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Research Results For "Profession Change Application" - Page 1

Can I Change My Profession From Business Development To Training? (292) (21/Nov/2012)
Hello I wanted to know if I can change my career from business development to becoming a trainer... If yes how should be my approach can any one guide me on this? Regards Sunny...
Total participants: 2, View average: 0.3439

Profession Tax - Professional Tax [Thread 47927] (293) (27/Sep/2007)
Hi All I want clarification about the provisions of Profession Tax. It is payable by the Company Registered under the Companies Act 1956 & engaged in any profession trade etc i also want list of those profession trade etc based on the annual income of the Company. And above mentioned...
Total participants: 2, View average: 0.3772

UPDATE: Profession Tax - Tuticorin - Revised Slab - 2013-14 (2) (696) (27/Jan/2014)
Is the profession tax not applicable uniformly to the entire state of Tamil Nadu ? How can Tuticorin change the rates ?
Seniors participating: 1, Total participants: 2, View average: 1.3124, Contains Attachments

Is It Good To Start Career With Recruitment Firm? (1197) (04/Apr/2007)
For those thinking to take recruitment as career you may have a look on this article dedicated to Recruitment as profession Recruitment As Profession...
Total participants: 8, View average: 1.2619

How To Change Career Path? (331) (18/Dec/2013)
Dear All i have over 8 years of Sales experience in different organizations now i would like to change my sales profession to HR profession recently finished BBA Management Specialization and my thesis topic is how annual performance appraisal affect job satisfaction of employees need your support on how to...
Total participants: 3, View average: 0.3887

Are Disabled People Exempted From Profession Tax? (913) (05/Jul/2007)
Hi Are physically blind mental etc. disabled people are exempted from paying profession tax? If so under which section of the profession act this has been detailed. Can I get soft copy of it? Many thanks Cheers Srini...
Total participants: 2, View average: 1.1029

Profession Tax - Doc Download (295) (19/Oct/2012)
Dear All Please tell me Is profession tax applicable in Kerala and Assam. I have also searched a lot on this but not got any right information about it. Thanks Anisha Mittal...
Total participants: 2, View average: 0.6101, Contains Attachments