • Appraisal template setup
  • Minimal training needed for all contributors
  • Quick access to appraisal history
Please visit for more info or you can send me email at

From India, Calcutta
hi I am Shwetha Pursing IV sem MBA.I am keenly interested in HR topics. So if u find any interesting Hr topics please send me, which will help me to update my knowledge. Thank you
From India, Bangalore
Im Doing A Project On Ta Topic " What Influence Does Performance Mesurment Have On Reward, Productivity And Job Job Satisfaction" Can Anybody Help?

hai sawanth this is vamsi krishna .i am doing my project on performance mangement system . can you help me on this regard.
From India, Hyderabad
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